You're Merrick Garland. Would you rather?

I’m reading a book on the Civil War currently. The framers decided to soft-play the slavery issue because the slaves were used primarily for farming tobacco, and the best land for that was becoming exhausted. Everyone, north or south, believed slavery would soon end because of insufficient benefit. What changed the southern economy was short-staple cotton. Before Eli Whitney came up with the cotton gin, which massively increased the rate at which one could process raw bolls, people had to manually remove the seeds, very laborious. The gin sealed the fate of the Black slave population, as suddenly cotton became the economic engine of the Southern states.

What was impressive was the amount of intellectual contortion the slaveowner class went through in order not to merely justify slavery, but hold it up as morally superior to the free-soil states.

What was equally impressive is how much Lincoln’s first year in office was lambasted in the press. Guy had it worse than Biden. But he, and we, pulled or will pull through.
It still exist
Farmers claiming they want borders closed after their migrant workers finish picking of course
Modern slavery
I wonder how much longer slavery would have been allowed to continue had the southern states simply accepted Lincoln’s victory and not seceded.

That's an interesting topic. First off, "slavery" has never really ended, it just went softcore and free range.

Food for thought...I submit that it was impossible for a guy in the Union Army who was conscripted (drafted) to be fighting to free people from slavery.

More to your thought. At least two things would have helped here. The end of slavery would have been hastened by the repeal of the Federal Fugitive slave laws. There needed to be more John Browns and more Nat Turners.

If a person. locale ,state, cannot secede, does that mean they are in some fashion enslaved? How did Lincoln end slavery, by forcibly keeping people in a political union they didn't want?
This will go on for years and citizens will be filing criminal complains against them for a multitude of crimes. The trouble is Trump overwhelmed the legal system like covid is swamping the hospitals. There are too many crimes to cover with the available staff and court time. He's sending hundreds of his suckers through first, clogging up the system with their dead bodies. However most of the dupes and idiot's should be through the system by the end of summer. I'm sure the FBI is moving on to new targets by now and it's in the prosecutors hands. I still think Garland should have brought back a couple of thousand recently retired FBI agents and DOJ people temporarily There was a lot of corruption in the four years of the Trump administration almost every department was headed by a fucking crook. Then there's Dejoy and the USPS, there's crimes there and with the election bullshit they tried to pull with the mail, it was another conspiracy.
So what you are saying is as long as we keep an authoritarian government in charge who only values freedom of choice when it's an issue they believe in then all will be well, but let the another party win then their will be a civil war or social unrest? That sounds a bit like the traitors who attacked the Capitol. Just my opinion.
Win in November and there will be no civil war and little trouble after the election, Joe will see to that. Lose and you could have trouble, even civil war. MTG and Bobert will be chairing committees, and Gym Jordan will be in charge of the judiciary. Impeaching Biden will be the first order of business and about the only one, other than trying to get Donald sprung from a NY prison, the 1/6 investigation killed and Merrick Garland living on the witness seat in the house. That's just for starters.
This the one I was replying to. Sorry for the mistake.
So what you are saying is as long as we keep an authoritarian government in charge who only values freedom of choice when it's an issue they believe in then all will be well, but let the another party win then their will be a civil war or social unrest? That sounds a bit like the traitors who attacked the Capitol. Just my opinion.
Nope, in America, the government brings charges, an independent judge decides to hear the case based on evidence and juries decide guilt or innocence. It's an integral part of liberal democracy, along with constitutions that structure and guarantee the system. Even laws are subject to constitutional challenges and sometimes struck down. If it didn't work this way Trump would have imprisoned his enemies including Biden and Clinton, along with everybody else who pissed him off.

