You are right. Narcissism, or self love, is normal and healthy and everybody (practically everybody) is a bit so. She is hung up on the word as if it only means Narcissistic Personality Disorder. There is nothing that can be said to her to make that point stick. She keeps repeating it. I don't know why. Her avoidance of even answering posts where she is corrected on that subject is like you when you say doctors are why Scotland has a whopping high rate of drug overdoses and people pretty much say that's not true. Do people like you and her have NPD?
Don't hate me cos you aint me bro.
My govornment make sure that I earn an absolute minimal of £1430 a month just for being alive.
If I work 10 hours a week absolutely anywhere on any wage then I earn about 2k after tax.
I work 39 hours per week and I'm a 2week course away from kicking my wage upto at least £720 per week for those 39 hours.
If I work 50 hours it will be closer to £1200 due to the overtime rate.
My govornment pay 66% of all my work related expenses automatically into my bank and without question.
Road tax, car repairs, transport from the park & ride, my phone bill, internet bill, washing powder, a new washing machine every 3 years, boxes full of safety specs, cut5 gloves, boots, socks, boxers, trousers, t shirts, overalls, welly boots, ear defenders, dust masks of any price. My full face respirator was £130 without the filters.
They ask me every month to confirm certain numbers so they can re-evaluate and make sure they're paying me as much as they possibly can.
They've been like this for the last 3-4 years mate.
What does your govornment do for you ???????????????