Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


Well-Known Member
well, sea maidens never been rude to me, nor have I seen her be rude to anyone who wasnt rude to her first, like fdd in the prop 5 thread for example. I think fdd is just getting defensive because he knows he cannot intellectually defend his homophobia, especially against sea maiden.... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well, sea maidens never been rude to me, nor have I seen her be rude to anyone who wasnt rude to her first, like fdd in the prop 5 thread for example. I think fdd is just getting defensive because he knows he cannot intellectually defend his homophobia, especially against sea maiden.... bongsmilie

what if i were homophobic?

ok, I'M HOMOPHOBIC. now what? :mrgreen::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
i think ALL marriage needs to be re-examined.

gay and straight.

people shouldn't have to get married for legal reasons.

i feel:

a no vote will keep things as they are.

a yes vote may cause things to be looked at even closer. including straight marriage.

i don't think law and marriage should go together. i am torn on which way to go with my vote. to me it is not a gay or straight thing but more all marriage, in a whole.

hope i made sense.



For the record, since I joined RIU, the mods have been nothing but nice to me. Even when they have to mod me for something. I may not see some mods as much as others, but the ones I do see have always treated me fairly.

Now, Seamaiden, you keep saying that you post in the same manner in which you speak every day. If this is true, why have you not always posted like this? I remember when you first joined RIU, not long after I myself became a member. Your posts then were nothing like they are now. Is it just the election that has you so riled up? I used to think you were one of the most laid back chick's here.

"Anyone and everyone who cheers on a moderator who's being rude, but especially when it's coming from staff towards an "ordinary" member"

What if people are cheering on the mod because they themselves have issues with that particular member? Are they still "taking it up the ass" then? This thread is a perfect example.

Sunnysideup posted feelings she was obviously keeping to herself, and once she did, others came in just to say they agreed with her. I have received several reps for my posts here, and I've been PMed by members I didn't even know where reading this thread.

People feel that you and Dave are bullies who gang up on anyone who doesn't agree with you, talk circles around him, then insult him when he's confused.

It appears that you and Dave have managed to rub a lot of people the wrong way. And it's not because you use big words. I understand you perfectly, and if you use a word I don't know, I'll look it up, and my vocabulary will be improved. It's because insults, no matter how flowery the language or well constructed the sentence, are still insults.

So, having pissed a lot of people off with your condescending tones, are you really surprised when people cheer on someone who gives your rudeness right back to you?

i know i havent been in this argument (thank god) but i have to agree with this.... i have never seen you speak in such "webster-ian" terms, much less had to look up a word on here cause i dont know what it means until now in this thread.... i have had what i consider plenty of contact with you sea, but although you do speak in an intelligent manner, it is never of this caliber... you can go on to say that i'm stupid also, but i consider myself rather intelligent; and tend to agree with the general concensus that this is a attempt at belittling (i know, its spelled wrong:mrgreen:) those that are arguing with you.... i do it to in everyday life, use big words that confuse people and they feel out of their league and get flustered and can no longer argue their point as well, and get highly defensive..... as far as us all taking the shaft from fdd, that's rather crude and just low.... i respect him, cause in my year of being here, i have been treated nothing short of fairly and respectfully by him... i dont take it in my bum, but i will kiss a lil ass when deserved.... anyone that spends as much time on here, and puts up with as much bullshit as he does deserves a lil backup every now and then... no shame in that.... that being said, if i ever did happen to disagree with the man, i would damn sure stand up and say something, but i feel he handles things in a fair and respectable manner until someone gives him reason not to..... feel free to pick this apart as you see fit; grammer, spelling, whatever; but i know where my intelligence level is at... im not bothered.... on a side note, i have no problem with you; its why i stay out of the politics section because i get different views of people i respect when i come in here......

oh, and im a homophobe too... cant help it; thats just a nasty abomination in my eyes....


Well-Known Member
I guess you can label me as a 'Homophobe'.

I have an unreasonable fear of homosapiens.

But somehow bi sexual women who are hot isn't so bad. Hmm but I'm a pig.

But women who want to be men and men who want to be women is kinda 'unnatural' IMO. Perhaps 'kinky' is a better description.

Wonder how homosexuality fits into the theory of natural selection?


I guess you can label me as a 'Homophobe'.

I have an unreasonable fear of homosapiens.

But somehow bi sexual women who are hot isn't so bad. Hmm but I'm a pig.

But women who want to be men and men who want to be women is kinda 'unnatural' IMO. Perhaps 'kinky' is a better description.

Wonder how homosexuality fits into the theory of natural selection?

*edit* i know im making a mistake by getting involved in this, but i've been watching it for too long not to.

i'm a pig too, but i dont even like the whole lesbian/bisex thing.... just not natural.... if we were intended to be like that, we would probably be fully functional hermaphrodites so we could still continue our species:-?


Well-Known Member
theres nothing more natural than way the mind thinks......people cant help being gay just like people cant help being homophobic


Well-Known Member
When I was in the service, had a friend of mine, extremely liberal and a self styled progressive reformist, he was from Boston if that makes any difference.

Always stated he was bi sexual, it was all good. Even though he had no experience to validate his beliefs.

He finally went to a homosexual party, male party.

The next monday his tune changed 180, he was hetro sexual, not bi, not homo, but hetro.

Was the funniest shit I ever seen.

Took a while for him to live it down.

He said the image that portrayed was completely different from reality, and he had made a terrible mistake with his assumptions.


Well-Known Member
When I was in the service, had a friend of mine, extremely liberal and a self styled progressive reformist, he was from Boston if that makes any difference.

Always stated he was bi sexual, it was all good. Even though he had no experience to validate his beliefs.

He finally went to a homosexual party, male party.

The next monday his tune changed 180, he was hetro sexual, not bi, not homo, but hetro.

Was the funniest shit I ever seen.

Took a while for him to live it down.

He said the image that portrayed was completely different from reality, and he had made a terrible mistake with his assumptions.
Let me guess Navy?


What you trying to say?

bunch of guys, on a boat, middle of the ocean.... sailors been doing it for ages..... maybe not a prevalent as we all think, but still makes for a good laugh... (unless you're in the navy, then its not so funny:mrgreen:)