The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

Oh, see my post below where the Democrats are encouraging violence....

Great folks....

Not a single political leader in that video encouraged violence of any kind, much less the direct pleas for violence that Trump utters routinely. How can you even compare what was said in that video to anything like the violence we saw in Charlottesville and Kenosha?

Grievance politics. Another tactic of you sub-human mouthbreathers. You candy assed privileged fat white Maggats make up grievances while the facts shown in videos are of white cops torturing a black man to death by suffocation or plugging him seven times in the back.
Oh, see my post below where the Democrats are encouraging violence....

Great folks....

Some Democrats may be encouraging violence. So what? The right has been doing it for decades.

I think what's got some on the right all concerned is the fact that in the past they could roll through and intimidate the other side. Well now the other side is armed and ready to fight as well. It's no walk in the park anymore. It's now an eye for an eye and the right has never experienced that and now they're scared.

This terrifies the right. Americans exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

More from the "peaceful" Left.....

As long as this remains a political issue, nothing will change....

What do you mean by 'Left'? I have no idea who that guy is, did he get voted in as a Democrat in a local/state/federal election? Or is he someone you are just branding as 'the left'? Or something else?

I agree with you, as long as Trump continues to politicize everything as POTUS, nothing will change, because it is his re-elction campaign, and the only way he can keep his freedom from being decided by 13 American citizens.

Some Democrats may be encouraging violence. So what? The right has been doing it for decades.

I think what's got some on the right all concerned is the fact that in the past they could roll through and intimidate the other side. Well now the other side is armed and ready to fight as well. It's no walk in the park anymore. It's now an eye for an eye and the right has never experienced that and now they're scared.

This terrifies the right. Americans exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

That's the problem - the "So what" attitude.

Oh, trust me @xtsho we're not scared. We should ALL be scared for our nation, but again, with the 'so what' attitude, sounds like ya'll would be ok living in a box on the street, so, go for it.

I'll pass, and so will a lot of other Americans.
trump supporters have already killed numerous people from the other side. Heather Heyer was killed by a trump supporter that drove his car into a crowd of protesters. trump said nothing about that except that the neo-nazi's were good people. Heather wasn't a trump supporter so she didn't matter to trump. When a trump supporter gets killed while looking for violence he's a national hero according to trump.

And those trump supporters that rolled into Portland the other day were looking for a fight. They were spraying people with bear spray and shooting paint balls as they drove through. The guy that was killed didn't have to die. He didn't need to be downtown with a can of bear spray and the criminal that shot him didn't have to be downtown with a gun. Both were looking for a fight. The deceased drew first and sprayed bear spray. The killer drew second and fired a gun.

One of the first people on the scene to try and give aid was a young black female. You can see 2 Patriot Prayer members there as well. At that moment I doubt anyone cared about skin color. It's just sad.


If you don't live in Portland and are just getting your information from some right wing news outlet you are seriously misinformed about what's actually going on here. I've been on the street downtown and have seen everything first hand and it does not resemble the lies being spewed from trumps ass.

This is just ridiculous. Both the victim and assailant were grown men in their 40's. The assailant was seen the night before the shooting with his young daughter who was carrying a bat. What a crappy father taking your daughter into that mayhem. What the hell is wrong with people?

I know I speak for most Portlanders when I say to both sides, Get the hell out of our beautiful city. Take your ugliness somewhere else.

Trump lies and the country knows it. The only people even paying attention are his loyalists. Most people know that Trump and the fascist right are behind the escalation in violence. I have been in most antifascist rallies up until this year. I never came to fight, but to show support and witness events. Our tactic to stop fascists from doing their marches though the streets of Portland was to stand in their way and when the goons started brawling, police would declare an illegal assembly and clear the streets. Right wingers would be sent home after just a couple of frustrating hours. It was kind of funny. They had armor, weapons, regalia while we had a band, seniors in wheelchairs, clowns, and outnumbered them 10:1. It all changed last weekend, when the police just stood by and let Proud Boys attack.

It all changed. I lay the blame for the shooting squarely at the feet of the police and mayor of Portland.
That's the problem - the "So what" attitude.

Oh, trust me @xtsho we're not scared. We should ALL be scared for our nation, but again, with the 'so what' attitude, sounds like ya'll would be ok living in a box on the street, so, go for it.

I'll pass, and so will a lot of other Americans.
Republicans are sub-human slavers and should be sent back to where they came from.
That's the problem - the "So what" attitude.

Oh, trust me @xtsho we're not scared. We should ALL be scared for our nation, but again, with the 'so what' attitude, sounds like ya'll would be ok living in a box on the street, so, go for it.

I'll pass, and so will a lot of other Americans.

