Free speech in the politics section

No need to be scared of them checking your transactions methigan, all yours are for grams at the hospice so youre good
i do to....especially after i showed he was cleared by congressional panels 3 times....smh

History will show, he's nowhere near clear.

And as far as an obsession with Hunter, no. But Hunter has been peddling political influence and paying his Dad. Hunter's laptop and Hunter's business partner prove that.
You called me a bitch. Man up little girl. I didn't threaten any violence.
that was an accurate description. The full description is "entitled bitch". A label I slapped on you for expecting other people to provide proof when you don't.

turnabout is fair play, bitch

I say this without malice. If it triggers your emotions, then it's on you, not me.
following that moscow narriative huh that was setup by the Oli trying to steal million from Ukraine and was found out....smh
that was an accurate description. The full description is "entitled bitch". A label I slapped on you for expecting other people to provide proof when you don't.

turnabout is fair play, bitch

I say this without malice. If it triggers your emotions, then it's on you, not me.

Lol, you call men bitches without malice? Okie dokie little girl.
You are wrong. I NEVER SAID TRUMP WASN'T A NARCISSISTIC MONEY GUY. Go re-read. What exactly did I say about his work history? Nothing that I recall with the exception of at least he created some jobs.

Afghanistan-kinda screwed up. You're not being honest about what I said or what happened in Afghanistan. He's the pres, he decides what's honored or not.

I said he was a narcissistic money guy and you replied saying that was incorrect.

He's a narcissistic money guy. He does narcissistic money things.
Incorrect and Biden is a senile crook..

So, please explain your all caps statement saying you never said he wasn't a money guy.

Also, I was just adding a comment on Afghanistan. I never said you said anything. You said he "effed up A", and of course I didn't know what the "effed up A" meant, so I said, "If you were about to talk about Afghanistan..." and then added my opinion. You'll see that I never made any claims about what you said, because you didn't provide enough information with whatever "A" was.
I said he was a narcissistic money guy and you replied saying that was incorrect.

So, please explain your all caps statement saying you never said he wasn't a money guy.

Also, I was just adding a comment on Afghanistan. I never said you said anything. You said he "effed up A", and of course I didn't know what the "effed up A" meant, so I said, "If you were about to talk about Afghanistan..." and then added my opinion. You'll see that I never made any claims about what you said, because you didn't provide enough information with whatever "A" was.


rollupreader said:
Can't argue with either of those points. I can also say he put working Americans first. But I can still say Biden is a senile crook.
I think he puts himself first, just because that's what narcissists do, but I'd like to hear more about the "Biden is a crook" part. And I'd have to ask, if trump also a crook?

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When I said incorrect, I meant about puttin himself ahead of working Americans. Note, I actually conceded that I couldn't argue those two points. So you are again incorrect. I did not say he wasn't a narcissistic money guy, I agreed. See where I'm coming from, or will you try to twist things again?
I like the middle ground or playing outside the box. I do not apply labels to myself or others because we have all been wrong before.

I think he puts himself first, just because that's what narcissists do, but I'd like to hear more about the "Biden is a crook" part. And I'd have to ask, if trump also a crook?

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When I said incorrect, I meant about puttin himself ahead of working Americans. Note, I actually conceded that I couldn't argue those two points. So you are again incorrect. I did not say he wasn't a narcissistic money guy, I agreed. See where I'm coming from, or will you try to twist things again?

Ahhh I think I understand now. It's not twisting, I just didn't understand what you were saying. I thought you were saying "incorrect" when I said he was a narcissistic money guy. The downside of not communicating in person.
Joe Biden and Hunter sharing a bank account, priceless... I wonder will the IRS be looking into every 600 dollar transaction of theirs??
lmao my wife still has an account with her dad that they opened when she was 5.

Hilarious how sad your 'but Hunter' narrative is that has already been exposed as a Giuliani propagated spam that the Trump cultists are desperate to believe so they can have anything at all to pretend like is bad about Joe Biden.
Ahhh I think I understand now. It's not twisting, I just didn't understand what you were saying. I thought you were saying "incorrect" when I said he was a narcissistic money guy. The downside of not communicating in person.

True. Although, based on most of my conversation in the politics, "in person" probably wouldn't be good. Maybe one day you guys will see that Republicans don't hate you. We just don't think like you. We aren't all racist POS's either. Both parties have nut jobs, look at the dem that shot up that softball game. Big Bernie supporter. Adults don't hold that against Bernie...

And what I've been posting about Joe isn't made up shit. He did know about Hunter's business dealings and flat out denied it. Hunter's business partner personally met with Joe. He's just not who you want him to be. Most politicians aren't sadly. Again, I'll never say Trump's not an asshole, or hasn't broken the law. I'd bet he has. But Joe has enriched his family and I believe that Hunter has been his bag man in selling political influence.