What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Saw a bug today, first one since October. 68f today, last week was 2f. Done with winter, not gonna shovel again.
Told my dog about the bug, that was kinda mean. He's been creeping out and looking for circling flyers and crawlers, he hates bugs.

Sea Scallops and shrimp with pasta for dinner, just got to pat dry, season and flash in a pan.



Well-Known Member
I'm having fish and shrimp, breaded out of the box in the freezer. I'm being lazy again.
I had to go to Highliner Foods, the fried fish factory couple weeks ago.
Finally found that mystery flavoring...that faint whisp of chlorine when it first goes in the oven.
This will react really well with fish oil stuck to the processing line and produce chlorinated soap, I think.


Global Moderator
Staff member
The female eggs are equally as tasty as the male's sperm sacs. Nothing goes to waste.

View attachment 4850535
I remember years ago a plane with only a pilot and Co-pilot flying out of Dutch harbor with a cargo of Pacific Cod Milt didn't quite make enough altitude and crashed. The last thing that went through through their heads was Cod Cum.
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Well-Known Member

No penises were harmed in the fileting of that fish.
Pretty sure the egg thing was a mistake with OP. Im not one to make things up, or ever disagree. Buuuuuuuuuuut, everyone but me is wrong here. Including the OP.

I can understand his attempt at covering up his dinner. Lots of people think eating lightly grilled dolphin penis is gross. I want OP to know that he doesn't have to lie or tame down what he eats.



Well-Known Member
I will politely ((as always)) DISAGREE Bareback. May wanna reread his original post. He clearly mentions a sack and then goes on to share a picture of the dolphins penis. Its the very bottom image on the right.

I just can't have any misinformation spread around this fine establishment.
Damn it ..... how could I have missed that ..... these aging eyes of mine have failed me again. It’s right there in his hand for god’s sake. Thank you for setting me straight on this, if I keep it up I’ll be cumpaled to move back to the newbie section.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the egg thing was a mistake with OP. Im not one to make things up, or ever disagree. Buuuuuuuuuuut, everyone but me is wrong here. Including the OP.

I can understand his attempt at covering up his dinner. Lots of people think eating lightly grilled dolphin penis is gross. I want OP to know that he doesn't have to lie or tame down what he eats.

I'm sure he swallows.