

Well-Known Member
Well to start maybe go back 4 decades when both parties used to compromise. At least stuff got done. Now it's this side or that side. No compromise. Nothing but voting against the other party. With only 2 parties that leads to gridlock and a dysfunctional government. One of the unforeseen problems when the founding father were writing the articles of government. I think there was a belief that there would be numerous political factions and not the 2 parties we have today.
It is pretty easy to compromise when the legislation is almost exclusively benefiting the wealthy white heterosexual males that both parties were mostly made up of then.

It apparently is a lot harder when you start legislating for 100% of the country's population when the other party is trying like hell to keep the country stuck in the past.


Well-Known Member
Well to start maybe go back 4 decades when both parties used to compromise. At least stuff got done. Now it's this side or that side. No compromise. Nothing but voting against the other party. With only 2 parties that leads to gridlock and a dysfunctional government. One of the unforeseen problems when the founding father were writing the articles of government. I think there was a belief that there would be numerous political factions and not the 2 parties we have today.
The Repubs really kicked that into high gear when Obama got in. Now matter how good a thing was for their own people they obstructed it all.

Continues to this day and lot is thanks to that Bitch McConnell.



Well-Known Member
I don't understand all the hate for Manchin. He's in a tough spot. The people that voted for him are trump supporters yet he's a Democrat. Imagine walking that razors edge.

It's damn West Virginia. A bastion of inbred pure white morons. Beautiful country, too bad the people are so screwed up.

Fine, but you dont make provisions over major legislation with a president and then, without warning, declare final refusal on fox News.

That was the dick move.

He could easily have passed the act and then gone home to boast that his constituents profited handsomely in government checks and jobs.

Hell, Republicans have been voting against helpful laws and then taken credit for the benefits with their folks at home.

"If you can just come around on this issue...if you can remove that clause, if you can... " and each time concessions are made. Then say "I just can't do it" while behind the scenes he sits on his boat and complains child subsidies are being spent on drugs.

Or vote for a defense bill three times the size of this bbb bill and then claim to fear the debt and inflatio from a bill that may actually help folks.
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Well, it's over.
Bidens signature bill to Build Back Better, is finito, finished, dead in the polluted water trom W.Virginia.
And appropriately enough it was announced on Fox news by a fucking Republican, right?
They again got they're way, and the're way is to stymie & destroy/obstruct Biden & his agenda at all cost, one that is supported by over 60% of the voters in this country, but that don't mean shit to a Republican.
Fuck 'em. I'm doing it my way, fuck what the majority of American citizens want/need.
Fucking Republicans, right?
Nope, not this time.
16 Republicans.voted in favor, shit, even McConnell voted for it
So who's the POS that killed it, a bill designed to repair the decrepit, archaic infrastructure that has had no real repair or modernization in 60 years.
A bill that would create MILLIONS of jobs..
A bill designed to help lift children out of poverty thru the chid tax credit (and it did/40% reduction last year alone)
Paid leave for chidbirth (almost the last industrialized country on Earth that doesn't has it)
Clean water/air or curtaling green house gases get's tossed.
What's that mother fucking Republicans name?
It's Sen. Joe Manchin form the Great State of West Virgina & he's NOT A REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

He's a FUCKING DEMOCRAT!!!!!!!!!

What the Fuck????????????????

I just don't fucking get it.
Why, why, why?
Someone please tell me.

Oh while I'm at it, I just want to show some images of Manchin' s constituents & they're Villas
These are the people in control of this Nation.
Think about that :(

View attachment 5049842

View attachment 5049844

View attachment 5049845

And this is Manchins house

View attachment 5049847

Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit, they live in boxes & he lives in that?
Awwwww poor democrats.
The bill is a joke and am glad Joe voted no..
Someone has to stand up to the insanity spending...
Blah nlahnuts for this it's for that for the kids for the women blah blah don't bother with using emotional blackmail... people just are sick of it..all of it !


Well-Known Member
Awwwww poor democrats.
The bill is a joke and am glad Joe voted no..
Someone has to stand up to the insanity spending...
Blah nlahnuts for this it's for that for the kids for the women blah blah don't bother with using emotional blackmail... people just are sick of it..all of it !
This would mean more if it were not for the trillions in corporate welfare that man disbursed.


