What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
I have had seizures that 'mimic' the 'death experience.'

Having had those, I can tell you from expereince (not beliefs or heresay, I don't go for that) that there is SOMETHING that 'happens' when your body stops (or dies). I have had no heart rate, brain activity, or blood pressure or any of it for, like 4 minutes. (Validated by medical tests.) THen I 'pop' back (tho that is NOT how it happens from my end.)

Now, I ain't preachin heaven or hell, (cuz according to my 'faith' we are in 'hell' right now) but I can tell you from my own experience that there is something out there.

Have you ever had such an expereince? Do you think if you did it would change your mind?


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that once your brain stops functioning there is no coming back. I'm sure there is a scientific explanation for whatever you experiencd.


Well-Known Member
I have had seizures that 'mimic' the 'death experience.'

Having had those, I can tell you from expereince (not beliefs or heresay, I don't go for that) that there is SOMETHING that 'happens' when your body stops (or dies). I have had no heart rate, brain activity, or blood pressure or any of it for, like 4 minutes. (Validated by medical tests.) THen I 'pop' back (tho that is NOT how it happens from my end.)

Now, I ain't preachin heaven or hell, (cuz according to my 'faith' we are in 'hell' right now) but I can tell you from my own experience that there is something out there.

Have you ever had such an expereince? Do you think if you did it would change your mind?
Puff, you MUST read some Vilayanur Ramachandran!


Well-Known Member
Science can't explain everything, and much of it they get only half right, tho in my personal opinion it does better than religion, with old books and heresay of long-gone people.

No, doctors can't even figure out what me and my dad have, it isn't epilespy, tho they have verified it in like 8 other people so far in the US. (Don't know about other countries, can't find the info.) But they love doing tests on us. They call it something-or-another syncopy (which basically means 'fainting spells') but they know it isn't epilespy, tho they think it might be a form of that. One difference is, they can 'tilt' us and trigger a seizure, whereas that isn't how you trigger an epileptic seizure.

All I know is I am way more than the skin suit I am draggin around. While I don't know what exactly, I KNOW (again, not believe) that when I die that it doesn't end.


Well-Known Member
Thanx, Seamaiden! Had heard of him before, but hadn't delved into his works-yet.

I've only got one of his books, Phantoms in the Brain, but I love whipping it out when discussing human brainses. I avoid discussing human brainses when in the company of zombies, for obvious reasons.



Well-Known Member
I think I believe in some kind of afterlife but I don't consider myself part of any specific religion. I've always had a problem with the whole faith thing, and believing in something that you don't know for sure exists. However, especially in the past few years, I've been getting a strange sense that makes me feel certain there has to be something after this (and that there is something big headed our way). I just try to be a good person and respectful of all living things and if there is some god who's going to send me to hell just because I didn't believe in him, then fuck it. Haha.
That's pretty cool you're a vegan :) I've been a vegetarian since I was five.


Well-Known Member
Trippy Monkey, you are so right, awesome.

I have a good friend that is a vegan, hindu I think (which means, like me, they can have milk and dairy products, just no 'flesh'- and that includes eggs) and he has a son who just had a birthday, 13 I think. He got so much shit for not eating meat, and 'depriving' his son, he finally decided to take him to the butcher shop (they live in the Phillipines) and let him get some meat, and when his son (and I am now quoting his son) saw the 'dead, skinned, headless animals' hanging in the shop, poor child got nauseated and ran out.

Now, my family eats meat, but I don't. My oldest daughter (who hated meat as a baby, actually, the only 'meat' we could get her to eat was hot dogs and baloney) is now a vegetarian, and I suspect she will go completely meatless soon like mommy.

But they all have thier own faiths, my hubby likes the druidic thing, and they are rather eclectic now. How it should be.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden and Danny King- Awesome reads, thanx so much! I love expanding my awareness of others and thier concepts of the brain, the mind (I consider them seperate) and what lies beyond the curtain. (Kabbalistic term, sorry, can't help meself.)


Well-Known Member
Interesting enough, Stoney, the so-called Magi (also were we get the root for the word 'magic'), the 'wise men' at the supposed nativity, or birth of Chirst, were Zorastrain priest, and the closest 'religion' we have like that today is the modern Essene/Rastafarian movement.

