When is Covid19 Like Abortion?

I did not read the three pages of comments, so no way of knowing how far OT I am. But I had an interesting conversation about covid and abortion at my local diner. It was way back when we thought a thousand dead a day was a lot. As usual I was the only one in the place wearing a mask. They had just gone from take out only to 25% capacity indoors. Passing the time until my pork chops were ready so I could get the hell out of there, I asked the waitress how they were doing with the new rules. She said it was crazy that they were having to do anything. I pointed out the daily average on a running weekly basis was hovering around 1000 dead per day. She said, well, there are over two thousand abortions a day and none of those liberals seem to give a damn about that. I really wanted to tell her you couldn't catch an abortion from someone breathing on you, but I didn't want spit in my mashed potatoes, so I just nodded and waited in silence.

I still get my porch chops to go. But the wife has had both shots and I've had my first. So we did stop in and eat breakfast the other day. It was after the rush, so not too crowded.
Diner pork chops to go. Nice
I don't do it every Tuesday, but more often than not. 9 bucks for two chops, two sides and a sweet tea. I not sure what the daily specials are for the all days of the week, but it's pork chops on Tuesdays and fried catfish on Fridays.
Thats a good deal.
I did not read the three pages of comments, so no way of knowing how far OT I am. But I had an interesting conversation about covid and abortion at my local diner. It was way back when we thought a thousand dead a day was a lot. As usual I was the only one in the place wearing a mask. They had just gone from take out only to 25% capacity indoors. Passing the time until my pork chops were ready so I could get the hell out of there, I asked the waitress how they were doing with the new rules. She said it was crazy that they were having to do anything. I pointed out the daily average on a running weekly basis was hovering around 1000 dead per day. She said, well, there are over two thousand abortions a day and none of those liberals seem to give a damn about that. I really wanted to tell her you couldn't catch an abortion from someone breathing on you, but I didn't want spit in my mashed potatoes, so I just nodded and waited in silence.

I still get my porch chops to go. But the wife has had both shots and I've had my first. So we did stop in and eat breakfast the other day. It was after the rush, so not too crowded.
"If you don't care about abortion then why care about covid?"

Pretty much standard wacko right wing logic right there.

I'd find a different place to get my breakfast.
He most likely hangs out south of 8 mile selling dimes of bullshit. Only reason to be that big of a bitch and care that much about the libs is if his life itself is bullshit and unfulfilled. Right @Detroitwill ?
Wow. You read pretty deep into that. N I’m not the kid you come buy from bro. Sorry.... oops. I need to read back posts a little sometimes. Lol my bad. But it was a nice come back. Lol
Wow. You read pretty deep into that. N I’m not the kid you come buy from bro. Sorry.... oops. I need to read back posts a little sometimes. Lol my bad. But it was a nice come back. Lol
Ok, but do you really live in St Clair Shores or something and claim Detroit?

(I am just messing around)
. . . . . . . . . . I'd find a different place to get my breakfast.
When I say the diner, I mean the only diner in town. All my neighbors are Trumpsters, and I'm pretty anti-social towards all humans, not just right wing whack jobs, plus I'm cheap as hell, so I don't eat breakfast out very often. We had gone to Tally and got back before the lunch crowd was in, so we stopped in.
I don't do it every Tuesday, but more often than not. 9 bucks for two chops, two sides and a sweet tea. I not sure what the daily specials are for the all days of the week, but it's pork chops on Tuesdays and fried catfish on Fridays.
you're from the South so you must be familiar with the Meat and Three concept?? man, i miss that from my time in SC.
Like it or not if you make guns completely illegal they will still be available just like drugs. Yes it would help. Yes I think there should be much much stricter laws. Who needs weapons even like our police have. But good luck changing any of that. The question is why are people so angry?

Except you will need guns to take away guns. You will also need guns to enforce "gun laws".

When government guns are used against people who own guns for defensive purposes, government is initiating violence against peaceful people, which of course gun grabbers fail to address.

Therefore gun grabbers aren't for reducing the threat of violence, they are for ensuring the party who can legally threaten others is ALWAYS / ONLY government.

I'm not angry, but I am amused.
I did not read the three pages of comments, so no way of knowing how far OT I am. But I had an interesting conversation about covid and abortion at my local diner. It was way back when we thought a thousand dead a day was a lot. As usual I was the only one in the place wearing a mask. They had just gone from take out only to 25% capacity indoors. Passing the time until my pork chops were ready so I could get the hell out of there, I asked the waitress how they were doing with the new rules. She said it was crazy that they were having to do anything. I pointed out the daily average on a running weekly basis was hovering around 1000 dead per day. She said, well, there are over two thousand abortions a day and none of those liberals seem to give a damn about that. I really wanted to tell her you couldn't catch an abortion from someone breathing on you, but I didn't want spit in my mashed potatoes, so I just nodded and waited in silence.

I still get my porch chops to go. But the wife has had both shots and I've had my first. So we did stop in and eat breakfast the other day. It was after the rush, so not too crowded.

since she has chosen 'whataboutism' for her retort here's mine:

2.5 million children

A staggering 2.5 million children are now homeless each year in America. This historic high represents one in every 30 children in the United States.

National Center on Family Homelessness | American Institutes ...
www.air.org › center › national-center-family-homelessness

i'd leave that with my tip..tip: don't procreate you stupid bitch.

that means every class, in every school, in every state has one homeless child.
Nope. Unfortunately I live in Detroit. I would like to move further north though....
Depends where you're working I guess.

Anyways, hope you are a real person and stick around.

The trolling get's intense, and if you are (a real person and not one of the endless paid trolls that have been militarized to attack our citizens with nonstop propaganda (foreign and domestic) it makes it hard to talk, so remember you have a ignore button.
Except you will need guns to take away guns. You will also need guns to enforce "gun laws".

When government guns are used against people who own guns for defensive purposes, government is initiating violence against peaceful people, which of course gun grabbers fail to address.

Therefore gun grabbers aren't for reducing the threat of violence, they are for ensuring the party who can legally threaten others is ALWAYS / ONLY government.

I'm not angry, but I am amused.
Gun grabbers? Are they like pussy grabbers?

I’ll give you my pussy when you can grab it from my cold, dead hands.
Depends where you're working I guess.

Anyways, hope you are a real person and stick around.

The trolling get's intense, and if you are (a real person and not one of the endless paid trolls that have been militarized to attack our citizens with nonstop propaganda (foreign and domestic) it makes it hard to talk, so remember you have a ignore button.
I’m as real as it gets Hannibal..... and I don’t mind the assholes... I’m one too :cool:
then the dude that got onto a army reserve base with a ar15 paintball gun. surprised he's still alive.
I have a paintball gun that looks very realistic. And have had it noticed by a officer at a gas station on our way to go play. He literally froze in his tracks n put his hand on his gun before asking what it was. So ya... he got very very lucky they didn’t kill him.