What did you accomplish today?

Power went out briefly a day or two ago, thanks SCE. Today the pool looked a little cloudy. So I went to turn on the pool filter and nothing worked. It wiped my entire automation system. I spent the entire day in 110 degree direct sun reprogramming my automation system. (@neosapien I didn't have the circuits written down so I had to trace all the wires -- I do now).

Automation hasn't even really caught on here yet. Sticker shock mostly. We do a couple systems here and there. We use Pentair Intellicenter. That can certainly take a minute to setup. The new ones are touch screen and make it way easier though!
remember how ali express stole my work and photos and started replicating my art?
well it went to wish, which i was able to get taken down
than people on facebook marketplace started buying it from aliexpress and selling my art and my photos which they have taken those down when mycustomers started flooding them for selling stolen work

but now, amazon has my stolen art!
i swear at this point i spend more time getting my artwork taken down and looking for my stolen art than i do creating it

remember how ali express stole my work and photos and started replicating my art?
well it went to wish, which i was able to get taken down
than people on facebook marketplace started buying it from aliexpress and selling my art and my photos which they have taken those down when mycustomers started flooding them for selling stolen work

but now, amazon has my stolen art!
i swear at this point i spend more time getting my artwork taken down and looking for my stolen art than i do creating it


You should take a look at copyrightindex.com. I think it's a hundred bucks you upload all your images and tell them your listing locations. They scour the web for other market places with the same images and automatically issue take down requests on your behalf.
Automation hasn't even really caught on here yet. Sticker shock mostly. We do a couple systems here and there. We use Pentair Intellicenter. That can certainly take a minute to setup. The new ones are touch screen and make it way easier though!
Mine's the older Intellitouch i7+3. I'm considering updating it but we'll see. The setup is pretty ridiculous.
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I made a mess, yesterday, certainly that counts for somfin!
I am making a BIG mess...lol.

It started as an innocent "lets replace some counter tops". HA! Now I have base cabinets tore out too, and everything is out of square as a MF, but it's on the going back together stage now.

Just put the 2nd coat of gloss enamel on my used cabinets, using a foam roller, and they look better than new!! Hoping to install them tomorrow. I'm picking up particle board tonight for the counter top, and the laminate arrived today. Right on schedule!!

One little problem...My shoulder that I was just bragging about being pain free, isn't pain free any more. Shit, I was hoping to get more than 30 days from the injections, but I have also been over doing it. Bigtime...I even lost 10 pounds!

I notified my tenants today that I am listing the properties for sale this weekend :o I probably feel worse about it than they do...I've owned these places for nearly 35 years...They are a part of me...a part that needs to be removed!
I am making a BIG mess...lol.

It started as an innocent "lets replace some counter tops". HA! Now I have base cabinets tore out too, and everything is out of square as a MF, but it's on the going back together stage now.

Just put the 2nd coat of gloss enamel on my used cabinets, using a foam roller, and they look better than new!! Hoping to install them tomorrow. I'm picking up particle board tonight for the counter top, and the laminate arrived today. Right on schedule!!

One little problem...My shoulder that I was just bragging about being pain free, isn't pain free any more. Shit, I was hoping to get more than 30 days from the injections, but I have also been over doing it. Bigtime...I even lost 10 pounds!

I notified my tenants today that I am listing the properties for sale this weekend :o I probably feel worse about it than they do...I've owned these places for nearly 35 years...They are a part of me...a part that needs to be removed!
I can't wait to see how good the new cabinets will look! So of course you're getting rid of the place :lol: The entire out of square thing, sigh. I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
I was up early, working on kitchen renovations, and then some trimming tonight. Dinner at 9:30 pm, hitting the hay and doing more of the same tomorrow.

Need to do a Lowes trip tomorrow night for plywood for the counter tops, and laminate should be here Thursday too...I bought a sheet of this. Trying to get it done while it;s cooler this week.

You have a formica bit?
So many booking and contracts for the music biz lately, it's incredible. People are finding me from google searches, yelp, and my website beside the usual booking sites I belong to. My calendar is filling up quickly, as is my bank account with deposits. I dislike being so busy, but it is a great problem to have. I've even been giving the extra business I can't handle to colleagues who are VERY appreciative. I'm even starting to get referrals and repeat business at this point. Life is good...
Haven't done much, it's a little warm out there. I did get my seal removal/installation tools, and my wrenches should be here in a bit. Probably replace the seal in the morning before it gets stupid hot. Hopefully it will hold fluid after I replace it. Still hunting for a gas tank strap.
I am making a BIG mess...lol.

It started as an innocent "lets replace some counter tops". HA! Now I have base cabinets tore out too, and everything is out of square as a MF, but it's on the going back together stage now.

Just put the 2nd coat of gloss enamel on my used cabinets, using a foam roller, and they look better than new!! Hoping to install them tomorrow. I'm picking up particle board tonight for the counter top, and the laminate arrived today. Right on schedule!!

One little problem...My shoulder that I was just bragging about being pain free, isn't pain free any more. Shit, I was hoping to get more than 30 days from the injections, but I have also been over doing it. Bigtime...I even lost 10 pounds!

I notified my tenants today that I am listing the properties for sale this weekend :o I probably feel worse about it than they do...I've owned these places for nearly 35 years...They are a part of me...a part that needs to be removed!

Your hard work is certain to pay off.
Money animated emoticon

Reading that leaves me wondering how much cussing was involved.
When I work on projects similar to that it is not uncommon to create new curses.
Fuck! animated emoticon

Uttering profanities is complimentary, there is never a surcharge for swearing.

I love to swear adele swearing GIF - Find on GIFER
You should take a look at copyrightindex.com. I think it's a hundred bucks you upload all your images and tell them your listing locations. They scour the web for other market places with the same images and automatically issue take down requests on your behalf.
interesting problem being my items are been sold by now since theyre older no links to put but ill look into it
Trim jail today, I'm about half done. I'm beginning to like Indica's more for the big buds to trim. I think I have worn out my scissors and my little shears, I need to find the kind JJ gives to people who sign up for the foothill retreat I guess (No I don't want to join the crew...lol). I haven't even weighed up what I trimmed yet. Got out hamburger for the boy to make taco meat with, buds and suds in progress.
It's stupid hot outside.