What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I stopped hanging board inside to finish my insurance bullshit. But today i was slinging mud up on the walls with my plasterer buddies. Only got them on the weekends.
I have allot i can do once the stucco is done too so gotta get that done. Fuck. It all needs to get done!
Only a few more days, by myself and i’ll be ready for a taper. Then i can paint. Then i gotta get the hardwood flooring down for the kitchen cabs, the bathrooms can wait.
I was just eating chocolate frosting straight out of the container, and I was thinking, I bet Jeff would put a spoonful in his coffee ! It's is pretty good stuff! It might make an interesting smore too.

Those chocolate grahams were inspiring too.

Yeah, the dabs did it!

Good night all!!