Chauvin Trial

I don't believe systemic racism exists just because you say it does. When people talk about systemic racism without giving any evidence of it, it tells me they are more concerned with pointing fingers and virtue signaling than tackling the root causes which are not surprisingly much more difficult to address.

That's another subject altogether though, and as you said I'm done so if y'all stop responding, I'm done commenting on this story.
So, systemic racism doesn't exist because you are ignorant of it?

(Insert "ostrich head in ground" meme here)
I was asking what I was supposed to take away from CC's link, but OK...

Police killing people is filmed all the time these days. Lots of examples of them being put in the position of choosing to kill or be killed and making the only rational decision. Some examples of mistakes being made also.
Kill or be killed. Yeah, the guy on the ground was a threat. Yeah, the people surrounding them were a threat, telling him he is killing the man. Yes he was feeling threatened when the man was lying dead and someone offered to administer CPR.

All and all he was having a bad day it seems.
I don't believe systemic racism exists just because you say it does. When people talk about systemic racism without giving any evidence of it, it tells me they are more concerned with pointing fingers and virtue signaling than tackling the root causes which are not surprisingly much more difficult to address.

That's another subject altogether though, and as you said I'm done so if y'all stop responding, I'm done commenting on this story.
Kill or be killed. Yeah, the guy on the ground was a threat. Yeah, the people surrounding them were a threat, telling him he is killing the man. Yes he was feeling threatened when the man was lying dead and someone offered to administer CPR.

All and all he was having a bad day it seems.

Chauvin was really supposed to have the day off but came in anyway..took the call from someone else (call jumping cops hate it; they're protective of their patrol territory). you know the rest about how he ran his scene. a trouble maker looking for trouble.
I have probably read a fair few of those. Have you? I notice one in there which actually argues that systemic racism in the police is a myth.

I don't think all literature on the subject is wrong, and most certainly helps to further the conversation. The conclusions are often a cop out that seeks to address the symptom but not the cause.

I think my position was well summed up recently in the UK government report into institutional racism in which they called out an "increasingly strident form of anti-racism thinking that seeks to explain all minority disadvantage through the prism of white discrimination" which it said diverted attention from "the other reasons for minority success and failure".

I strongly agree with this because almost all the evidence of racial bias in the studies you linked to is ultimately based on socio-economic disparity between whites and ethnic minorities in predominantly white countries.
Kill or be killed. Yeah, the guy on the ground was a threat. Yeah, the people surrounding them were a threat, telling him he is killing the man. Yes he was feeling threatened when the man was lying dead and someone offered to administer CPR.

All and all he was having a bad day it seems.
I don't disagree with this. My comment was a response to BD's assertion that cops that kill minorities are always in the wrong and only get exposed by filmed footage. In reality, many of those killings are lawful, and there is clear evidence to prove it.
Time plays a significant role, at least here in the US. If one group of people holds back another group of people for two hundreds years, to shit jobs and shit education, then stops doing that and then points the finger at them for being behind, well I'm not sure what the exact definition of a cunt is, but it seems like it's in the ballpark.
I don't disagree with this. My comment was a response to BD's assertion that cops that kill minorities are always in the wrong and only get exposed by filmed footage. In reality, many of those killings are lawful, and there is clear evidence to prove it.
Why do you always mis-state what people say? Is it because you know you are wrong and have nothing else?
I have probably read a fair few of those. Have you? I notice one in there which actually argues that systemic racism in the police is a myth.

I don't think all literature on the subject is wrong, and most certainly helps to further the conversation. The conclusions are often a cop out that seeks to address the symptom but not the cause.

I think my position was well summed up recently in the UK government report into institutional racism in which they called out an "increasingly strident form of anti-racism thinking that seeks to explain all minority disadvantage through the prism of white discrimination" which it said diverted attention from "the other reasons for minority success and failure".

I strongly agree with this because almost all the evidence of racial bias in the studies you linked to is ultimately based on socio-economic disparity between whites and ethnic minorities in predominantly white countries.
It always comes down to money and opportunities.
Whole thing is a mess. Chauvin is likely to die in prison, and in the moment, he likely panicked and truly didn’t know what to do. Obviously the answer is get off Floyd’s neck, but who’s ever had a blackout moment or whatever when you go blank. He definitely murdered GF, but I do not believe the guy was like yep I’m bout to kill this black man. It happened, dude needs to be sentenced for a long time for being careless, but I personally do not think it was AS malicious as the media presents. Just my .02
9 and a half minutes isn't a moment.

Panicked? Why would an experienced cop panic about a handcuffed suspect? He looked pretty casual with his hand in his pocket.

Choking the life from a human being isn't careless, it's murder.
Whole thing is a mess. Chauvin is likely to die in prison, and in the moment, he likely panicked and truly didn’t know what to do. Obviously the answer is get off Floyd’s neck, but who’s ever had a blackout moment or whatever when you go blank. He definitely murdered GF, but I do not believe the guy was like yep I’m bout to kill this black man. It happened, dude needs to be sentenced for a long time for being careless, but I personally do not think it was AS malicious as the media presents. Just my .02
"I got scared and killed him" only works as an argument in a trial if you use a gun.
9 and a half minutes isn't a moment.

Panicked? Why would an experienced cop panic about a handcuffed suspect? He looked pretty casual with his hand in his pocket.

Choking the life from a human being isn't careless, it's murder.

we all saw the YT.