The "So what" attitude? For 4 years trump has been the biggest liar, scumbag, and disgusting pig to ever occupy the White House and the right just says "So what". All because they think he actually cares for them. He doesn't. He lied to you. He's using the White House to enrich himself and his cronies. He's broken so many campaign promises in fact he didn't even try to keep them.

The best healthcare on day 1
Better trade deals
Bring back coal
Mexico is paying for a wall
Clinton in jail

Yet you all continue to believe the pathological liar. He's golfed more than Obama. He's directing federal agencies to use his properties so he can profit. He's surrounded by criminals many in prison or on their way. Every other world leader laughs at him and makes him look like a fool. Look how Kim Jong Un used him. He doesn't know what's in the Constitution. The idiot thought he could fire Federal Judges which is basic civics 101. The guy spends his time tweeting and watching FOX news. In fact he sets policy based off of what those hacks on FOX say. He doesn't care about America or Americans. He cares only about himself. He's a terrible businessman. 6 bankruptcies and the right praises his business prowess? His speeches are incoherent ramblings that only attack others and praise for himself. America doesn't need trump. What the hell has he done other than cause misery and unrest across the country. Farmers are going bankrupt, coal miners are still losing their jobs, and trump products are still made in China.

No the problem is trump and his 4 years of spewing hate. America is worse off since that scumbag has been President.
Oh and trumps former senior advisor scammed the right with his Build the Wall scam. And trump promoted that scam. Too funny.

They got a bunch of trump supporters to donate millions much of which they used to purchase Rolex watches, expensive suits, fancy dinners, liquor, and probably hookers.
The murderer actually identified himself as ANTIFA, which is an "unofficial branch" of the "democratic communist party". :wall:
antifascists shoot nazis, that's how we won WWII

btw, when are you going to apologize to me for lying about what AOC said? bearing false witness makes you a known liar and we cant trust anything you say now.
trump supporters have already killed numerous people from the other side. Heather Heyer was killed by a trump supporter that drove his car into a crowd of protesters. trump said nothing about that except that the neo-nazi's were good people. Heather wasn't a trump supporter so she didn't matter to trump. When a trump supporter gets killed while looking for violence he's a national hero according to trump.

And those trump supporters that rolled into Portland the other day were looking for a fight. They were spraying people with bear spray and shooting paint balls as they drove through. The guy that was killed didn't have to die. He didn't need to be downtown with a can of bear spray and the criminal that shot him didn't have to be downtown with a gun. Both were looking for a fight. The deceased drew first and sprayed bear spray. The killer drew second and fired a gun.

One of the first people on the scene to try and give aid was a young black female. You can see 2 Patriot Prayer members there as well. At that moment I doubt anyone cared about skin color. It's just sad.


If you don't live in Portland and are just getting your information from some right wing news outlet you are seriously misinformed about what's actually going on here. I've been on the street downtown and have seen everything first hand and it does not resemble the lies being spewed from trumps ass.

This is just ridiculous. Both the victim and assailant were grown men in their 40's. The assailant was seen the night before the shooting with his young daughter who was carrying a bat. What a crappy father taking your daughter into that mayhem. What the hell is wrong with people?

I know I speak for most Portlanders when I say to both sides, Get the hell out of our beautiful city. Take your ugliness somewhere else.

Looks like you will all be able to deal with this "on your own" LOLOL.

Good luck.

Even your fellow Oregonians are sick of the crap.
antifascists shoot nazis, that's how we won WWII

btw, when are you going to apologize to me for lying about what AOC said? bearing false witness makes you a known liar and we cant trust anything you say now.
I will not apologize for what I said.

My misunderstanding an issue is not me lying about an issue.

Big difference.....
Well, the lack of your ability to see beyond the false narrative and lies fed to you is fairly obvious. But don't feel bad, you're in the same boat as a lot of other idiots.

But hey, good for you! You're not on the fence, you jumped the fence and ran to the kool-aid stand!

Either way - agree, disagree - you seem like a person geared towards violence. Period.

Can't have a discussion with anyone where the only point of view they will accept is their own, and will do anything/everything they can to either beat it out of you, or crush you until you submit. Respect earned is not the same as respect demanded.

I think that the "left" (folks that believe like you @Fogdog ) are going to be in for a rude awakening if they really want to push for a war - America - (except people like you - you should go back to where YOU came from, you obviously don't believe in the American lifestyle) - Go live in Cuba.

Ya'll think you're so bada$#.

Good luck :)
didnt you vote for the guy who told his supporters to punch protesters in the face, and that he would pay their legal bills if they did, mrs. violence hater?
didnt you vote for the guy who told his supporters to punch protesters in the face, and that he would pay their legal bills if they did, mrs. violence hater?
Please cite where "the guy" told his supporters to punch protesters in the face?

Last time I heard that, it was from Biden.

Happy to review :)