Well-Known Member
I do/don't get it.
Why is this so close?
Trump is a FUCKING SUB-HUMAN FAILURE THAT THROUGH INCOMPETENCY is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
What the fuck has America become?
I alway's knew we were dumb as fuck, but this is dumbfounding.
Jesus fucking Christ.
We really are fucked, it seems.
Stay safe/wear a mask & pray for the Soul of America, it need's all the fucking help it can get
Why is this so close?
Trump is a FUCKING SUB-HUMAN FAILURE THAT THROUGH INCOMPETENCY is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
What the fuck has America become?
I alway's knew we were dumb as fuck, but this is dumbfounding.
Jesus fucking Christ.
We really are fucked, it seems.
Stay safe/wear a mask & pray for the Soul of America, it need's all the fucking help it can get