negative pressure vs. Positive pressure

Do you really think an intake fan and exhaust are necessary? I've never ran an intake fan, and havent had a problem.
I find it hard to believe air in the tent goes stagnant in 3 to 5 min. If it does, it doesnt seem to have much effect on my plants. My exhaust kicks on every 30 min or so to keep temps around 80
I just said air needs to be exchanged and gave a standard amount to shoot for to garentee fresh air on your plants, my only point was bigger exhaust smaller intake garenteed negative pressure, i did not give any definitive measure to achieve this, will ur tent air go stagnant- probly not cause nobody turns light on in a tent leaves the plants under it and never checks and 90% of people leave the thing wide open when the lights on so all and all chances are not going to be a problem just shoot for bigger exhaust then intake and give ur plants fresh air to breath and put all the equipment you can outside the tent
I just said air needs to be exchanged and gave a standard amount to shoot for to garentee fresh air on your plants, my only point was bigger exhaust smaller intake garenteed negative pressure, i did not give any definitive measure to achieve this, will ur tent air go stagnant- probly not cause nobody turns light on in a tent leaves the plants under it and never checks and 90% of people leave the thing wide open when the lights on so all and all chances are not going to be a problem just shoot for bigger exhaust then intake and give ur plants fresh air to breath and put all the equipment you can outside the tent
I have the intake fan outside the tent in the car inside seems to be working excellent only thing is the noise but I like the noise sleep at night just don't like when I have to watch TV only thing is my little oscillating fan is starting to windburn one of my siblings so I put it up more
Filter, extractor in the tent for me, I think some people may have it outside if they don’t have Much room but I’m not 100% sure. Yes that’s right negative pressure your tent should be sucking in. Some people will have an intake fan on the outside maybe that’s what you’re seeing.
Yes I'm getting great results I have the filter inside and the exhaust fan on the outside