What did you accomplish today?

I got blazed and made some low effort posts.

Some of my associates are dairy farmers. They work hard to take good care of the cows and take pride in the produce from the farm. The key differences between the frozen dessert aka ice confection & ice cream to help you differentiate one from another. Ice-cream is Made From Milk/Milk Products, Frozen Dessert From Vegetable Fat. As per definition, ice-cream is prepared by freezing pasteurized mix obtained from milk, dairy fat and/or milk products.
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Oops. What I did today is meant to be a PSA not fraud. The edit was clearly marked. My excuse is pui posting under the influence. Not likely to happen again. Will 10 likes on this post get me unbanned?
you are highly unlikely to be banned; there was no malice and I daresay an analysis of the ingredients of said confection will likely prove your assertion correct :)