If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

80% of the people who live in the US, live in urban areas.
I do not see why 20% of the people in the US should have a larger say in who should be prez.
It's because the city dwellers aren't productive members of the civilisation.
If everyone in the cities died tomorrow, the country people would carry on as normal.
If all the country people died tomorrow, the cities would starve in 2 weeks.

If you don't contribute much to society, you shouldn't expect to have much say in how it's run.
It's because the city dwellers aren't productive members of the civilisation.
If everyone in the cities died tomorrow, the country people would carry on as normal.
If all the country people died tomorrow, the cities would starve in 2 weeks.

If you don't contribute much to society, you shouldn't expect to have much say in how it's run.
So since I paid maximum social security for years I should be able to have more points in society? WoW are you a robber baron?
So an old disabled man should not get a vote? You’ve lived in Asia too long.
If you are a disabled war veteran you should get a vote.
If you have lived on disability all your life you shouldn't.

I'm sorry Trump won, not my fault, I didn't vote.
If you don't like the way the votes are assigned/counted maybe you should start a campaign to change things.

Where I live the guy with the most guns and tanks wins the election.
The opposition all end up in jail or exiled.
Nobody else gets a vote.
If you are a disabled war veteran you should get a vote.
If you have lived on disability all your life you shouldn't.

I'm sorry Trump won, not my fault, I didn't vote.
If you don't like the way the votes are assigned/counted maybe you should start a campaign to change things.
I accept the results but your notion that one person is more important than another is a very “Asian” logic. It says a lot about who you are.

So now you have to be a veteran to be a voter :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you are a disabled war veteran you should get a vote.
If you have lived on disability all your life you shouldn't.

I'm sorry Trump won, not my fault, I didn't vote.
If you don't like the way the votes are assigned/counted maybe you should start a campaign to change things.

Where I live the guy with the most guns and tanks wins the election.
The opposition all end up in jail or exiled.
Nobody else gets a vote.
You’d make a great dick tater. :lol::lol:
If you are a disabled war veteran you should get a vote.
If you have lived on disability all your life you shouldn't.

I'm sorry Trump won, not my fault, I didn't vote.
If you don't like the way the votes are assigned/counted maybe you should start a campaign to change things.

Where I live the guy with the most guns and tanks wins the election.
The opposition all end up in jail or exiled.
Nobody else gets a vote.
Yeah, except who is it that decides who is disabled and what their worth is?

We used to lock women up in mental institutions for not listening to men until much too recently.

I disagree strongly with your views on who should vote and am glad I live in a nation (as much trouble as we are in with our current political leadership) that doesn't agree with you either.
If you are a disabled war veteran you should get a vote.
If you have lived on disability all your life you shouldn't.

I'm sorry Trump won, not my fault, I didn't vote.
If you don't like the way the votes are assigned/counted maybe you should start a campaign to change things.

Where I live the guy with the most guns and tanks wins the election.
The opposition all end up in jail or exiled.
Nobody else gets a vote.
Trump didn’t win, keep up.

Nice to see you value human life so much. Stay wherever the hell you are with water buffaloes in your yard.

You live in an area of the world where there are too many people. Maybe there should be a “lottery” in your area.
As I said before, if Trump wins, who would staff out the administration? Or even the WH, many positions were never filled in the first term. It doesn't matter that much because Donald represents one man rule by iron whim. Donald will go on a firing fest and get rid of every single competent and patriotic person in the government, retribution will begin immediately. Forget the CDC, it will be disbanded, perhaps just the name left, same with the FBI, CIA and a host of other government institutions, the state department is almost gone already.

Donald means death for America and economic collapse by summer as the economy is crushed by covid and the hospitals are overwhelmed with desperate local and state officials trying to keep spread in check. I can see whole red states medical professions striking and walking off the job or simply dropping from exhaustion and illness. Forget schools and education of any kind.

That is a few of the things at stake in the next few hours and days, if Joe wins even with a republican senate Mitch shouldn't interfere too much with controlling covid, he personally fears it. Economic help for desperate Americans might be another issue, the only welfare Mitch wants is for billionaires, he has a lock on the racist moron vote and can screw them as he pleases. If Joe wins look for 4 Obama years of grid lock, but at least survival.