Just think, according to the Bible, sheperds and potheads were there.

Interesting reading, tho I already knew ALOT about the various names of the Earth-Mother Goddess. I liked what they pointed out about Eve, and in the gnostic texts the arguement against the Old Testament story shows that the serpent told the truth (they didn't die after eating of the tree, but as the serpent said they DID know the difference between good and evil after 'consuming'- imagine that, consumption of a herb that brings a higher state of consciousness, and it is in the stuffy ol' Bible!) and the Jewish Creator God (we gnostics call him the Demiurge, and he is NOT 'God') lied and told them they would die if they ate, and they didn't. Point blank. Snake freed them of ignorance, the demiurge wanted them easy to control, and our texts even tell you who, what and where the Tree of Knowledge itself came. The gnostics name for the femine divine is Sophia, also the Greek word for 'wisdom'.

Still goin thru the link, tho it is really late (or really early, however you look at it) and hubby is sleeping close by so I can't watch the You tube stuff yet.

Thanx, Stoney. Did you join?


Well-Known Member
Trippy Monkey, you are so right, awesome.

I have a good friend that is a vegan, hindu I think (which means, like me, they can have milk and dairy products, just no 'flesh'- and that includes eggs) and he has a son who just had a birthday, 13 I think. He got so much shit for not eating meat, and 'depriving' his son, he finally decided to take him to the butcher shop (they live in the Phillipines) and let him get some meat, and when his son (and I am now quoting his son) saw the 'dead, skinned, headless animals' hanging in the shop, poor child got nauseated and ran out.

Now, my family eats meat, but I don't. My oldest daughter (who hated meat as a baby, actually, the only 'meat' we could get her to eat was hot dogs and baloney) is now a vegetarian, and I suspect she will go completely meatless soon like mommy.

But they all have thier own faiths, my hubby likes the druidic thing, and they are rather eclectic now. How it should be.
Yeah that's how it was with me. My parents used to try and force me to eat it and finally they just gave up. Stopped eating it completely when I was five and haven't eaten it since. It's crazy how much shit I get from people for being a vegetarian. It's not like I question someone's choice to eat meat, but I can't tell you how many times someone has done that to me for NOT eating meat. haha. Nice to hear there's some fellow vegetarians in the worlddddddddd.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I do know of him.

He was very influential in relieving the church of it's tyranny over the common man.

But, as a gnostic, to me personally he still got the message wrong. He prolly wuddn't care much for my interpretation either. Heretic used to be a label that got you roasted, and your family, and your land, property and all your 'stuff' confiscated to the church. But heresy was such a loose term, tho it originated with the eridacation of my kind, starting with the Cathars.

Sorry, tend to ramble on about this shit..........

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Nah, I didn't.I'm kind of a loner, even when it comes to religion or lack of.Most of the time i just hide in my evil lair and think unfriendly thoughts.:mrgreen:
Interesting enough, Stoney, the so-called Magi (also were we get the root for the word 'magic'), the 'wise men' at the supposed nativity, or birth of Chirst, were Zorastrain priest, and the closest 'religion' we have like that today is the modern Essene/Rastafarian movement.

Just think, according to the Bible, sheperds and potheads were there.

Interesting reading, tho I already knew ALOT about the various names of the Earth-Mother Goddess. I liked what they pointed out about Eve, and in the gnostic texts the arguement against the Old Testament story shows that the serpent told the truth (they didn't die after eating of the tree, but as the serpent said they DID know the difference between good and evil after 'consuming'- imagine that, consumption of a herb that brings a higher state of consciousness, and it is in the stuffy ol' Bible!) and the Jewish Creator God (we gnostics call him the Demiurge, and he is NOT 'God') lied and told them they would die if they ate, and they didn't. Point blank. Snake freed them of ignorance, the demiurge wanted them easy to control, and our texts even tell you who, what and where the Tree of Knowledge itself came. The gnostics name for the femine divine is Sophia, also the Greek word for 'wisdom'.

Still goin thru the link, tho it is really late (or really early, however you look at it) and hubby is sleeping close by so I can't watch the You tube stuff yet.

Thanx, Stoney. Did you join?