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Well-Known Member
There are other injections that you should look into. I don't remember any names but they actually lubricate. I've heard they work better. Cortisone just masks the pain.
I was reading on-line about something like this for knees but they are starting to use in shoulders now too it said
I've dislocated both my shoulders a couple times, still have a broken collar bone. Yeah shit hurts
Yeah I have dislocated this one twice, and the first time was the MOST painful thing I have ever had happen in my life.
When I was offered cortisone for my back, some of my research made me worried about it possibly having a tightening of the ligaments and down the road develop rips and tears. Is that true?
I use to get steroidal injections in my lower spine but they gave me killer migraines, and often did nothing...I got them every 3-4 months for a few years then said F-it. and I also got cortisone injections in both hips before they were replaced....sometimes they helped. It was cool to have no pain for a half hour because of the numbing agent at least.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess age, hard work and genetics ;D
most likely, although the dr. who replaced my hips said the 2 years of interferon I got didn't help, and no one else in my entire family I know of has had a joint replacement so I think there's some truth to that.

My poor body is beat up...been through some shit, for sure.


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Well, just had my over the phone shoulder MRI consult :shock: I was wrong...no tears to the rotator cuff, but advanced arthritis and the ball & socket are bone on bone. She said I can try cortisone injections and they may or may not help, and at some point when I can no longer stand the pain they will need to do a joint replacement. And actually that might not be as bad as it sounds...Recovery time is about the same as a rotator cuff repair, I just read.

So for now I'll keep doing the strengthening exercises...They said I shouldn't do anything strenuous with it. I can still trim :mrgreen::mrgreen:
Don't forget to call JJ : )