What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
I think descartes would tell you that all you can trust is yourself, you can't really prove that anyone exists. :P


Well-Known Member
Must their really be religion, Do we not no wrong from right??? Ya know ying and yang
Is killing inocent people going to benifit you as the Islamic bastards think.. Are they
right and we being Jews Catholic or what ever, wrong???????? Whos right??? I think everybody being of sound mind and body knows right from wrong. Thats my religion:peace:


Well-Known Member
it's not about chastising a religion for their image. the image america wants to give the islams is "terrorists" but most islamic people are just people, not terrorists, extremist groups of less than 100 people can ruin the image of an entire people. If I remember correctly, someone once said that to unite a people, you need an enemy, a global enemy that everyone can unify against. you know who said that? hitler, when refferring to the jewish people. you know who else said it? bush, when refferring to "terrorists" weird huh?...


New Member
With all due respect, I think when Bush reeferred (<---:mrgreen:) to terrorists, he meant terrorists.

No American administration has ever said that Islam or its faithful are to blame. However, it is a true statement to say that almost every terrorist is of the Islamic faith*.

Osama Bin Laden primary target has always been personal and aimed at Saudi Arabia. This is a struggle within the Islamic faith (think conservative vs. liberal **) and spill over onto the world stage has occurred. The stakes are high of course, and not to be underestimated.
Throw in Iran and Russia, along with Israel and you have a real pressure cooker building. :peace:

* There are many facets of Islam just as in Christianity.

** I am always amazed at American liberals giving quarter to Islamic terrorists, who would be considered to be the right wing nut jobs in the U.S. who blow up abortion clinics. Strange bedfellows indeed. :roll:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
a terrorist isn't just a terrorist, it's anyone the government deems a "threat" but it's weird, because with our threat meter, aren't we scaring our own people, making our government the terrorists?


New Member
There's a vast difference from being scared of a color changing light (orange, yellow, red) and a car blowing up on the street as you pass by for lunch. If the Homeland Program scares you, WW2 would've made you commit suicide :mrgreen:. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol, it doesn't scare me, but it scares the public, makes people suspect other people, and yeah, I guess colors can scare people still; it happens, you can't argue that.


Active Member
I'm a hellenic pagan. (zeus worship). for real

i love reading theogony by hesiod when i'm stoned.........it is so good....definitely believe in all that good stuff. ancient greeks gave us everything man. you know? fucking western civilization...they knew what was up...and that was before christianity was invented...


New Member
I'm a hellenic pagan. (zeus worship). for real

i love reading theogony by hesiod when i'm stoned.........it is so good....definitely believe in all that good stuff. ancient greeks gave us everything man. you know? fucking western civilization...they knew what was up...and that was before christianity was invented...
It's okay to have a fairy tale to believe in. Luckily the tradition of throwing unfit babies off of cliffs has not been passed down successfully from Greece to us. Yeah, they had it all going on. :shock:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
:peace:This is for Fluffy & although I didn't get a response from you puff. I apologize for the wait Fluffy. As I originally stated I believe we are energy & this time I will elaborate...I think the appropriate way to describe the start of it all would be labeled Genisis(beginning). I think the entire universe is constructed of this genisis energy including us. This energy in it's original form is completly pure. This is how anything & everything is possible & also the reason everything just is until we apply labels & judgements. Over the course of a probably inmeasurable amount of time this energy has been continuosly warped & changed effected by everything within' itself. Time really can't be measured as it is merely an illusion meant to trick the human mind. Time never stops just like energy can never be destroyed. This is why I believe even though your physical exsistence ends you never really die. I like to think of life as experience & death as ascension. People always ask what's the meaning of life & my answer is rather simple. The purpose of life is that there is no purpose...let me explain. I believe in something called The Divine Mind & One Supreme Consciousness. I think in this experience(life) we are to just be & learn...kinda gather knowledge in a sense what ever that knowledge may be. I believe in ascension(death) your energy,soul, spirit or whatever you chose to call it delivers this knowledge to the Supreme Consciousness & recycles itself through all living genisis energy. If we use nature as an example & realize how it wastes very little it is easy to use logic to gather a conclusion that the universe operates the same since all creation is simply a mirror reflection of itself. The Divine mind inherently becomes more intelligent & aware of itself. Have you ever heard the statement - to thy own self be true? I really just think it's all a cycle & everthing is connected. Everything has an influence on everything else. I know alot of this sounds confusing, but it makes sense to me. I have attached a picture of this poster I have in my room that is called Genisis. It kinda helped me reach some of my conclusions as crazy as that sounds. I think have generally covered most of my viewpoints although I'm sure I forgot something. I hope that in sharing this with you I have opened your mind to new things & I look forward to hearing any questions anyone may have or discussions. Love - Peace - Together is the key to a bright future. Balance is the key to stability. The universe is a complicated thing that always works itself out. :peace:



New Member
They beat the hell outta the Romans, tho, just me.

Most civilization owes a great deal to Alexander. Including ROme.

The reason you feel that Greece gave us more than Rome is because Rome preserved Greek knowledge, while some of Rome's greatest knowledge was lost at the end of their empire. Rome was sacked by barbarians and many secrets and wisdom was lost forever. The dark age had begun by snuffing out the light.....:peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry, man, I didn't realise there was a question at me, I have been off the forum for awhile, bad elbow and typing with one finger is a bitch.

And hey, I cuddn't agree more!


Well-Known Member
God gave me power to become a son of God.
There is also the god of this world that has blinded the minds of men.
Any questions...just ask.


Well-Known Member
No apologies necessary puff.......just wasn't sure if you were interested. I figured you didn't see my previous post, but I don't like to assume. I hope your injuries heal quickly & well.