

Well-Known Member
A large portion of the fucking country still believes the good side lost the dam civil war. And they still want to fly that racist fucking flag like it means something good. Don't fuck around with this crap. They are fucking wrong and they either grow up and change or fuck off and be forgotten.


Well-Known Member
A large portion of the fucking country still believes the good side lost the dam civil war. And they still want to fly that racist fucking flag like it means something good. Don't fuck around with this crap. They are fucking wrong and they either grow up and change or fuck off and be forgotten.


Well-Known Member
Compulsory government schooling isn't really "education" though. The nature of the word compulsory, forced to pay, agenda based curriculum, in many cases forced to attend, etc. makes it more indoctrination than education.

I wonder how much you know about the origins of government schools and the intentions behind them. Perhaps you should educate yourself in that area?
You have a problem with toilet training too...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Shortsighted opinion that you have based on a whole lot of sketchy nonsense being fed to you by right wing propagandists (from the few links you have littered the site with).

All your bullshit ends up just causing more recessions.
That's a very weak attempt to draw attention away from assertion that compulsory funded "education" isn't really education in the real meaning of the word.

I give you a C- , and that's probably being generous.

Some of the links I agree with the point being made, but you shouldn't consider them as something I endorse in every aspect.

As far as recessions go...what is money ?


Well-Known Member
That's a very weak attempt to draw attention away from assertion that compulsory funded "education" isn't really education in the real meaning of the word.
I wasn't trying to draw attention away from shit. I was pointing out that your nonsense is just that. How education is funded is not something that needs to be defended. There are obvious flaws that should be fixed, but that doesn't devalue the education that millions of children are earning every year. And the best part is that there is so much low hanging fruit when it comes to how we can set up all of our kids for success.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean you should fear it.

I give you a C- , and that's probably being generous.
Some of the links I agree with the point being made, but you shouldn't consider them as something I endorse in every aspect.

As far as recessions go...what is money ?
Something dividable that can be used as an exchange of measurable value.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
A large portion of the fucking country still believes the good side lost the dam civil war. And they still want to fly that racist fucking flag like it means something good. Don't fuck around with this crap. They are fucking wrong and they either grow up and change or fuck off and be forgotten.
It wasn't a civil war though. A civil war is when opposing sides are vying for control over a central institution. That wasn't the case.

It was a war of secession. One side wanted to disengage from the other, but they weren't allowed to, they were held in a political forced situation, by those who many think of as "emancipators" . The "emancipators used conscripted soldiers to force the people who wanted to break away to remain political captives. A very ironical situation when you add slavery into the mix, eh?


Well-Known Member
No, It's more like when Andre the Giant got bored and they had him fight like a dozen midgets or something for entertainment purposes.
So in this you're the desperate attempt at entertainment?

It would be better if what you push wasn't actively dangerous for people to think has a point. Because it is a lie designed to make us less stable.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a civil war though. A civil war is when opposing sides are vying for control over a central institution. That wasn't the case.

It was a war of secession. One side wanted to disengage from the other, but they weren't allowed to, they were held in a political forced situation, by those who many think of as "emancipators" . The "emancipators used conscripted soldiers to force the people who wanted to break away to remain political captives. A very ironical situation when you add slavery into the mix, eh?
You are a fuckin knob


Well-Known Member
So in this you're the desperate attempt at entertainment?

It would be better if what you push wasn't actively dangerous for people to think has a point. Because it is a lie designed to make us less stable.
It would also be better if it was actually entertaining.


Well-Known Member
It would also be better if it was actually entertaining.
Cunning Canuk, what do you think of the Wilson hit on Brandon Carlo, this guy is a archcriminal on ice and Ovie spearing Frederick in the johnson was,not to cool also, discuss.ccguns


Well-Known Member
Cunning Canuk, what do you think of the Wilson hit on Brandon Carlo, this guy is a archcriminal on ice and Ovie spearing Frederick in the johnson was,not to cool also, discuss.ccguns
I thought the hit was an intentional attempt to injure. Considering Wilson’s history, 7 games was not enough. You?

I agree the Ovechkin spear was greasy but I’m not surprised. He’s been a grease ball his entire career.


Well-Known Member
It sucks seeing that guy lay people out every Fn season, They(NHL ADM.) need to add up suspensions and calibrate punishment based on a player's history. A dude like Wilson w/his history, man we're looking at 20games IMO. AS for Ovechkin, I'd like to see somebody pound him out, He's very talented but has been getting away w/shit on the edge w/no retribution for a long time.ccguns


Well-Known Member
I apologize, but I'm not sure of your point and how it is relevant. Were you defending something or rebutting something ?
I'm saying that the main grievance which appears to be the fuel for the creation of voluntaryism, which is also connected to your comment about rights not being protected by an entity which owes its existence to a violation of rights, could pretty easily be proven to have no foundation as any sort of a requirement for said existence.


