Free speech in the politics section

Why is it that a conservative gets booted from threads yet the guys that attack him personally and his views don't? Is this a liberal website that doesn't condone free speech?

There is a heavy heavy bias. They’re not all stupid here; but something I’ve noticed, is a regular group of people that are so deeply committed to their beliefs they viscerally attack and lash out at anything that even begins to brush against their perception of reality. It’s fascinating. Very much human nature though.

On this site it happens to be a group of people with on paper “leftist/liberal/democrat/etc” views. Very similar to places like the Washington Post comment section. At the same time, I’ve read some batshit hilarity on the breitbart comment sections too, that reads identical to the gems posted here, just on the opposite political spectrum.

I pointed out the soft hipocracy you’re referring to one day, screen shotting a mods comment from a few years ago where they are denouncing bullying/shutting down speech. When that same mod was doing just that, I got banned from that thread. It was in jest and to any centered human being would have been funny. But when you’re blinded by political beliefs anything even perceived as a challenge must be shut down and dismissed

edit: that said, either learn to navigate the blue waters here in this section or stay on the grow sections
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There is a heavy heavy bias. They’re not all stupid here; but something I’ve noticed, is a regular group of people that are so deeply committed to their beliefs, they viscerally attack and lash out at anything that even begins to brush against their perception of reality. It’s fascinating. Very much human nature though.

On this site it happens to be a group of people with on paper “leftist/liberal/democrat/etc” views. Very similar to places like the Washington Post comment section. At the same time, I’ve read some batshit hilarity on the breitbart comment sections too, that reads identical to the gems posted here, just on the opposite political spectrum.

I pointed out the soft hipocracy you’re referring to one day, screen shotting a mods comment from a few years ago where they are denouncing bullying/shutting down speech. When that same mod was doing just that, I got banned from that thread. It was in jest and to any centered human being would have been funny. But when you’re blinded by political beliefs anything even perceived as a challenge must be shut down and dismissed

edit: that said, either learn to navigate the blue waters here in this section or stay on the grow sections

The mod that removed me from the thread called me a pea brained trumptard. I'd call that a heavy bias.
True. Although, based on most of my conversation in the politics, "in person" probably wouldn't be good. Maybe one day you guys will see that Republicans don't hate you. We just don't think like you. We aren't all racist POS's either. Both parties have nut jobs, look at the dem that shot up that softball game. Big Bernie supporter. Adults don't hold that against Bernie...

And what I've been posting about Joe isn't made up shit. He did know about Hunter's business dealings and flat out denied it. Hunter's business partner personally met with Joe. He's just not who you want him to be. Most politicians aren't sadly. Again, I'll never say Trump's not an asshole, or hasn't broken the law. I'd bet he has. But Joe has enriched his family and I believe that Hunter has been his bag man in selling political influence.

I think in person would be good, because we type ten times less than what we'd say in person and so you end up with incomplete information in text, which can come off in a way it wasn't meant to be conveyed. Your first paragraph, it's hard for me to even want to tackle all of that here, because I'd be typing for an hour. Trolling is a huge part of being a republican. That's what trump does and his base LOVES IT and they emulate it. I also don't think his supporters know what racism is. Did you know that it's just a thought? Did you know that you can be a racist pos and have never performed a single racist act in your life? Many people think racism is when you beat/kill a black person for being black, but there are a million far more subtle ways it shows itself in society. All of these topics have so much nuance that it's just not possible to properly convey in a couple hundred words.
There is a heavy heavy bias. They’re not all stupid here; but something I’ve noticed, is a regular group of people that are so deeply committed to their beliefs, they viscerally attack and lash out at anything that even begins to brush against their perception of reality.
Yeah right. We should be more tolerant and just accept the trumptard’s perception of reality.
The mod that removed me from the thread called me a pea brained trumptard. I'd call that a heavy bias.

I mean, that doesn’t really surprise me. You and I are talking. I don’t think you’re a trumptard. I would say the majority of the politics section on RIU that posts think you are though.

I think in person would be good, because we type ten times less than what we'd say in person and so you end up with incomplete information in text, which can come off in a way it wasn't meant to be conveyed. Your first paragraph, it's hard for me to even want to tackle all of that here, because I'd be typing for an hour. Trolling is a huge part of being a republican. That's what trump does and his base LOVES IT and they emulate it. I also don't think his supporters know what racism is. Did you know that it's just a thought? Did you know that you can be a racist pos and have never performed a single racist act in your life? Many people think racism is when you beat/kill a black person for being black, but there are a million far more subtle ways it shows itself in society. All of these topics have so much nuance that it's just not possible to properly convey in a couple hundred words.

You do realize that half the people in the country voted for Trump including people of many races. I just cant understand why you think that Trump supporters don't understand what racism is. Ludicrous to me.

Trolling on the net is very common from both sides. Your opinion may seem logical to you, but let's think about it. Republicans are old, rich, white folks, right? If so, you think they mess around trolling folks all day or more than some 20 something? Cmon man!!

I wholeheartedly agree Trump loves trolling. I find it funny. Many do.
I mean, that doesn’t really surprise me. You and I are talking. I don’t think you’re a trumptard. I would say the majority of the politics section on RIU that posts think you are though.

Thanks, I appreciate it. I try to be honest and fair. All politicians suck. But that doesn't change the fact that someone has to run the country and personally I hope it's a republican. I like lower taxes, less government and a juggernaut of a military. Peace through strength.
why would any trump lovin, gun totin, hannity watchin conservative dipshit be on a pot growing forum anyway?

be like your hero ronnie raygun and just say no! and go somewhere where you are appreciated, like a Proud Boi meeting.

Because I like weed. Is that not allowed for us folks? Am I not allowed because I vote republican most times?
True. Although, based on most of my conversation in the politics, "in person" probably wouldn't be good. Maybe one day you guys will see that Republicans don't hate you. We just don't think like you. We aren't all racist POS's either. Both parties have nut jobs, look at the dem that shot up that softball game. Big Bernie supporter. Adults don't hold that against Bernie...

And what I've been posting about Joe isn't made up shit. He did know about Hunter's business dealings and flat out denied it. Hunter's business partner personally met with Joe. He's just not who you want him to be. Most politicians aren't sadly. Again, I'll never say Trump's not an asshole, or hasn't broken the law. I'd bet he has. But Joe has enriched his family and I believe that Hunter has been his bag man in selling political influence.
do you want to suck hunter's cock or something
You do realize that half the people in the country voted for Trump including people of many races. I just cant understand why you think that Trump supporters don't understand what racism is. Ludicrous to me.

Trolling on the net is very common from both sides. Your opinion may seem logical to you, but let's think about it. Republicans are old, rich, white folks, right? If so, you think they mess around trolling folks all day or more than some 20 something? Cmon man!!

I wholeheartedly agree Trump loves trolling. I find it funny. Many do.

I don't know where you live, but I've spent some time in texas and have worked in an industry with blue collar workers from all over the world. Just talk to the white republicans. They think racism is the physical act of hurting/killing a black person and beyond that is just being a dick or exercising your rights or whatever.

You don't think the liberal tears agenda is a thing? Just google "liberal tears", you'll find quite a bit more than just a few isolated incidents. I've seen it here a hundred times and others here have seen it thousands of times. Three digit and fewer posters in here have become a bit of a joke. Like you said, you find it funny and many do. That's a problem, needing them tears to get through the day.