This is what the rule of law looks like son and justice being meted out, it's always been that way and this will be no different. The democrats just need to level the playing field to make elections fair and open, more democracy will cure many of America's ills. As for media, that's always been tightly regulated and it was and is constitutional too. This will get rid of a lot of the disnformation, lies and psychological excitement, that these assholes use to manipulate the weak minded, such as yourself, using racism and culture wars. News serves the consumer, propaganda serves the creator. Lot's of countries have domestic terrorist watch lists and those on it won't be able to own guns of fly commercial, take the bus.
Nope, in America, the government brings charges, an independent judge decides to hear the case based on evidence and juries decide guilt or innocence. It's an integral part of liberal democracy, along with constitutions that structure and guarantee the system. Even laws are subject to constitutional challenges and sometimes struck down. If it didn't work this way Trump would have imprisoned his enemies including Biden and Clinton, along with everybody else who pissed him off.

This is what the rule of law looks like son and justice being meted out, it's always been that way and this will be no different. The democrats just need to level the playing field to make elections fair and open, more democracy will cure many of America's ills. As for media, that's always been tightly regulated and it was and is constitutional too. This will get rid of a lot of the disnformation, lies and psychological excitement, that these assholes use to manipulate the weak minded, such as yourself, using racism and culture wars. News serves the consumer, propaganda serves the creator. Lot's of countries have domestic terrorist watch lists and those on it won't be able to own guns of fly commercial, take the bus.
So now I am weak minded. Someone who knows nothing about me can make that assumption just by reading my post. Here we resort to the name calling right off the top. Why do you want to make it a personal issue with me. I have never attacked any one personally in any of my post. I guess that is what someone does when they are not adult enough to have an adult discussion. And for the record I have no problem with justice being done. I have stated before my position on Trump and the people who attacked our Capitol.
juries decide guilt or innocence.

Actually juries have the power to do much more than simply decide if the defendant did or did not violate a law.

They have the power to exercise their individual conscience and say ," not guilty" if they feel justice is served by doing so, regardless of whether a "law" was broken or not. You won't hear many judges or prosecutors talking about that though.
My read is that one choice was authoritarian, the other not.
Are you implying the Biden/Democrat government is as authoritarian as the other side?
I think both sides are authoritarian. I have stated before that I believe the president's have to much power. I do not believe that any president should be able to write executive orders for any reason. I am not sure but I think the republicans have written more executive orders than democrats.
I think both sides are authoritarian. I have stated before that I believe the president's have to much power. I do not believe that any president should be able to write executive orders for any reason. I am not sure but I think the republicans have written more executive orders than democrats.
It sounds to me like you mean authoritative.
Authoritarian means something very different.
So now I am weak minded. Someone who knows nothing about me can make that assumption just by reading my post. Here we resort to the name calling right off the top. Why do you want to make it a personal issue with me. I have never attacked any one personally in any of my post. I guess that is what someone does when they are not adult enough to have an adult discussion. And for the record I have no problem with justice being done. I have stated before my position on Trump and the people who attacked our Capitol.
If you voted for Trump or support the republicans, you are unpatriotic at the least, perhaps you' re are driven to insanity by race based tribalism and culture wars, or perhaps you are stupid or both. Whatever the cause, hatred, insanity or stupidity, it is a betrayal of the country and the constitution to support a person and party who went to bed with the Russians to steal an election. The Russians have thousands of nukes pointed at America, nobody else does, not even China and they are a hostile foreign power. A lot of republicans are unvaxxed, literally dying to own the libs, the hospitals are full of them, so we ain't talking about the sharpest knives in the drawer, are we?
I think both sides are authoritarian. I have stated before that I believe the president's have to much power. I do not believe that any president should be able to write executive orders for any reason. I am not sure but I think the republicans have written more executive orders than democrats.
The differences are stark and clear and plan to see and will soon be proven in court, both sides are not the same, the republicans have turned fascist and the democrats are committed to liberal democracy and the inclusion of all people's in American society. Only bigots whipped up by hate radio, media and Russian propaganda believe that bullshit.

