What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
This being a weed forum and all, I am ubber-curious whatall kinda spiritualities lurk about here.

I am a heretic, a Valentian gnostic. I am also a beginner Kabbalist.

I am a vegan as well, and while going for LPN I am also a horse whisperer.

I am a pothead and a wino, but I can do without just as well. (Have to, sometimes.)

Tell me about yourselves, your faith or beliefs, and what you love, what makes you happy.
I believe in a creator of it all. But I'm curious to what is before him.

I definitely believe in an afterlife, a life beyond what we live now. I mean... what is the point of our expanding concentiousness...
Does it just end? Cease to exist? Or does it continue on through different phases through out eternity. We may not be able to comprehend what eternity is, but that does not mean it doesn't exist.

Only one way to find out.
Very true. It is all heresay till you experience it for yourself.

Me, I have been there (where we all came from), I call it the Ground of Being, and it is most wonderous.

Nuttin to be scared of, that's for sure.
Interesting topic puff, Its the most complicated thing to explain i think.I dont beleive that 'being' ever ends.When we die its not truly death, but a transition to the next being.I personaly beleive we live many times over,every life lived is another lesson learned in experience.I beleive there is a source creator or a God as everyone knows the entite to be.We couldnt have come from nothing and be nothing once gone from this world that just goes against everything i see around me,being cause and effect its everywhere and it holds true in all things this world and the next.I also find that time is just a state of mind we are in while living here,eternity is not time at all, but a constant state of any moment, at leaste thats how i view it.
im totally believe if i keep loving my family growing my weed and carry on being content with that everything ill ever need will always come up when i need it.i always say that im lucky for being unlucky. i,v had a fair few massive shroom experiences along the way that have helped me firmly believe, be a good person and the universe will be good to you. its working so far:joint:. i also lister to ALOT of jimi hendrix.
I am a naturalist, therefore I am an atheist and believe in nothing supernatural. When your brain function ceases and you are dead that is it; an eternal dreamless sleep.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Well, raised catholic... dating a preacher's daughter throughout high school... I think I've learned to think for myself and with an open mind and the closest thing I think I could be able to illustrate a "Faith" is Taoism.
Then why does matter move? There is nothing in an atom, what are we all experiencing, and more importantly, why?

I have stepped (breifly) over the threshold, and I KNOW (not believe) there is more than this physical existance.

I know I am not my body, my physical being. I am just using it.
I believe that to have a better afterlife (i wouldnt really call it an afterlife because its not your body and im pretty sure its nothing like this life) you have too be a compassionate loving forgiving person so giving fat counts ties into a lot of those :D

I believe we were created by type IV extra terrestrials with their galactic sized "haydron collider" that caused this 3 dimensional physical and 1 dimensional time universe to be created and put life into it so that we could recycle ZPE energy (your afterlife is your ZPE energy) and to recycle zpe energy you have to be a compassionate loving forgiving person. the point of recycling zpe energy is so that eventually you could enter the chilled universe where you would be outside the 11 dimensions and live for infinite and by live i dont know what i mean but you can get there as a human, thats what type IV extra terrestrials are trying to do using the energy we recycle so that everything can live in peace.

and smoke weed and drop acid.

p.s. hopefully no one thinks im some crazy psycho :S i know this stuff might sound somewhat crazy to someone but seriously if you dont think aliens exist then seriously, i hate to say this, you are a failure. and if aliens exist then the other stuff isnt so far fetched. lol i think thats the first time ive ever sued far fetched.
Hay, man, you got a right to 'em, no matter how crazy or farfetched they sound. Doesn't sound that bad to me, most people point to the sky when asked where 'God' is (I would point to my own heart, but that is me) and that would be outer space, so most people prolly come pretty close to thinking 'God' is a space alien.

Me, it is an inner thing, not an outer, but that is just me.

Perhaps you would find much interest in this link, OrangeFrog, methinks it is right up your alley....
Divine Cosmos - Law of One Study Guide, Section One
After a lot of study and meditation this is what I believe.

