What did you accomplish today?

My number came up in the lottery. Got a call yesterday and was told to report this a.m.
I got punctured this morning.
Vaccine GIFs | Tenor
I'd rather be lucky than good!

I've seen it but never used it. How long have you been running it? When I was looking around fourms for write ups on webbing a lot of people where saying for plowing depending on how your winch setup is like....they are both comparable. My setup has the fairlead angled down so the angle of the rope/cable would be less going down to the plow.

You also have a truck....with a plow too?
I bought the bike new (Suzi 750 Kingquad) with the winch & line set up in 2011 - been running it ever since with the same line.
I do have an F150, but no plow - not much need for one where I live now.

Yeah my cable didn't last one season. The bike's never had a plow on it and when I picked it up last spring I checked the cable......it looked good. No frays and I rewound it correctly under tension. Sucks it didn't last a few months.....I started noticing frays after the first few storms.
Yeah my cable didn't last one season. The bike's never had a plow on it and when I picked it up last spring I checked the cable......it looked good. No frays and I rewound it correctly under tension. Sucks it didn't last a few months.....I started noticing frays after the first few storms.
Check your fairlead real good and make sure it's not damaged....because that's when they chew up cable. Mine had groves worn in the bottom drum from the cable rolling back & forth. I have a 5' wide Moose plow too, so it's pretty heavy.

The 50' or 60' cable it came with just finally ran out, after 14 years....plus I plow several places so not terrible. It's a HUGE PITA repairing cable in the cold though!! Always wind up bloody!
Check your fairlead real good and make sure it's not damaged....because that's when they chew up cable. Mine had groves worn in the bottom drum from the cable rolling back & forth. I have a 5' wide Moose plow too, so it's pretty heavy.

The 50' or 60' cable it came with just finally ran out, after 14 years....plus I plow several places so not terrible. It's a HUGE PITA repairing cable in the cold though!! Always wind up bloody!

Fairlead was checked when I got it and it still looks the same. It's smooth and rolls well. My grizzly, that I had this plow on before, the fairlead angle was more vertical like @GreatwhiteNorth setup. I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. It is the big moose county plow......it's heavy. So now looking more into making it work better I can see some things that need to change. I don't want to be fucking with this mid storms.
Drink budweiser? ;) LOL
I had the mud lites on my old grizzly......loved those tires.

Those are Kenda Executioners. Go through a mud hole & hit the go juice & all you have left is a hole! The mud is all over your partner behind you. ;)
As for the Bud, I'll drink any kind of cold beer after 4 hours of butchering & packing a moose!

I can't tell is your bottom roller bigger on the fairlead?

Rollers are all the same dia.
Check your fairlead real good and make sure it's not damaged....because that's when they chew up cable. Mine had groves worn in the bottom drum from the cable rolling back & forth. I have a 5' wide Moose plow too, so it's pretty heavy.

The 50' or 60' cable it came with just finally ran out, after 14 years....plus I plow several places so not terrible. It's a HUGE PITA repairing cable in the cold though!! Always wind up bloody!
Seasick Steve was interviewed on Top Gear some years ago. The topic turned to his owning a tractor.

“So you like farming, then?”

“I don’t care for farmin’.
I like plowin’.”

Best bluesman I’ve heard.Bet @lokie knows of him.

Seasick Steve was interviewed on Top Gear some years ago. The topic turned to his owning a tractor.

“So you like farming, then?”

“I don’t care for farmin’.
I like plowin’.”

Best bluesman I’ve heard.Bet @lokie knows of him.

I saw him back in the at the 09 Byron Bay Blues festival, he was awesome
He also went on Spicks and Specks he was gold.

Those are Kenda Executioners. Go through a mud hole & hit the go juice & all you have left is a hole! The mud is all over your partner behind you. ;)
As for the Bud, I'll drink any kind of cold beer after 4 hours of butchering & packing a moose!

Rollers are all the same dia.
I have those on my 08 420 rancher , I knew what they were the instant I saw yours. I love mine but after all these years they have gotten hard and don’t get the traction they used to.