What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Are you taking your Geritol?

Took it kind of easy today, just deconstructed the last 2 fence panels and picked up a trenching shovel to help with the post holes. It will be a good tool to have around for other stuff also. Burned up a bunch of crap wood also, pieces of OSB and plywood. Almost down to normal scrap wood now. Probably going to rain tomorrow so 'll get that day off also.

What is the difference between a fence and a woman?

You can unscrew a fence in a couple days, it takes 9 months to unscrew a woman.
Buds and suds time.


Well-Known Member
My car, like all the other cars in my area, was under almost 3 feet of snow. I knew it would take a couple of hours to free it, so I took an uber to the pharmacy and back to pick up some medication. I pulled the shovel out of the storage shed when I returned, the snow is just gonna get harder, heavier, and wetter the longer I waited. Took about 90 mins of non-stop work to get rid of enough snow to move the car in and out of the spot, plus there was about 18 inches of snow covering the car itself, like a poorly frosted cake. In Chicago, there is an unofficial rule that if you take the time and effort to dig out your parking spot, you can put lawn furniture in said spot to keep it as your own for a few weeks. The mayor usually backs this practice and gives a date by which you have to move the furniture or the city tosses it. It was nice to see many other folks digging out their cars and a lot of lawn furniture keeping spots. If someone dares to move your chairs and parks in your spot, chances are they are going to come back to a fucked up car (keyed, tail lights kick in, etc..), so that rarely happens. Lord knows I've fucked up my share of cars for violating this policy. Anyway, I have a lot of weed to deliver tomorrow, so I'm glad I got this done. Plus, I won't have to work out tonight, as that was plenty of exercise. Now I just have to find my lawn chairs...
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Well-Known Member
I spent a few hours in a cold garage rebuilding a winch...because I was a slacker this summer and didn't do it when it was 80 degrees out. Nooo, the winch will be OK for another year...Ha, yeah sure! The winch operates the plow...and just as I finised plowing, she snapped... But a trip to Lowes and it's fixed, and ready to work in the morning.

It snowed all day...but not too hard. Probably about 6" so far. It's not supposed to stop til Wednesday a.m. though :( :o


Well-Known Member
I spent a few hours in a cold garage rebuilding a winch...because I was a slacker this summer and didn't do it when it was 80 degrees out. Nooo, the winch will be OK for another year...Ha, yeah sure! The winch operates the plow...and just as I finised plowing, she snapped... But a trip to Lowes and it's fixed, and ready to work in the morning.

It snowed all day...but not too hard. Probably about 6" so far. It's not supposed to stop til Wednesday a.m. though :( :o
What broke on the winch? Cable?

Got a few inches here....just started. But it's fine.....maybe close to 14" by the end of tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
What broke on the winch? Cable?

Got a few inches here....just started. But it's fine.....maybe close to 14" by the end of tomorrow.
Yes, and I was down to about 3' of cable left (from 50' originally, 15 years ago)...It breaks frequently. The bigger problem, and I didn't realize it, was the rollers were worn on the fairlead, but I was able to rebuild it with 1/2" steel pipe. The old bushings fit in the steel pipe perfectly!! I rebuilt it a few years ago and didn't realize they were worn again. Once they get a groove, they wear the steel cable fast.

I ran to Lowes and bought 20 feet of 3/16" steel cable at 54 cents a foot, and so for about $12 and a little time and some cold fingers, and I'm good to go. (knock on wood, a lot of snow coming)


Well-Known Member
It was my birthday so I bought a new rabbit (Cookie) to join my existing rabbit (Brownie). Brownie was jealous and leaped on top of Cookie biting and tearing out lumps of fur. They seem to be getting along better now.
View attachment 4813665
Belated Happy Birthday!! Are you going to be a "daddy"? Are they opposite sexes I mean??

It's time to plow a shit ton of snow...