Well-Known Member
Dank do you always spout stuff that is easy to disprove, at least partially.The Republicans lost because they are out of touch with the rest of the country.
And no it isn't going to be socialism, that would mean that all the Businesses would belong to the state, that was never purposed. And before you say that the Banks belong to the State, Need I remind you that it was Bush who purposed it, McCain who came off his Campaign and Cheer leaded for it and the Republicans wouldn't vote for it until there was pork put in it..
You Guys should have taken the high road and knocked off the Juvenile attack adds and and should not have ran a dirty mud slinging campaign, The American people are tired of that kind of politics.
You may be correct about the senate, but when has the senate had any connections with reality?
I mean, the senate gave us the clowns that ran in this election.
One, who was uh, uh, supposed to, be uh, eloquent, and uh, well spoken, and the other that is a hypocrite.
So, yeah, maybe the Senate didn't vote for the bail out until there was pork in it, but that was both sides of the senate.
As for the House, well obviously, since the Republicans still opposed it for the most part, you're partial truth doesn't hold water, about the Republicans wanting pork in it.
Only some Republicans, and only some Democrats wanted Pork in it.
Though we can only imagine that the reason why the Democrats didn't need any reason to support it is because they already received the "contributions" from the Financial Sector that they wanted.
Republicans out of touch? No more so than the Democrats.