You're Merrick Garland. Would you rather?


Well-Known Member
1. have become a SC judge if the R's hadn't blocked Obama's right to appoint a judge
2. be the AG that takes down an ex POTUS and current Congress members for an attempted coup on the US government

#1 is an elite group for sure.
#2 is a once in a lifetime/generation/history of this great country opportunity

i'm going with #2. his name will forever be remembered while very few would recollect him as a SC member
I would like the security of job number #1 and I think from what I’ve seen of Garland, he’d prefer number 1 too.

Edit: I think he would prefer job number 1 for the legal and constitutional opportunities it provided not just the security. The security angle was me.
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i'm glad he's finally starting to spread his wings. he's gonna f*ck these traitors up i hope. and if it takes another civil war, i'm prepared.
This will go on for years and citizens will be filing criminal complains against them for a multitude of crimes. The trouble is Trump overwhelmed the legal system like covid is swamping the hospitals. There are too many crimes to cover with the available staff and court time. He's sending hundreds of his suckers through first, clogging up the system with their dead bodies. However most of the dupes and idiot's should be through the system by the end of summer. I'm sure the FBI is moving on to new targets by now and it's in the prosecutors hands. I still think Garland should have brought back a couple of thousand recently retired FBI agents and DOJ people temporarily There was a lot of corruption in the four years of the Trump administration almost every department was headed by a fucking crook. Then there's Dejoy and the USPS, there's crimes there and with the election bullshit they tried to pull with the mail, it was another conspiracy.
i'm glad he's finally starting to spread his wings. he's gonna f*ck these traitors up i hope. and if it takes another civil war, i'm prepared.
Win in November and there will be no civil war and little trouble after the election, Joe will see to that. Lose and you could have trouble, even civil war. MTG and Bobert will be chairing committees, and Gym Jordan will be in charge of the judiciary. Impeaching Biden will be the first order of business and about the only one, other than trying to get Donald sprung from a NY prison, the 1/6 investigation killed and Merrick Garland living on the witness seat in the house. That's just for starters.
Like I said in my edit, he would love the legal challenges and being involved in key constitutional decisions.
Legal challenges?
ByTrump's shitty lawyers that are going to make a millon bucks at least defending this open & shut case?
They can bullshit all they want, but there are soooo many damaging texts/emails/letters/meetings & phone calls that it's pretty much a done deal that Trump & his boyo's are fucked.
All of them are & Garland is going to go down in the history as the one that chopped off they're dumb fucking heads.
Lucky man :)
Legal challenges?
ByTrump's shitty lawyers that are going to make a millon bucks at least defending this open & shut case?
They can bullshit all they want, but there are soooo many damaging texts/emails/letters/meetings & phone calls that it's pretty much a done deal that Trump & his boyo's are fucked.
All of them are & Garland is going to go down in the history as the one that chopped off they're dumb fucking heads.
Lucky man :)
Just like Mueller? When he came in with his report and tore Trump a new one I couldn't believe it. Wait, he didn't. Rent free in your heads kids, rent free.
I would have preferred Obama not get his SCOTUS nomination stolen by the Republicans. But was happy (and surprised) that Biden nominated him for the AG role.

Just like Mueller? When he came in with his report and tore Trump a new one I couldn't believe it. Wait, he didn't. Rent free in your heads kids, rent free.
I could see how someone who allowed themselves to be conned by the 4 page propaganda piece that Barr sent out before he waited a month or so to release the highly edited actual report, and watched/listened/swallowed nothing but right wing spin on it, but it is not reality.

Update to this was Stone was also found guilty on all 7 counts. And this was with Mueller's hands tied behind his back with Trump's obstruction.

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If I'm he, I choose #1.
If I'm me, in his position, I choose #2.
Looks can be deceiving, but he doesn't appear to relish the AG position.
What would he need to show? I’m thinking this is tortoise vs. hare. It is agonizing to watch the tortoise right til the last minute and then (blinking) hey I think that fucking rock on Valium is actually gonna-

Basically if slow, methodical, somewhat opaque work nets the quarry without spooking it, go do your way, Mr. Ay Gee. But if you fail, make no mistake: history will put you next to George McClellan. If there is a Republic in ‘25.