When is Covid19 Like Abortion?


Well-Known Member
7 shootings in 7 days. Instead of hating just toke up a nice Indica strain and veg out on the couch with a remote in one hand and a big bag of potato chips in the other....please!


Well-Known Member
Also, how can a guy known to have schizophrenia that is already on an FBI watch list have access to an AR? Let's stay on topic here.
Good question.

Usually, your kind ask those questions as if they are answers. How about finding out the real answer instead of using it as a logical fallacy?

We have relatively lax gun sales regulations in this country. Is that what you meant?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
"If you don't care about abortion then why care about covid?"

Pretty much standard wacko right wing logic right there.

I'd find a different place to get my breakfast.
$9 for pork chops.....I guess we all have our price ;). I would hold out for the catfish myself lol.


Well-Known Member
$9 for pork chops.....I guess we all have our price ;). I would hold out for the catfish myself lol.
I haven't met a pig part I don't like. And a couple of Fridays the catfish were not up to my exacting standards. What my wife misses the most is the all you can eat shrimp on Saturday nights. Once I have my 2nd shot and feel brave, we will get together with her crew and have a feed. I forget the price on that, but it's under 20 bucks. And if I'm real nice, the bitchy waitress will make me a fresh pot of decaf.