Pandemic 2020

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My doctor wouldn’t know! No one knows. The experiment has never taken place . I would be a guinea pig . and the way I figure I would get triple the protection. So why not.
Come to think of it there is a website that might give you the answers or an estimate, heard about it on the news. Put in your age and job etc and they will spit it out.

Here is some news, the started a few days ago in Okie for folks like you and a few weeks later you can get the second one. If they know you are leaving though, some asshloe might have struck you from the list. There is a list at your hospital and the older and vulnerable workers will go first, find the list and you will have the answer. Once they give you the first one, they gotta follow through on the second.

COVID-19 vaccine arrives in Oklahoma | ER nurse receives first shot (
Come to think of it there is a website that might give you the answers or an estimate, heard about it on the news. Put in your age and job etc and they will spit it out.

Here is some news, the started a few days ago in Okie for folks like you and a few weeks later you can get the second one. If they know you are leaving though, some asshloe might have struck you from the list. There is a list at your hospital and the older and vulnerable workers will go first, find the list and you will have the answer. Once they give you the first one, they gotta follow through on the second.

COVID-19 vaccine arrives in Oklahoma | ER nurse receives first shot (
The vaccine is here, across the street. They started giving them out. I am waiting for them to call my name any time now. They are so dumb here they won’t know I am leaving . Once they give me the first shot and they Have to follow through , good luck finding me. Lol. I will be 1,500 miles away . What they gonna do extradite my ass back to Okie for the second shot. Lol
The vaccine is here, across the street. They started giving them out. I am waiting for them to call my name any time now. They are so dumb here they won’t know I am leaving . Once they give me the first shot and they Have to follow through , good luck finding me. Lol. I will be 1,500 miles away . What they gonna do extradite my ass back to Okie for the second shot. Lol

Don't laugh, I'm sure that tRUmptards will believe that Biden will have vaccine police.
The UK and South Africa have announced new Covid-19 variant with mutations to the spike and they appear to be more infectious, no word on if this is one or two new variants.
Don't laugh, I'm sure that tRUmptards will believe that Biden will have vaccine police.
Yep and they is equipped with vaccine dart guns and they has them thar bill gates microchips so they can track ya fur the second dose then control yer brain from Soros's secret bunker! It gotta be true, why I heard it straight from Alex Jones on that thar infowars channel that the deep state is trying to suppress! :lol: STOP THE STEAL STUPID!

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What if I can get the first dose of the vaccine but move to another state far away and I am not able to get the second dose?
If that’s a likely scenario you perhaps shouldn’t be taking that first dose. One of the main challenges in getting everyone vaccinated is keeping track of who got which vaccine. A challenge cause governments and IT don’t mix and match. Whether the different vaccines can be mixed and matched will be tested (at least in UK) as soon as a second vaccine has been approved. Even though they might, as you pointed out you’d be a guinea pig risking side effects of two different vaccines as wel as of the combination. The second shot and every after are basically booster shots. When using a different vaccine (with a different approach) it’s possible you won’t be protected.

It’s also possible you would have a better protection but seems too risky to bet on that now

Regardless of the outcome, the producers of the vaccines will very likely say their product should not be mixed with others and the first two shots should be of the same. A recommendation that will likely be followed unless they don’t do the trick, in which case we might all get a covid vaccine cocktail.
Not too bad, around 14" but it wasn't a heavy/wet snow.
Very cold though :)
Had a dusting of snow and colder than a witch's tit for a few days and now warm again suppose to be around 50 in American degrees on Tue. Imagine if Joe went metric, Jesus the Trumpers and republicans would lose their minds and the democrats would lose power with that liberal plot! Socialism, why the next thing ya know the money would be metric too!
I heard a program last night on NPR about the cat who make the mumps vaccine. Which at four years had been the fastest vaccine in history until this year. He's a scientific super star that most of us have never heard of. It's worth the listen.

This is an often overlooked, excellent Christmas movie that I think will bring a smile upon your face, and we can all use that now, right?
I hope you can enjoy it as much I do.
And have a Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza :) :) :)

If that’s a likely scenario you perhaps shouldn’t be taking that first dose. One of the main challenges in getting everyone vaccinated is keeping track of who got which vaccine. A challenge cause governments and IT don’t mix and match. Whether the different vaccines can be mixed and matched will be tested (at least in UK) as soon as a second vaccine has been approved. Even though they might, as you pointed out you’d be a guinea pig risking side effects of two different vaccines as wel as of the combination. The second shot and every after are basically booster shots. When using a different vaccine (with a different approach) it’s possible you won’t be protected.

It’s also possible you would have a better protection but seems too risky to bet on that now

Regardless of the outcome, the producers of the vaccines will very likely say their product should not be mixed with others and the first two shots should be of the same. A recommendation that will likely be followed unless they don’t do the trick, in which case we might all get a covid vaccine cocktail.
Thanks. I think that’s a really good idea. It was just that I want the vaccine so bad. I keep thinking about how it will feel. Now that so many interviews are taking place . Dr. Guptas injection interview was so amazing. He said it was really intense . That is what I was thinking I would feel like as well. He said it was such a profound moment for him and in another interview a nurse in Florida broke down in tears and then excused herself telling reports had to get Back to her patients . I have felt like maybe I would too feel like that as well . That incredible relief and all the crazy up and down emotions and helllish long rollercoaster ride finally coming to an end and the fear and anxiety shed away. Now that it’s here it’s hard to imagine passsing it up but is really for the best . Its time to hit the dirt and will soldier on just a little bit longer when I can get it done properly.
I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of problems with 2 doses for a lot of people and heard of having to pay people an incentive to take time to get the second dose .
It will be so great Johnson and Johnson get approved by Feb . They have the one shot. Nice and simple .
Don't worry Bill Gates has Aspergers. I can imagine his intentions are great. The reason they stopped the use of Ivermectin was for our own good. You see Ivermectin kills covid transmission 100%. Since Aug of 2019 it was available and the WHO and Billy have slammed the door on this cheap and proven safe in humans for over 10 years drug. Its almost like the hyper focus on vaxing the world is an issue?

I may have a little insight for you. My son, now 14 is mildly autistic, Asperger's. We always say that he "goes by the book". That means, in his mind that all rules must be "obeyed". So in relating to our dogs, if a dog is naughty like, jumping up, he must be stopped "at all costs", even if it's loud or violent behavior. In his mind he's helping the dog do the right thing because rules must not be broken. I have seen in autistic children that there aren't any gray areas, only black and white. That can also explain how violence can be justified if "rules are being broken" in the mind of an autistic child. This also makes my child a straight "A" student because he follows directions so well and has the cleanest bedroom of all of us!

Dont worry Billy and the Gang have the ability to force thier way so you can see they are right and they are more than happy to do whatever it takes to fig this out.
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