Free speech in the politics section

Think back to our conflicting "opinions". You said republicans were conservative and I disagreed and can show you that to be false, economically speaking, and you didn't really fight me on that. You said trump wasn't a narcissistic money guy and we can look at twitter and his work history and find that to be false as well, and you didn't really fight me on that. I think we know that those disagreements were more than being strictly opinion based. And you've been arguing with like twenty people here today and I've only argued with you, so it's been easier for me to keep track of. I think you might be mixing up some of these discussions.

If you were about to talk about Afghanistan(A), trump actually does play a role in that if you read up, but I do agree, biden kinda screwed up the last part. Even if people say his hands were tied per the previous agreement, we know some things could have been sorted out much better.

You are wrong. I NEVER SAID TRUMP WASN'T A NARCISSISTIC MONEY GUY. Go re-read. What exactly did I say about his work history? Nothing that I recall with the exception of at least he created some jobs.

Afghanistan-kinda screwed up. You're not being honest about what I said or what happened in Afghanistan. He's the pres, he decides what's honored or not.
You are wrong. I NEVER SAID TRUMP WASN'T A NARCISSISTIC MONEY GUY. Go re-read. What exactly did I say about his work history? Nothing that I recall with the exception of at least he created some jobs.

Afghanistan-kinda screwed up. You're not being honest about what I said or what happened in Afghanistan. He's the pres, he decides what's honored or not.
Trump negotiated with the taliban and ignored the afghan government and still lied about getting us out. Biden got us out
Right wing fucktards are so stupid and inconsiderate that, after all these years, they still haven't taken two seconds to learn the difference between sex and gender.

So you're ok with transgenders competing against real women in sports? Does that seem fair?
Lol, you talk real tough. I bet you'd be my bitch if we ever crossed paths.
Youre such a bitch that youre too scared to even engage with me by words on a pot forum. It would be hilarious to watch you piss your pants after i bitchslapped your teeth out :lol:
Lol, you talk real tough. I bet you'd be my bitch if we ever crossed paths.
See? Right there. When your lies fail you, your next move is to menace and lash out. Very primitive. No wonder you keep getting your ass banned.

Violence is the last refuge for the incompetent. I'll not threaten you but won't show regret if you die from covid all alone trying to suck life from a breathing tube.
See? Right there. When your lies fail you, your next move is to menace and lash out. Very primitive. No wonder you keep getting your ass banned.

Violence is the last refuge for the incompetent. I'll not threaten you but won't show regret if you die from covid all alone trying to suck life from a breathing tube.

You called me a bitch. Man up little girl. I didn't threaten any violence.