Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

I know English is hard......but come on
I could read every word but none of it made any sense, so I figured it was some other language.

It wasn't? What was it then, Parlerspeak? I don't do right wing code talk. So, I don't read the crap on Parler or other right wing media. Your kind have even rejected Fox. lulz it hurt you little egos to learn that Fox eventually had to admit that Trump did in fact lose the election in a fairly run contest. But facts elude your kind.

You: blah, blah, blah

Yeah, I don't speak that. Have no idea what you were trying to say. Don't really care either. Read my posts with an open mind and maybe you'll learn something.
I could read every word but none of it made any sense, so I figured it was some other language.

It wasn't? What was it then, Parlerspeak? I don't do right wing code talk. So, I don't read the crap on Parler or other right wing media. Your kind have even rejected Fox. lulz it hurt you little egos to learn that Fox eventually had to admit that Trump did in fact lose the election in a fairly run contest. But facts elude your kind.

You: blah, blah, blah

Yeah, I don't speak that. Have no idea what you were trying to say. Don't really care either. Read my posts with an open mind and maybe you'll learn something.
Read his posts, he's just got antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality perhaps.
I was merely commenting on that one person's post that "ALL" terrorist attacks have been from the right. That's nonsense.
I'm not even a Trump supporter. He's an idiot. He sucks way too much Israeli dick
Well, according to FBI statistics those over the past 2 years were and the great majority for many years before that.
Lmao! Then explain to me how BC also is a "Tory hotspot" when they have NDP leadership. NDP is very, very left.

And the Tories are a joke.

Look at the name. Progressive Conservatives. Lmao! Might as well call themselves
The UpDowns
The LeftRights
The OnOffs

Every party up here sucks.
"Blah blah blah" wasn't the comment you quoted lmao! Jesus Christ.

Do you understand what a quote mine is? When you pluck a few key words out of a sentence and take it completely out of context to fit a narrative or argument.
Context matters.

I was responding to lies that exactly match the kind of propaganda that Goebbels promoted.

You: blah, blah, blah
"Great majority" ≠ "All"

Yet you jumped on me like that's what I was saying lmao!
I looked at how you said it, then I looked at your post history. Your initial treatment was a reflection of your treatment of others. From here on out your treatment is dependent on your behavior. I'm nice to the decent people on this site, but assholes get different treatment, you don't even have to agree with me, just have good manners. What goes around comes around, ya reap what ya sow.
What's a Qtard? You guys come up with new names every week. I can't keep up.

I thought the new one was Cuck.
Really that one is new here? It has been tossed around a lot the last few days because one troll is being very obvious, but I didn't think it was new.
Most of my posts have to do with growing so I'm not sure wtf you're talking about. Make up some more shit like you lefties love doing
I realize you are not a troll or a sock, we have issues with them in this section. This is not the grow sections though and the rules are different in politics. It's ok to be conservative, that's more economic ideology and perhaps social attitude, but here you should make it clear you are not a Trumper. Most Americans are conservative in economic terms so most don't mind that. Almost half the country supports an attack on the constitution and suicide by moron. Things are still dangerous and if Trump wasn't a sociopathic moron with an IQ of 78, things would have been much different. 318,000Americans are also dead in a crime against humanity, so folks are a bit tense.