Free speech in the politics section

Thanks, I appreciate it. I try to be honest and fair. All politicians suck. But that doesn't change the fact that someone has to run the country and personally I hope it's a republican. I like lower taxes, less government and a juggernaut of a military. Peace through strength.
The republicans actually increased "our" taxes, and as "our" i mean poorer folks, and gave a break to the top.
In accordance with trumps threat, we will rely on our current representatives to extend our tax break since he is no longer president
I don't know where you live, but I've spent some time in texas and have worked in an industry with blue collar workers from all over the world. Just talk to the white republicans. They think racism is the physical act of hurting/killing a black person and beyond that is just being a dick or exercising your rights or whatever.

You don't think the liberal tears agenda is a thing? Just google "liberal tears", you'll find quite a bit more than just a few isolated incidents. I've seen it here a hundred times and others here have seen it thousands of times. Three digit and fewer posters in here have become a bit of a joke. Like you said, you find it funny and many do. That's a problem, needing them tears to get through the day.

I talk to them daily. And they're offended that liberal folks say that if you vote for a republican, you're a racist.

How about Joe, what is he? Segregation back in the day. "if you don't know who you're voting for, you aint black". "Barrack is clean, well spoken, really great guy" lol He's as big a racist as any republican I know and Kamala "that little girl was me". She was certainly implying he was, well until she got the nod... The democrats use race all the time.
why would any trump lovin, gun totin, hannity watchin conservative dipshit be on a pot growing forum anyway?

be like your hero ronnie raygun and just say no! and go somewhere where you are appreciated, like a Proud Boi meeting.

And there is the writing on the wall that is the RIU politics section. You have this preconceived notion you know people, when you don’t.

The legalization of cannabis and the end of the drug war completely align with civil liberties proponents on the right side of the political spectrum; myself included.
And there is the writing on the wall that is the RIU politics section. You have this preconceived notion you know people, when you don’t.

The legalization of cannabis and the end of the drug war completely align with civil liberties proponents on the right side of the political spectrum; myself included.
delusional fucking fantasy, loser
The republicans actually increased "our" taxes, and as "our" i mean poorer folks, and gave a break to the top.
In accordance with trumps threat, we will rely on our current representatives to extend our tax break since he is no longer president

I don't believe that to be true, but if you show me the tax code changes, I'll be happy to take a look. But didn't the standard of living for minorities go up under his administration? I get all minorities aren't poor but they're disproportionately poor compared to the average white guy, right?
Just not in a racist sense

They use it in the sense that they dont do jack for minorities but try to keep them on the government tit and expand their base of power. I forgot, what about Hillary reading the slave passages, and joe "they're gonna put ya'll back in chains" Talk about pandering...