Well-Known Member
I've noticed alot of people keep mother plants. I just wanna know why they do this, instead of just taking a clone per cloned plant?
i believe ittaking clones from clones doesnt make ur quality go down with time...
I don't understand how taking clones from clones would make your genetics any weaker. I don't believe you can keep one mother plant for 30 years time. So wouldn't you have to get another mother, say, from a clone you took from that mother? I know people who ordered seeds 15 years ago and haven't ever gotten any again. I would think that the clones they're using now are the same as the first mother plant? hm. I am no pro though.
Correct, the word 'clone' says it all reallyYou are correct. Clones are just that. A clone. Genetically identical to its donor. There is no degradation with cloning like regular breeding.
Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, I've just never had a mother plant before.. But.. if u keep taking clones off a mother, does it eventually become just a bear plant? or do new braches grow out after taking the clone, making it so you can continuously take clones?