Well-Known Member
Read this
Manchin's 'intervention' may have saved the Democratic Party — for now (
It's a well thought out piece, but I disagree with his viewpoint about the Progressives.
1st off define progressives.
Read what Teddy Roosevelt said when he started the Progressive Party it in 1912.
The Progressive Party: Definition & Platform |
It was deigned to be a counterweight to those basically corupt political parties (some things never change) the Republicans & Democrates both.
It addressed social issues, looking fucking ahead to what is really needed, to improve man's plight, instead of the status quo which as always favored the rich & powerfull at the expense of the common man (Capitalism/Pissed on Economic theory?)
Without Progressives, the Blacks would only be one step out of the Plantation (some things never, ever, fucking change)
They were a founding member of the civil rights movement and have stood up to to push boundaries, because someone has to do it, otherwise we'd go fucking nowhere, which seems to be the case now.
Anyway, I'm sick of Progressives getting a bad rap, they don't deserve it & as evidence they are kept in check really, for example see the reduction from $3 trillion to $ 1.9 trillion in the Build Back Better bill (should be called the Snowball in Hell Bill :) )
Personally, I hate fucking stagnation, move forward or get the fuck out of the way
Simple, right?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Awwwww poor democrats.
The bill is a joke and am glad Joe voted no..
Someone has to stand up to the insanity spending...
Blah nlahnuts for this it's for that for the kids for the women blah blah don't bother with using emotional blackmail... people just are sick of it..all of it !
what people, you semi literate monkey? the people you take orders from on facebook that tell you stupid fucking shit you swallow eagerly? get the fuck out of here with this horseshit. the bill has been analyzed by the cbo and the fed, and both say it would be good for the country. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, so why don't you read something that's not on a qanon website, that isn't being spoon fed to you by russian disinformation agents? because you're a fucking troll moron...


what people, you semi literate monkey? the people you take orders from on facebook that tell you stupid fucking shit you swallow eagerly? get the fuck out of here with this horseshit. the bill has been analyzed by the cbo and the fed, and both say it would be good for the country. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, so why don't you read something that's not on a qanon website, that isn't being spoon fed to you by russian disinformation agents? because you're a fucking troll moron...
Nice attitude..... lemme guess 10 , 12 years old?
Tell me how you really feel lol....
Not my fault there's a shit load of jackasses in the white house...

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Awwwww poor democrats.
The bill is a joke and am glad Joe voted no..
Someone has to stand up to the insanity spending...
Blah nlahnuts for this it's for that for the kids for the women blah blah don't bother with using emotional blackmail... people just are sick of it..all of it !


Well-Known Member
Corporate donors gave to Manchin before announcement he wouldn't support Build Back Better: report
Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) political action committee (PAC) saw a surge of contributions from corporate donors in the fall before his announcement that he would not support President Biden’s Build Back Better social spending package.

According to CNBC’s analysis of Federal Election Commission filings, Manchin’s leadership PAC, Country Roads, received 36 donations from corporations in the last two months and raised close to $260,000 in that time period.

In November, Country Roads PAC received corporate contributions in the range of $2,500 to $5,000 from donors including American Express, Goldman Sachs, Lockheed Martin, UnitedHealth Group, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and CNX Resources last month (a natural gas company), according to the news outlet.

The total amount raised last month amounted to $110,000.

Manchin’s PAC raised over $150,000 in October from widely known corporations such as Verizon, Union Pacific, Wells Fargo and PACs tied to the coal and mining industries, according to CNBC.

The news comes after Manchin announced on "Fox News Sunday” that he will not vote for Biden’s climate and social spending bill, most likely killing a crucial part of the administration's domestic agenda and top legislative priority.

"I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can't. I tried everything humanly possible. I can't get there," Manchin told host Bret Baier. "This is a no on this legislation."

In a statement, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Manchin’s opposition was a surprise, adding that he went back on the framework that Biden presented to him last week.

"If his comments on FOX and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate," Psaki said.

Many business groups and leaders have lobbied Manchin to oppose the social spending package, which includes provisions to combat climate change. Before announcing his opposition to the bill, Manchin came out against a number of these provisions.

Country Roads PAC also spent thousands of dollars on hotel arrangements and travel over the last two months, which includes spending over $40,000 at The Greenbrier, a luxury resort that is owned by Gov. Jim Justice’s (R) family in November, CNBC reported.