What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
That had to be a perk.:mrgreen: When I was a big-time pagan, we had 8 holidays a year, and of course Halloween (Samhain) and Christmas(Yule) were big deals. Huge. My hubby missed the 'olde ways' and wanted us to do the ol' pagan thing again, so we are. We celebrate Christmas for 12 days (then I have to spend the rest of the year tryin to lose the weight again from all the feasting!)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's really cool.The old Gods were the best gods.
That had to be a perk.:mrgreen: When I was a big-time pagan, we had 8 holidays a year, and of course Halloween (Samhain) and Christmas(Yule) were big deals. Huge. My hubby missed the 'olde ways' and wanted us to do the ol' pagan thing again, so we are. We celebrate Christmas for 12 days (then I have to spend the rest of the year tryin to lose the weight again from all the feasting!)


Well-Known Member
That had to be a perk.:mrgreen: When I was a big-time pagan, we had 8 holidays a year, and of course Halloween (Samhain) and Christmas(Yule) were big deals. Huge. My hubby missed the 'olde ways' and wanted us to do the ol' pagan thing again, so we are. We celebrate Christmas for 12 days (then I have to spend the rest of the year tryin to lose the weight again from all the feasting!)
thats it i am a pagan
12 real days of yule feast..
thats why santa was so fat before the jews crucified him..

stoney you are right you witnessed mass brainwashing at its purist..
my x has recently drug my daughter into the moron ooppps mormon religion and i am pissed ..
at least my daughter laffed at their doctorine and is causing a bit of o ruckus..
she said she does like it but just because she really enjoys the company of the other kids..
she said most of her churcy magee friends families live alot with the same values as i have set ( treat people well with respect, take care of others who need it, love your family, all that stuff ) only here science explains everything just fine for us...
my daughter told them to piss off about the fact that she couldnt drink tea..


Well-Known Member
Just as with every one and every thing, there are good and bad things about Mormonism. This is also why I love reading Joseph Campbell, he never spent any time trying to tell anyone which was better, or truer, or falser. He spent his time tying it all together.
Not at all, Seamaiden. I am just so used to apologising for what I know ahead of time, I guess I fall into old patterns.

When you tell someone that what someone else mite think to be God is really MY idea of Satam, they get a little bent outta shape.

I am ashamed for thinking you would ever had a problem with it. And a dragon ashamed is a pitiful thing.:-P Please accept my apologies.
I will accept your apology, but there's really no need. You are simply firm in your beliefs, and mine are... a little more malleable. I just don't know, but try to live like a decent person and do good to and for others. I do disagree with your assessment of Campbell, but hey, it is what it is.

See, I'm different from a lot of others here on this site in that even if I don't agree with you, I still have the ability to like you as a person. We just disagree is all.
And now, for something completely different.
I'm down with that, I like change. :D
Bluntmasta - I totally understand. I used to be like that too. But I had an experience that changed me totally. Would you feel sick, or even disgusted at the thought of someone tryin to serve you a nice, grilled, and saute'd hunk of human? That is what all flesh is like to a vegan, we see the face still on it, the parents it had.

Carrots don't have faces, or parents. Poor carrots.
Jains take that to the extreme, don't they? Not so hung up on the faces as they are causing suffering. That's my hang-up, too. I can eat meat, I can slaughter my own meat, but to cause suffering? That I cannot do and cannot watch easily. Make it an instant, painless death and I can live well with that.
I was raised a Jehovah's witness.Meh.
:shock: My in-laws. And the husband. Oh. My. God. Is he a MORON! :x I don't think that he's stupid because he's a JW, I think he's always been stupid. :lol:


Well-Known Member
:shock: My in-laws. And the husband. Oh. My. God. Is he a MORON! :mad: I don't think that he's stupid because he's a JW, I think he's always been stupid. :lol:
i try not to degrade anyone because of religious affiliation.. this makes me better than most of the zeolots i have to deal with...
i do feel strongly that religion is a stopping point in social evolution, and sometimes i let that belief frustrate me,but i will be the first to admit that society as we know it today would crumble tommorow if the theorys of god were dissproved.
having so many religions is kinda like a social safety net...
find out for sure there is no notorious G.O.D.
ther is allways buddah, or zues , or mother earth..to catch you from crashing in to hell..
i truly know people that need a god to force them to be decent people..just being good for societys benifit isnt enuff of a reward, they must be bribed with candy coated golden gates and such


Well-Known Member
religion's utility is flawed. we don't need a set path. :P
it is flawed but alot of people do need a path, sincethe begining of your choice humans have had to live communaly for safety, food, etc... this means it is in our genetic code to follow or lead..alot of people need the leadership of religion to feel as they have purpose..and to reprogram this part of our genetic code would take a massive trauma to our species..sorry i will take billy graham over mass trauma...


Well-Known Member
Fluffy, if you're of a mind, try to watch the Bill Moyers series of interviews with Joseph Campbell (or get the book), The Power of Myth. It's far deeper than what we can effectively delve into here, and more far reaching as well. I think it's certainly something worth consideration, instead of immediate dismissal.


Well-Known Member
I have asked this question to myself many times, and my grandmother has exasperated me because I do not go to church. I don't know what to believe anymore, for now, I believe in living a happy and memorable life.


Well-Known Member
If you need the path, I think you'll find it. :) Tell your grandmother that your body is a temple of God and that's where you worship.


Well-Known Member
I have asked this question to myself many times, and my grandmother has exasperated me because I do not go to church. I don't know what to believe anymore, for now, I believe in living a happy and memorable life.

isnt it a shame that to most that is just not enuff...


Well-Known Member
it's not immediate dismissal, I've been a lone trooper my whole life, friends are good, but in the end all we really have is ourselves. I'm a descartes man myself, I think therefore I am, I can't prove that you guys even exist, and vice versa. :P


Well-Known Member
it's not immediate dismissal, I've been a lone trooper my whole life, friends are good, but in the end all we really have is ourselves. I'm a descartes man myself, I think therefore I am, I can't prove that you guys even exist, and vice versa. :P
we dont exist we are electronic ghost voices ..left over in the long abandoned corridores of the machine..oooohhhhh ahhhhhh gigidy gigidy


Well-Known Member
it's not immediate dismissal, I've been a lone trooper my whole life, friends are good, but in the end all we really have is ourselves. I'm a descartes man myself, I think therefore I am, I can't prove that you guys even exist, and vice versa. :P
That's fine, but I'm talking about in a much larger context. Most of us do have to live in a society, after all. :)