What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
First of all, let me LOL about “vision not changing after 45”

that is completely based on the individual. Macular degeneration doesn’t usually happen to anyone BEFORE their 50s...

Secondly, I don’t care how old I get, my time is valuable. If your time has lost value, then that’s on you. Even if I’m sipping cocktails poolside in a 4 star resort, that time has value.

Third, I don’t think I said ANYTHING about fashion. I said if I’m gonna wear glasses, I want them to be comfortable. It’s literally something you wear on your face all day long sometimes. Not really trying to take a shot in the dark and “hope something fits”

But please, we all do love how much you like to brag about how cheap you live in a still developing southeast Asian country. LOL...I mean, of COURSE it’s cheap, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam are some of the cheapest places to live in the entire world.

But I digress...how much IS an eye exam in Thailand?

PS...don’t really appreciate the misogynistic comments about women and fashion. But I guess what did I expect...


Well-Known Member
@shrxhky420 I been living with this for days.
I referred to @momashark as "old lady" a few days back.

I was a fool.

Nothing but respect for momashark!
Oh man, It's all good. Did I miss the old lady comment? She's older than me so you're right. Actually we were talking yesterday. Her birthday is next month and she's freaking out. She's starting to have a mid life crisis or something. Lol. On the other side of her complaining about getting older, she mentioned we can get discounts... aarp, and shit. Oh, I've said too much.



Virtually Unknown Member
Oh man, It's all good. Did I miss the old lady comment? She's older than me so you're right. Actually we were talking yesterday. Her birthday is next month and she's freaking out. She's starting to have a mid life crisis or something. Lol. On the other side of her complaining about getting older, she mentioned we can get discounts... aarp, and shit. Oh, I've said too much.

I work those discounts for every fukin cent!


Well-Known Member
Two nice sirloins on the smoker. One has this on it and a couple other things as a rub.

I love this and the wet version. It's got kick!
I worked in a commercial kitchen for a long time...We used to take the container of Colman’s dry mustard, shake it up, and then open it in front of some unsuspecting persons nose.

the “mustard gas” cloud and ensuing coughing were always a great source of pleasure.

Kitchens are a fucked up place to work sometimes. But, y’know, fucked up in a good way


Well-Known Member
I read another chapter in my "Organic Chem Lab" book, and it had me lol'ing. I can hear cannabineer "teaching" the class in my mind! I have read four chapters so far and it is great, and I'm normally not much of a reader. Very light, easy to read, and lots of humor inserted!

I think next I'm going to make a loaf of fresh banana bread, and maybe have a burrito for lunch. I made burritos last night from leftover beef roast, and I have leftover burrito fixins' !

And Worcestershire. Also jalapeños .
This is good stuff too!!



Well-Known Member
I read another chapter in my "Organic Chem Lab" book, and it had me lol'ing. I can hear cannabineer "teaching" the class in my mind! I have read four chapters so far and it is great, and I'm normally not much of a reader. Very light, easy to read, and lots of humor inserted!

I think next I'm going to make a loaf of fresh banana bread, and maybe have a burrito for lunch. I made burritos last night from leftover beef roast, and I have leftover burrito fixins' !

This is good stuff too!!

View attachment 4846732
Lots of sazón goes through this house. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What you said is sexist, yes.
The fact that you do not see it as sexist is also not surprising.
Sexism (belief one sex is superior to the other) and misogyny (hatred of all women) are not equivalents.
You accused me of being a misogynist, which I denied as I don't hate all (or even one particular) women.
I'm sorry you're lonely, maybe if you were nicer to people you don't know you wouldn't have ended up living alone.
But it's not my fault, and seeking my attention by trying to initiate a flame war isn't rational thinking.
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