What did you accomplish today?

Indeed. I'm not complaining though. They only stay in one place and do not venture into the actual lake. sunfish, catfish and crappie also lol. Smallies too in a different area.
LOL, when I lived in MN there was a place in nearby Chaska, that had 3 old no longer used rock quarries converted to small(~100X600 yds) lakes, each was stocked and dedicated to various fish: bass, blue gill, perch; northern pike and walleye; the third just various trout. I called it going to the driving range cuz it reminded me the golf driving range. Most lakes are infested with bass, blue gill, pikes who decimated the troots. Trout experience req'd going up north to the shore of Lake Superior for Steel heads or the various running streams for brookies and browns
LOL, when I lived in MN there was a place in nearby Chaska, that had 3 old no longer used rock quarries converted to small(~100X600 yds) lakes, each was stocked and dedicated to various fish: bass, blue gill, perch; northern pike and walleye; the third just various trout. I called it going to the driving range cuz it reminded me the golf driving range. Most lakes are infested with bass, blue gill, pikes who decimated the troots. Trout experience req'd going up north to the shore of Lake Superior for Steel heads or the various running streams for brookies and browns
I'd love some pike of musky on the fly!
Except whenthe lakes were frozen I'd fish to and from work most days of the year, mostly get perch, bluegills and cats and filet them out right there. Then a big fish fry every saturday, except for winter I loved that place LOL
I have a friend from Pennsylvania that told me about when the fish were running in the rivers you could almost use them as stepping stones there were so many. I used to sit and watch this fishcam from Lake Superior for hours...lol. https://www.lssu.edu/cfre/cfre-fishcam/
New driveway and fixed some of the other driveway.......22 yards of sure-pac pushed around with a mini.....I got it half hand raked. I came in for a slice of cold pizza and a beer.....don't know if I'm gonna make it back out......its 79 and damn another cold beer is lookin good. LOL sometimes all this time off is like a long weekend.......sometimes it feels like there is no weekend. Walked out at 7 am today to do some other yard work.....I didn't even hear my buddy pull up and start to unload the excavator. He's smiling and says I got 18 yards and his guy commin in an half hr......lol good dude
Well, an hour of transmission fluid dripping on me, but my pickup truck is operational again! Trany cooling lines replaced...I had to get creative, and hopefully they hold! I need my truck to go bicycling!! Isn't that ironic!

Memorial Day weekend is here in the US...Just doing my 1st vapes of the weekend. I have a variety of early buds drying on a windowsill so I have something different/better to smoke this weekend...and maybe a Panama Pupil ready to chop...maybe...gotta scope it later.

Next up, pressure wash patio. After this vaping session....maybe...The reward is then I can bring out the hammock!!
Finished culling the peaches, not going to be a great crop this year. It was raining during flower so the bees weren't out in the numbers they usually would be when it is sunny. I'll still get a couple hundred I figure. I'm going to make $5-20 dollar bags/boxes this year to reduce the hassle on me when I sell them, it will also reduce the foot traffic. I'm thinking $2 a pound.
Need to go get eggs. Beer shelf is already full, love the DG 30 packs.
Pretty strong N wind today, wife is not a happy camper because of it.
I'm thinking spaghetti for dinner, tired of the same ol stuff.