Face it, every one of the people who voted for Trump or the republicans in 2020 was a moral failure who let their country down because of fear and hate.
If you voted for Trump or support the republicans, you are unpatriotic at the least, perhaps you' re are driven to insanity by race based tribalism and culture wars, or perhaps you are stupid or both. Whatever the cause, hatred, insanity or stupidity, it is a betrayal of the country and the constitution to support a person and party who went to bed with the Russians to steal an election. The Russians have thousands of nukes pointed at America, nobody else does, not even China and they are a hostile foreign power. A lot of republicans are unvaxxed, literally dying to own the libs, the hospitals are full of them, so we ain't talking about the sharpest knives in the drawer, are we?
If you were intelligent enough to read you would have known from my previous post I did not vote for Trump either time nor am I a republican. But I guess up in Canada the people are not smart enough to read nor do they have the brain capacity to remember anything. And for someone from Canada to call me unpatriotic is a compliment in my book. I mean we are talking about Canada. I bet if I looked there are more Canadians coming to America than their is Americans going to Canada. And come to think of it what great contribution has Canada made to the world? I mean Canada has lived off the hind fit of America to far to long. Time for you people to grow up and grow a pair and stand on your own. Just saying.
That's an interesting topic. First off, "slavery" has never really ended, it just went softcore and free range.

Food for thought...I submit that it was impossible for a guy in the Union Army who was conscripted (drafted) to be fighting to free people from slavery.

More to your thought. At least two things would have helped here. The end of slavery would have been hastened by the repeal of the Federal Fugitive slave laws. There needed to be more John Browns and more Nat Turners.

If a person. locale ,state, cannot secede, does that mean they are in some fashion enslaved? How did Lincoln end slavery, by forcibly keeping people in a political union they didn't want?
The civil war wasn’t fought to end slavery, that’s why you’re still a slave.

If you were intelligent enough to read you would have known from my previous post I did not vote for Trump either time nor am I a republican. But I guess up in Canada the people are not smart enough to read nor do they have the brain capacity to remember anything. And for someone from Canada to call me unpatriotic is a compliment in my book. I mean we are talking about Canada. I bet if I looked there are more Canadians coming to America than their is Americans going to Canada. And come to think of it what great contribution has Canada made to the world? I mean Canada has lived off the hind fit of America to far to long. Time for you people to grow up and grow a pair and stand on your own. Just saying.
You are assuming that I or others here believe you. Then if you aren't a member of the tribe why are you here arguing with common sense?
I don't assume anything. That is the difference between you and I. I could care less if you believe me or not. You are not even American. Your life up in Canada is so great you have to talk about American politics which come to find out you know nothing about. You go off of some news reports to get your information. When you actually live here in the states and have something constructive to say please share it with us. The only reason the other people here don't call you on it is because you align with them on every political issue. Me personally I think you are just riding on their jocks because I do not believe you have the common sense or intelligence to come up with your own opinion. Anyways I have wasted enough of my time conversing with you on a subject you know nothing about. I can honestly say there are very few people in this world I do not have some respect for but you have made the short list. Basically you can go on with your dick sucking of the other members but not me. I have you figured out and don't care to waste my time.
I don't need to worry about Canadian politics, we have responsible government by sane people, so does America now. I do keep up to date on Canadian politics and I'm a card carrying liberal, one of the people yer daddy warned you about, in this case the liberal party of Canada, not many Canadians belong to our main political parties.

I have my own opinions based on my own values and the facts I see from reliable professional journalistic sources. I support American patriots because I'm a Canadian patriot, like the USA, have friends and relatives there. It saddens me to see that hate, racism and that the republicans have brought the country so low and threatened it's democracy, constitution, the rule of law and it's national security.
It still exist
Farmers claiming they want borders closed after their migrant workers finish picking of course
Modern slavery

Slavery is the state of not being able to exercise all of your rights and having other people direct your actions against your will when you are not impeding their rights.

Yes, slavery still exists, it just comes with television, voting, football on sunday and corn syrup nowadays.

National borders are akin to the boundaries of a plantation.