January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
We all witnessed Donald breaking laws almost daily over the past 4 years and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. There are other investigations and there will be many more, Donald was at the center of many conspiracies with others. De Joy at the USPS is an example of a conspiracy to interfere with the mail in vote, and to get De Joy, they need to get Donald. Besides, what happened to the case against individual #1 in the SDNY? Someone will want to know soon and account for any delay or decision not to indict him for ringleading something Cohen was convicted of.
Trump's heaping list of legal problems post-impeachment - CNNPolitics

This is Trump's heaping list of legal problems post-impeachment

(CNN)After averting a conviction in his second impeachment trial, former President Donald Trump faces significant new legal threats as prosecutors in Georgia have joined those in New York to conduct criminal investigations into his actions.

As the nation watched harrowing videos from January 6 of Trump supporters storming the US Capitol during the Senate impeachment trial this week, Georgia officials announced they have opened investigations into Trump's efforts to overturn the state's election results, including by pressuring officials to "find" votes to swing the outcome in his favor.
The new investigations add to a heaping list of legal issues facing the former President that could threaten his finances and possibly his freedom.

Out of office and without the protections that the presidency afforded him, Trump is now facing multiple criminal investigations, civil state inquiries and defamation lawsuits by two women accusing him of sexual assault.

The pressure comes as Trump weighs his future in politics and in business with the Trump Organization, which has already been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, also losing corporate partnerships following Trump's January 6 speech whipping up the crowd.

In the three weeks since Trump left the White House, the multiple legal threats he faces have increased and become more imminent.

Georgia election results

Georgia officials announced that the former President faces two new investigations over calls he made to election officials in an attempt to overturn the state's election results.

A source familiar with the Georgia secretary of state's investigation confirmed they are investigating two calls, including one Trump made to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

In the January call, audio of which was obtained by CNN, Trump is heard pushing Raffensperger to "find" votes to overturn the election results after his loss to then-President-elect Joe Biden.

"This is not an easy case, but it's not one that you should walk away from investigating," said Bret Williams, a former federal prosecutor in New York and Atlanta. "It will be tough to show that he had intent to solicit Raffensperger to commit election fraud but he may have."

Trump's senior adviser, Jason Miller, said in a statement to CNN that there was nothing "improper or untoward" about the scheduled call between Trump and Raffensperger.

"If Mr. Raffensperger didn't want to receive calls about the election, he shouldn't have run for secretary of state," Miller said in the statement.

The investigation also involves a call Trump made in December to a Georgia election investigator in the state secretary of state's office who was leading a probe into allegations of ballot fraud in Cobb County. Trump is heard asking the investigator to "find the fraud," saying the official would be a "national hero."

The second Georgia investigation is being conducted by the Fulton County District Attorney's office, which announced Wednesday that it has also opened a criminal investigation into Trump for his "attempts to influence the administration of the 2020 Georgia general election."

"Anyone that violates the law will be prosecuted, no matter what their social stature is, no matter what their economics are, no matter what their race is or their gender. We're not going to treat anyone differently," Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis told CNN affiliate WSB in an interview earlier this week.

The earliest a Fulton County grand jury is expected to convene is in March, and the district attorney's office can request grand jury subpoenas as necessary at that time.

"I believe laws were broken because I think it was a clear effort by at the time a President of the United States, who I think at the time also wielded a certain amount of power to influence the secretary of state to do something wrong," said Michael J. Moore, a former US Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia during the Obama administration.
"I think that's what the statute says, and if those things happened, that's a violation of law," he said.
as life would have it, his end will be as simple as he is..his health or a disgruntled Trumper will get to him. his father had dementia and it's a big fear. there was an article which placed his oxygen level in 'the low 80s' and had developed the lung condition in which many succumb to. doctors were going to put him on a ventilator.


