Anybody else thinking about getting a 2nd vax?


Well-Known Member
I've been reading alot lately (just the last week maybe) that many virologists/medical experts that got the J&J vax have now gotten a 2nd vax of either moderna or Pfizer. mostly to protect against Delta variant (and future variants I guess?)


I figure that any vaccines that are out now are free game. People that wanted one should have gotten theirs way before now.
I feel pretty safe for now. I got both doses of the Moderna as soon as it was opened up to 60 year old's here in Florida. But if they say I should get a booster, I'll be first in line.

My main defense is staying the fuck home. I go to work one day a week, with a trip to the dollar and grocery store thrown in. And I go to the diner for takeout on pork chop day. The rest of the time I'm on the sandhill or down at the riverhouse.
I think Canada and the UK already recommend it if you had the AstraZeneca vaccine. The AZ and JJ vaccines are the same type so I think that recommendation will be coming, they are doing a study on it that is due in September. I have a freind that got the JJ and I already told her it's a good idea to get the second jab with Delta on the rise. I think JJ is only 60% effective with Delta.
I got the Pfizer back in May as soon as the FDA opened up the EUA to those under 60. Did the second dose as well.
If a booster is recommended my wife and I will be the first ones in line. Doubliing on the Pfizer, probably not without a medical recommendation from my doctor or some dire release by the CDC. Still masked and washing my hands until they're cracking. This delta variant is nasty.

Still waiting to get my 11 year old vaccinated, we've already passed the point where she could start Jr. High on the first day. So it looks like another 6 months of homeschooling and lockdown. The district yanked all the remote learning stuff they did last year, don't require masks in the school next year and as far as I know aren't requiring vaccinations either. I'm not sending her into that plague school with the delta variant out there and most of her entire grade being un-vaccinated. I have called the CDC, FDA and Pfizer trying to get her a shot because she's had pulminary issues since she was 3. No dice at all, the nearest trial would have been 2 days travel or a plane ride.
Good forward thinking, especially if an early adopter of J&J. I think Moderna is shaping up to be the best of the bunch with variants thus far..?
Personally if I had to choose between Pfizer and Moderna, I'd go Pfizer, simply because they have a lower concentration of the spiked protein vs Moderna, which I believe is around 4x the amount. Then again, you view thinks differently that I do, so perhaps having 4x the spiked proteins injected to your body is a good think in your view. I was recently hearing about how they determined the amount of spiked protein to put in the show, and that there were two camps of thought; one camps thought 50 ppm was a good amount, and the other camp thought 200 ppm, so instead of doing rigorous studies to determine the proper dose, they just split the difference and went with 125 ppm. I guess that's fast-science by committee for you.
I got the Pfizer back in May as soon as the FDA opened up the EUA to those under 60. Did the second dose as well.
If a booster is recommended my wife and I will be the first ones in line. Doubliing on the Pfizer, probably not without a medical recommendation from my doctor or some dire release by the CDC. Still masked and washing my hands until they're cracking. This delta variant is nasty.

Still waiting to get my 11 year old vaccinated, we've already passed the point where she could start Jr. High on the first day. So it looks like another 6 months of homeschooling and lockdown. The district yanked all the remote learning stuff they did last year, don't require masks in the school next year and as far as I know aren't requiring vaccinations either. I'm not sending her into that plague school with the delta variant out there and most of her entire grade being un-vaccinated. I have called the CDC, FDA and Pfizer trying to get her a shot because she's had pulminary issues since she was 3. No dice at all, the nearest trial would have been 2 days travel or a plane ride.
all i've been reading lately only affects the single dose vax; j&j and astra/zenaca ( pretty sure?)
Personally if I had to choose between Pfizer and Moderna, I'd go Pfizer, simply because they have a lower concentration of the spiked protein vs Moderna, which I believe is around 4x the amount. Then again, you view thinks differently that I do, so perhaps having 4x the spiked proteins injected to your body is a good think in your view. I was recently hearing about how they determined the amount of spiked protein to put in the show, and that there were two camps of thought; one camps thought 50 ppm was a good amount, and the other camp thought 200 ppm, so instead of doing rigorous studies to determine the proper does, they just split the difference and went with 125 ppm. I guess that's fast-science by committee for you.
i'll take my chance with the vax than the delta (and many other future variants) of covid. i always split aces and eights too.
Personally if I had to choose between Pfizer and Moderna, I'd go Pfizer, simply because they have a lower concentration of the spiked protein vs Moderna, which I believe is around 4x the amount. Then again, you view thinks differently that I do, so perhaps having 4x the spiked proteins injected to your body is a good think in your view. I was recently hearing about how they determined the amount of spiked protein to put in the show, and that there were two camps of thought; one camps thought 50 ppm was a good amount, and the other camp thought 200 ppm, so instead of doing rigorous studies to determine the proper dose, they just split the difference and went with 125 ppm. I guess that's fast-science by committee for you.

I can definitely see why you would want to go a little on the "softer" side with being in a high risk category. Early feedback is that the moderna is doing best against the delta variant, perhaps from being stronger?
Honestly, if vax is your thing I would just wait for a Delta specific booster. Vaxed people are still dying of Delta in basically the same numbers as the unvaxxed. It's true that you are less likely to be symptomatic with Delta if you are vaxxed, but if you do become symptomatic, it hits the vaxxed pretty hard still; kind of an all or nothing sort of infection for the vaxxed. I'm not hearing about too many people who have already been infected with Covid being reinfected with Delta yet though, so YAY for T-cells and B-cells.
Care to share the sources of this bullshit?
Honestly, if vax is your thing I would just wait for a Delta specific booster. Vaxed people are still dying of Delta in basically the same numbers as the unvaxxed. It's true that you are less likely to be symptomatic with Delta if you are vaxxed, but if you do become symptomatic, it hits the vaxxed pretty hard still; kind of an all or nothing sort of infection for the vaxxed. I'm not hearing about too many people who have already been infected with Covid being reinfected with Delta yet though, so YAY for T-cells and B-cells.
Uh, no they are not dying at the same rate in Canada.