What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I believe this is the last shorts and t-shirt day this year in Chicago - sunny and 75! I'm going on one more bike ride where I can park and soak up some rays. After today, it's all 40s and 50s in the forecast :( Here we go!
That weather made it here today...and I have the shorts on. About to go for a bike ride as soon as I eat a samich', and same thing...It could be our last "shorts" day for about 7 months or so :cry:
I'll share......roast beef just went in the oven. Gonna do mashed potatoes and maybe some chard from the garden :)
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I did similar last night...a beef sirloin tip roast in the crockpot, with mashed taters, carrots, and brown gravy...and homemade apple pie for desert, x 2 slices. It was awesomeness...and there's leftovers. Well except for the pie...she's history!

Time to go burn some calories...was gonna go get groceries but it's too nice out!

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
You're the first person from the GTA I've seen on here. I was in that neighborhood the other day. Ellesmere and Birchmount beside a google streetview car. I keep going back to see if I'm on there but it hasn't updated since 2019
LOL, not sure how often they update that. It is a pleasure to meet you Laughing Grass. Nice to see another GTA grower here.


Ursus marijanus
Brother I’m still not catching your drift.
It is my understanding that “the glass ceiling” is shorthand for sexual discrimination in the workplace. Women have a harder time getting a particular position, and then are paid less.
This forum’s obsession with penis, with resultant de-emphasis of vagina, got me onto this particular riff. Humor tends to look bad on the autopsy table.