Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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When Obama got into office and they rammed Obamacare through without reading it guess what happened? My monthly healthcare premiums doubled in less than a year.
You didn't answer his questions except to parrot an untrue Trumpist trope.

You have the same pattern as usual of making one ridiculous claim after the other, sometimes supporting them but only with unreliable or openly false sources. Next, you ignore all questions and counterpoints. Then you claim that you proved your assertions.

You suck at this. Please try to get better on your next account.
You didn't answer his questions except to parrot an untrue Trumpist trope.

You have the same pattern as usual of making one ridiculous claim after the other, sometimes supporting them but only with unreliable or openly false sources. Next, you ignore all questions and counterpoints. Then you claim that you proved your assertions.

You suck at this. Please try to get better on your next account.
Give him a brake, it's getting late....it's almost 10pm in Moscow
It is not possible to have honest discussion with someone who keeps vomiting forth the classic set of hateful lies that define Maga.
And, despite the weakness of their argument, they always claim victory. Apparently, the only way they cannot win a discussion is with massive Democratic election fraud. It doesn't matter - today's Republicans cannot understand anything that takes more than three minutes of effort.
I compare it to the crazy homeless people yelling at the folks in suits. People just keep walking by, but by God that homeless dude is muttering "sure showed them fuckers."
Its your right to refuse the vaccine
It's a company's right to require vaccination as a condition of employment
It's your right to quit rather than be vaccinated
It's a company's right to fire your ass if you aren't vaccinated

What that clear enough?
those are "Freedoms"....:-D
You got that way wrong. I am as conservative as they come. Especially when it comes to economics. Its obvious that this admin wants to spend spend and spend some more. They claim taxes won't go up. Okay, taxes may not go up, but inflation is. And when there is massive inflatuon there are more tax dollars to work with. That's been their plan the whole time. Why do you think gas prices are up after shutting down the keystone pipeline? When gas is high everything goes up. There's no substitute for high gas prices. And you simply can't spend your way out of a crisis. Also the homeowners and property owners are getting screwed by many states. They are allowing people to not pay rent but the property owners are still being required to pay their mortgages and aren't getting relief. So there are many things we probably agree on. We just have a different opinion and outlook on the whole covid thing and where to go from here. I just don't want these mandates and government overreach to get out of hand...which it's already getting to that point. You know the old saying never let a good crisis go to waste...well this one certainly isn't being wasted by the corrupt politicians on both sides.
Hey, did your girlfriend in Canada lose her restaurant too?