Well-Known Member
Trump is now more paranoid than ever before. McCarthy slithered down to Mar A Lago to apologize I'm sure. Meanwhile McConnell & Scott are secretively plotting to get rid of the poison while desperately trying to hang on to the remaining big donors & the base they have tricked without revealing the trick as the corporate donors obviously don't want to be associated with Big Lies.

So what do you think is going through Trump's stable genius mind? Correct. Revenge. Enter trusted and pardoned advisers Bannon & Stone, who I would guess do not like each other (although I have no idea). Anyone know?

So who would be #1 on the Trump revenge list? This is a little more difficult than it would seem because it is hard to understand a malignant narcissist. Oddly it could be Pence even after the lengthy public rebuking of Trump by McConnell & Pence's obsequious, fawning loyalty. Even though public humiliation is unthinkable torture to Trump.

How could he make Pence #1 then? Because Pence was the reason, the blame, the cause for all of the humiliation being heaped upon Trump. Pence refused to overturn the election. If he had done so, Trump would be not just the President, but an absolute monarch. Poor subservient Pence will need extra security for quite a while.

Who would you put at the top of Trump's revenge list?
Private Citizen Hillary:lol:

yeah, you're right about Pence..if only he would've died that day..humiliated Trump by not being hung.

Trumps enemies list must be longer than that of Santa's deliveries Christmas Eve.


Well-Known Member
And he counts it twice.
I think Donald will be busy with a new enemies list soon and won't have much time for politics! His new enemies will be in the legal community and they will be looking to put him in prison and strip him of whatever assets they can get their hands on. That will absorb Donald's attention completely, real consequences, impeachment didn't mean much to Donald, prison time will though, so will loosing his money. Investigations of people like Donald are like chain reactions as new evidence of other crimes comes to light during investigations, people flip and squeal.

If the US justice system goes back to normal, as in how Obama ran it, this is how things should unfold, if they broke the law and a case can be made they will be indicted. There will be enormous pressure on the new AG to indict Trump for the attack on congress among other things and the local DA's will have a free hand, including the SDNY. In any case state charges in multiple states are coming soon and there's no pardon, self or otherwise for them.


Well-Known Member
Don't get your hopes up.

Trump will never, ever do a single day in jail. At worst, he'll be financially ruined.
Good the fuck enough
That will work for me :)
Like I've said previously, I'll meet him in Hell & continue the fucking payback.
Count on it :)


Well-Known Member
Good the fuck enough
That will work for me :)
Like I've said previously, I'll meet him in Hell & continue the fucking payback.
Count on it :)
Considering how Presidents can simply write a book to become millionaires (if they weren't already), hard to have faith in financial ruin


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Ronan Farrow: Who Were the Rioters on Jan. 6th?

In the Trump impeachment trial, a key element of the prosecution's case is a dramatic video taken at the Capitol during the insurrection. Who were the actual faces in the crowd? Ronan Farrow has profiled three different rioters to learn more about their backgrounds. All three have been arrested and now face criminal charges. One made threats on Farrow's life. Michel Martin speaks with the reporter about his investigation.


Well-Known Member
Here Are 2 Facts Supporting Donald Trump's Criminal Responsibility for the Attack on the US Capitol

There has been much discussion about the difficulty of proving that Donald Trump acted with corrupt intent when he whipped-up an angry mob and told them to "stop" the vote certification or, as he put it, "stop the steal."

I spent 30 years prosecuting cases in courts, military and civilian, proving criminal intent. Given the available evidence, including some recent New York Times reporting about what Trump was saying and doing while the insurrectionists attacked the Capitol and hunted for Mike Pence, it's crystal clear that Donald Trump's intent was corrupt from start to finish. Now, it's time for federal prosecutors to get into the grand jury and begin building a case against Trump for his crimes.


Well-Known Member
Backlash Against January 6 Insurrection Drives New Interest In Running For Office

Rachel Maddow shares a report from the Huffington Post about the surprisingly large number of local elected Republicans at the Donald Trump rally that led to the riot at the Capitol, and outreach from the group Run For Something that wants to help people run against those officials.