There is God the Father (Infinite Consciousness)
God the Son (Christ consciousness)
And the Holy Spirit (nature/ the Cosmos/ all of Vibratory creation)

Infinite Consciousness is as well as manifested in vibratory creation. All creation is actually just one. God is everything and everything is God. We don't realize this because of the ego. The Ego separates the One (God/Infinite Consciousness) into several (You, Me, and Dupree). The Ego is what gives you the ability have experience and to unify all of your experience. But at the same time it is a facade or a delusion.

There are two realities because there are two yous. Your true self which is the Spirit or Son of God (the direct reflection of God or Infinite consciousness). Then there is the material/physical world of illusion/delusion or as the Hindus called it...maya.

The entire point of life is simple. The ONE wanted to be everything else so it could interact and experience itself. So the purpose of life is to fulfill the desires of your heart or natural impulses and become self actualized. Most people "sin" or miss the point of life because the hold themselves back from doing what they really want to do. If you want to be an artist but you don't because you would rather chase a dollar than you have sinned, or missed the point of your life. However, this is where reincarnation comes in to play. You will come back again and again until you have fulfilled your purpose and brought your mission or desires into manifestation on this physical plane. Once you have done whatever you are supposed to do then you evolve spiritually and move on to a greater existence. As your consciousness grows you grow more spiritually. I believe eventually everyone will evolve to become God.

According to the Bible we are made in the Image of God. The first thing God does is create. We create and manifest at a much lower level. However we are one of the few creatures on this planet that is self aware and that can expand consciousness. Consciousness is the underlying thing of existence not matter. Science is starting discover that the observer directly affects what is being observed. This is because your consciousness is stronger than that of any material form. So if you grow your consciousness then you can actually create reality. But before you can do that you need faith that you can do it or it can't happen because the mental construct that your observing reality from won't allow it to.

Now...Jesus said "And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free." My evolve is that we are subject to laws of nature and the universe because we don't know the Truth. The Truth is that we can do whatever we want to do if we believe we can and then use the power of our consciousness to do it. Consciousness does not die. It is Immortal. Time is a mental construct and the people in power are afraid that you might find out that you really can do whatever you want, because then they can no longer control you.

So.... Your true self, what you really are can never die. Only the form dies. But that is because the form is material and subject to the laws of nature. Your consciousness is not. Therefore if you realize this through selfreflection/meditation/prayer then you are no longer subject to the continuous cycle of life. You break the cycle, reach Nirvana, or the other side. You become enlightened.

I think that the search in life is never fulfilled when you look externally. The search in life is to find out what you already are, remember where you came from, do what you came here to do, and Go back.

Hope this makes sense.
Wonderful, seriously deep. I for one am comfortable in deep waters, tho.

I personally feel the 'image of God' you speak of is more metaphorical to me (of course, I am a gnostic and a heretic). It means the I AM, the awareness of 'self'.

I also see us more in the Manichean (and to some extent, kabbalistic) sense. We are tripartate beings. THere is the 'light' and the 'dark', they got into an awful battle and the Hyalic Man was created to keep the dark from attacking the light, and this being chased the dark into the lowest reaches of matter (the material world, or to use a neo-gnostic term, the matrix) and both defeated the dark and was completely consumed by it. There was the stuff of the material world, called 'admixed', then there was dark and light, and in this realm they got all mixed up together, and so the material world (with the planets and suns and beings like us) were created to to get the light back outta the dark and admixed matter. Why I don't eat meat.

This is a good discussion, I really enjoyed Bob's post, very true and spiritual without getting 'preachy.' Awesome. I too find the common thread in all faiths.

HomeGrown- Issit that you don't believe in 'God' in the sense everyone else does, but you do think there is 'something out there,' so to speak, or do you think as FZZW does and this is 'all there is?'

Not to pry, if it ain't none of my biznez you can tell me.
HomeGrown- Issit that you don't believe in 'God' in the sense everyone else does, but you do think there is 'something out there,' so to speak, or do you think as FZZW does and this is 'all there is?'

Not to pry, if it ain't none of my biznez you can tell me.

I agree with FZZW.