Well-Known Member
I am not opposed to governance. For instance, I try to govern my own behavior in accordance with my own principles. I try hard not to govern your behavior unless / until it intersects with my own life in such a way as to impact my rights. I don't think that is fantasyland, I think it is the best reality
there is.

I am opposed to a coercion based government, most sane people are. Government is an institution which relies on coercion, and initiatory coercion against otherwise peaceful people (people not taking others rights away). That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Like it or not.

Believing that an institution based in coercion can bring about a just world, is fantasyland. It is literally impossible, since coercion and justice are opposing concepts. It would be like cutting pieces of your dick off, to gain a few inches.

The ideal society for people can vary, I'm okay with that as long as your ideals aren't forced on others, which is what happens in the present, which is why there is so much turmoil in the world. If you want or need government, go for it, just don't think your ideals can be voted onto me....I may reject them.
Sure, self-governing is what I was referring to when saying that the ideal society doesn't need laws, because they do what's right on their own. A society of self-governing people is fantasyland. The number of laws we have are directly related to how well we self-govern, which the obvious trend is....not very well. Something major would need to happen that would literally change the way we think. Something on the scale of a nuclear war.

Religion is coercion-based governance and with a country that 3/4 identifies as Christian, the country likes coercion-based governance. And that's a fact.

What's not a fact is assuming that coercion must always be negative. Some propaganda is a great thing, like in cartoons when the good guy catches the bad guy and always shows compassion and integrity with the "you're not worth it" line, indicating a choice between ruining their integrity by killing them, or doing what's right and sending them to jail. That's not a fantasyland, you see kids mimicking that every time. It works. Indoctrination works, that's why it exists. The only real fault in it is putting so little faith in people that they feel the need to shut them off from other information.

Your problem is you're stuck on meritless rules, when you should be focusing on merit. Any system works with decent people, but you're stuck on the system and that's an excuse to avoid acknowledging that we're not actually that great of a group of people. The only thing lacking is maintenance. Society's don't last without reinforcing certain ideals and we took civics out of classrooms decades ago. We literally have no form of societal maintenance and this once beautiful thing is starting to turn into a pos is starting to break down. People in their 50's don't even know the difference in how our constitutional rights are applied between people/people and people/gov't. That's like the first thing you learn.

A lot of what people think is being forced onto them is complete horseshit. Some gay dude standing over there telling you to embrace his lifestyle, isn't forcing anything on you. Some lady a hundred miles away getting an abortion isn't forcing anything on you. The vast majority of what I've seen when people think is something being forced on them is simply an extreme hypersensitivity to a specific topic and the "forcing" is being manufactured in their own paranoid and hate-fueled mind.


Well-Known Member
Sure, self-governing is what I was referring to when saying that the ideal society doesn't need laws, because they do what's right on their own. A society of self-governing people is fantasyland. The number of laws we have are directly related to how well we self-govern, which the obvious trend is....not very well. Something major would need to happen that would literally change the way we think. Something on the scale of a nuclear war.

Religion is coercion-based governance and with a country that 3/4 identifies as Christian, the country likes coercion-based governance. And that's a fact.

What's not a fact is assuming that coercion must always be negative. Some propaganda is a great thing, like in cartoons when the good guy catches the bad guy and always shows compassion and integrity with the "you're not worth it" line, indicating a choice between ruining their integrity by killing them, or doing what's right and sending them to jail. That's not a fantasyland, you see kids mimicking that every time. It works. Indoctrination works, that's why it exists. The only real fault in it is putting so little faith in people that they feel the need to shut them off from other information.

Your problem is you're stuck on meritless rules, when you should be focusing on merit. Any system works with decent people, but you're stuck on the system and that's an excuse to avoid acknowledging that we're not actually that great of a group of people. The only thing lacking is maintenance. Society's don't last without reinforcing certain ideals and we took civics out of classrooms decades ago. We literally have no form of societal maintenance and this once beautiful thing is starting to turn into a pos is starting to break down. People in their 50's don't even know the difference in how our constitutional rights are applied between people/people and people/gov't. That's like the first thing you learn.

A lot of what people think is being forced onto them is complete horseshit. Some gay dude standing over there telling you to embrace his lifestyle, isn't forcing anything on you. Some lady a hundred miles away getting an abortion isn't forcing anything on you. The vast majority of what I've seen when people think is something being forced on them is simply an extreme hypersensitivity to a specific topic and the "forcing" is being manufactured in their own paranoid and hate-fueled mind.
You've got a highIQ man.ccguns