He and Rudy will probably die of old age before they see the inside of a cell, others, not so much. The lower down the food chain, the faster they will go away, it's becoming apparent that a half dozen congress people and a senator or two, might be indicted too. An independent special council is required, a former republican who quit the party long ago in disgust, a patriotic fire breather who let's God sort em out! A cold warrior who figures climbing in bed with the Russians and conspiring to stage an insurrection are acts of treason. Someone who will put the fear of Jesus into those who were even on the capitol grounds, just looking stupid, cause he will want to look into that too and charge as many as he can.

Give the Independent council broad powers and the ability to bring back a few hundred or thousand FBI and DOJ personnel, if required. Even if the democrats lose the house, the special counsel continues to use grand juries to indict these assholes.