You're Merrick Garland. Would you rather?

National borders are akin to the boundaries of a plantation.
So you advocate open borders and letting all those poor brown folks in! I'm surprised Rob!

Watching TV and football are amusements that we have personal choices over Rob, getting tied to a stump and bullwhipped is not one of those past times.

Freedom comes with limits and those limits are other people, that's why we have constitutions and laws, to determine where my rights begin and yours end. Otherwise it ends up being settled by a gun, I gather up people who agree with me and attack the lone wolf who has no friends or support, end of story.
So you advocate open borders and letting all those poor brown folks in! I'm surprised Rob!


I advocate no national borders, because I am generally opposed to concepts such as the nation state. Every one of them is held together by offensive force.

I am not opposed to some other kinds of borders or limitations, held together by voluntary agreement, laws of nature or some other more valid reason. Not held together by offensive force.

I try hard to see people as individuals and recognize good and bad people come in all colors.
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I advocate no national borders, because I am generally opposed to concepts such as the nation state. Every one of them is held together by offensive force.

I am not opposed to some other kinds of borders or limitations, held together by voluntary agreement, laws of nature or some other more valid reason. Not held together by offensive force.

I try hard to see people as individuals and recognize good and bad people come in all colors.
Any such sketch of a society will be herded into camps and the land taken within the month. There is nothing such a herd of cats can do in the face of even an 18-century army.
You promote a recipe for geno-suicide.

An army is marching proof that you are dismissing the POWAAAH OF Coercion, Luke.
Any such sketch of a society will be herded into camps and the land taken within the month.

Haven't you described the present circumstance under the nation state which usually features subsidiary regional, state or local control on all the people in a given area?

In other words the thing you fear, an all powerful controller is all around you...ALREADY.
I could give pages of examples of that and you know it.
Slavery is the state of not being able to exercise all of your rights and having other people direct your actions against your will when you are not impeding their rights.

Yes, slavery still exists, it just comes with television, voting, football on sunday and corn syrup nowadays.

National borders are akin to the boundaries of a plantation.
Why don’t you saddle up and go slaughter an Indian reservation?
Haven't you described the present circumstance under the nation state which usually features subsidiary regional, state or local control on all the people in a given area?

In other words the thing you fear, an all powerful controller is all around you...ALREADY.
I could give pages of examples of that and you know it.
You can give pages of irrelevant distraction. My logic is undeniable.
Why don’t you saddle up and go slaughter an Indian reservation?

I'd rather smoke a peace pipe and hunker down in some furs with a fair Indian maiden on each side of me.

That's why.


(walks off like a boss, chuckling at his own fuckery)
13 year olds are only women in your eyes
We call them children

Actually, nature (whateve that is) bestows the abiity to procreate on people when they reach a certain physical state of being. That's not my idea, it's simply what is.

As far as you dating your baby sitter, some people and cultures would frown on that, while others would be more accepting of it. I don't make the cultural rules for different populations of people, I just observe them.

My own feelings and preferences are that when humans engage it's best if the people involved all can and do consent to the interaction.
Speaking of children, I realize you got nothing, but continue with your vitriol if you like, You sometimes amuse me, child.
Actually, nature (whateve that is) bestows the abiity to procreate on people when they reach a certain physical state of being. That's not my idea, it's simply what is.

As far as you dating your baby sitter, some people and cultures would frown on that, while others would be more accepting of it. I don't make the cultural rules for different populations of people, I just observe them.

My own feelings and preferences are that when humans engage it's best if the people involved all can and do consent to the interaction.
Speaking of children, I realize you got nothing, but continue with your vitriol if you like, You sometimes amuse me, child.
All good cause I find your views disgusting
You can give pages of irrelevant distraction. My logic is undeniable.

Your stance seems to be "we need an omnipotent body of people with powers and rights beyond ordinary people, to protect us from people who might try to harm us and think they have more rights than us".

That argument cancels itself out rather handily. Try harder.
So you advocate open borders and letting all those poor brown folks in! I'm surprised Rob!

Watching TV and football are amusements that we have personal choices over Rob, getting tied to a stump and bullwhipped is not one of those past times.

Freedom comes with limits and those limits are other people, that's why we have constitutions and laws, to determine where my rights begin and yours end. Otherwise it ends up being settled by a gun, I gather up people who agree with me and attack the lone wolf who has no friends or support, end of story.
So you're a bully that relies on a gang to achieve your will... got it.
All good cause I find your views disgusting

Meaning you are yelling at nature to get off your lawn and because I've only pointed out what is, rather than my personal preference, thus confusing you, you make insinuations that my observations are also my preferences. Say that really fast three times and a magical dragon will appear, honest.
Meaning you are yelling at nature to get off your lawn and because I've only pointed out what is, rather than my personal preference, thus confusing you, you make insinuations that my observations are also my preferences. Say that really fast three times and a magical dragon will appear, honest.
Perversion is a choice
which proves that your great reams of noise are written for an audience of one. You show why solipsism is politically untenable.

If people were more self centered* rather than always trying to control others, would you still call that solipsism ?

Politics is untenable to me, because it destroys the liberty of the self, which isn't very nice.

*self centered, your term applied to me as if it were always a negative. Another interesting take on that word... I am self centered and want you to be if that means focused on minding your own business and not minding others business for them.
Perversion is a choice

Perversion. Interesting choice of word. Designed to insinuate in the absence of an actual argument. Yawn.

What is the origin of the word perverted? According to Etymonline, the word perverted comes from the late 14th century Middle English verb pervert. This comes from the transitive verb perverten, meaning to turn someone from a religious or moral belief to a false one, or to distort a natural order.

I posit your beliefs come from your cultural inculcation, as do some of mine. Sometimes what culture says and what nature says are the same, sometimes they are not.

You still got nothing, like Merrick Garland. (see? I'm on topic! :D )
Perversion. Interesting choice of word. Designed to insinuate in the absence of an actual argument. Yawn.

What is the origin of the word perverted? According to Etymonline, the word perverted comes from the late 14th century Middle English verb pervert. This comes from the transitive verb perverten, meaning to turn someone from a religious or moral belief to a false one, or to distort a natural order.

I posit your beliefs come from your cultural inculcation, as do some of mine. Sometimes what culture says and what nature says are the same, sometimes they are not.

You still got nothing, like Merrick Garland. (see? I'm on topic! :D )
I have one thing going for me
Putting you back on ignore
Which is about all you are worth
Adios pervert
So you're a bully that relies on a gang to achieve your will... got it.
Nope it's just the way things work when there's no government and why people band together, lone wolves and "survivors" are dead meat, humans hunt in packs. That's why we had communities, to defend ourselves and why humans cannot exist outside of a social context. Try living on your farm without the support of neighbors and the larger community, you'll soon be the serf of a warlord or dead, that's just the way things work and why we have democratic governments and constitutions, destroy them at your peril.