We have like six pillows on our bed, but I only use one. For the past week the only way I'm comfortable is laying flat on my back without a pillow or laying in the bathtub with the water as hot as I can tolerate it. If I sit for more than a few minutes I get shooting a pain that starts under my shoulder blade and goes under my arm and across my chest on the left, it's even worse in the car. It feels like there's a band under my skin that's being pulled tighter and tighter. I have a whole new level of respect for people with chronic pain that work and carry on with life like nothing is wrong. I think there might actually be something messed up, I've never had muscle pain that I couldn't shake off after a day or two at most. I've been avoiding going to my doctor with covid raging but I think I have to go soon just for my sanity.
That sucks I'm sorry, but I'm kinda jealous of the bike rides. The season is over for us for another four or five months unless you're one of those psychopaths' who ride in the winter. Got to get yourself a balance ball to work on your core.
I workout for thirty minutes in the morning mainly resistance and light weights, but haven't done anything since last Thursday. I'm afraid of making it worse than it already is. My GP will probably refer me to a PT if it's not something she can't address. Our health care system is a little wacky where you can't go to a PT or any specialists without a GP referral otherwise you have to pay for it out of pocket.
Will they'll give you the test results over the phone? Usually with an MRI they want to go over the imaging with you, maybe zoom?