My neighbor helped me trim basically when my health issues started and now I want to kick him to the curb. I will tell him we need to trim tonight and he doesn't want to or makes up an excuse. I want to kick him to the curb, but I still need him and I don't want him to get me in trouble. He says its not about the money, but it is. This broke bum pos use to sit home and do nothing all day and since the last 4 years he plays golf and eats out everyday bc of the trim and weed he gets for helping me out 5-6 hours a MONTH. This MF'er is so lazy he can't even mow his lawn that takes 15 mins and makes his older Dad do it... He says its not about the money one minute, then he says for all the work he does he needs more money. I would estimate that he would sell the weed/trim for 600-$1000 a month based on being able to golf and eat out everyday.... What do you do in this situation??