What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Recipe link please!!
Can it be done Diabetic friendly? (Momma health comes first).

I bet you could do a sugar free version, just use sugar free chocolate. Might take a little tinkering, but I bet it comes out great. Just use a sweetener instead of sugar. If for some reason it doesn’t bake right the first time, try adding an extra egg

oh and the chocolate ganache is just equal parts by weight heavy whipping cream and semisweet chocolate. Bring the cream to a simmer, pour it over the chopped chocolate, and just let it sit 5 minutes. Stir until smooth, the heat from the cream should be enough to melt the chocolate.


Well-Known Member
took a drive north of town to visit a buddy today.....about 1/2 way there I realized I forgot to bring his address with me, but i only went a little further and it was obvious I would have little trouble locating his house:-D:bigjoint:.....it was good to see you again ol friend.:hug:
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Well-Known Member
took a drive north of town to visit a buddy today.....about 1/2 way there I realized I forgot to bring his address with me, but i only went a little further and it was obvious I would have little trouble locating his house:-D:bigjoint:.....it was good to see you again ol friend.:hug:
View attachment 4864487
Shit bro they’re doing some controlled burns around here or something. I can’t quite doing double takes all day lol.

Not saying that for you guys to feel sorry for me but i trip out when i see smoke. Even in almost april. Its fucking bullshit.

just seen a show last night about water conservation in the west. Boy are we fucked.
We are in a 20+ yr drought with not much precipitation and zero glaciers refilling our coffers for underground use. And more and more water being used. But one trippy thing was that this lady who studies this shit from tree rings found that in the 1100’s? I think it was, we had a 50yr long drought
