You're Merrick Garland. Would you rather?

From your lips to the Grim Reapers ears

Just being realistic.

But if the fires of Hades do exist that's where trumps going.

"For some time now, I’ve wanted to send Donald Trump to Hell. I mean this literally, not as a figure of speech. I want him to inhabit the palpable, sensory Hell that religions have long conjured up with scenes of sulfur, damnation, and screams of perpetual pain from those who once caused grievous harm to their fellow humans."

I too fear you are correct here. Dude seems charmed.
This makes me seethe with anger nonetheless whenever that ass clown says anything.

I'm sure like many around him already have many more will be looking out from behind bars. But trump will continue to live in luxury behind the safety of the walls at Mar A Lago. Although there's a good chance he'll be forced to sell much of his properties in the future so he might have to find other living accomodations. The shame of looking broke would probably be worse for him than being rich but in jail.
I do not agree with the above. That man is running out of options and minions. To misquote a dead Iraqi, he has painted himself into the mother of all corners. Elmer Garland is vewwy vewwy quietly stalking the owange wabbit.

Perhaps a fishing metaphor
public gets bored
still nothing
persons of internet relax and get careless
wham! GAME ON
Just like Mueller? When he came in with his report and tore Trump a new one I couldn't believe it. Wait, he didn't. Rent free in your heads kids, rent free.
Mueller went as far as the law allowed him to go in regards to Trump, it was up to Congress to act, which facing united Republican opposition to Trumps impeachment, was doomed from the start.
Asshole ain't the POTUS any longer.
He's fair game now and he's GOING TO FUCKING JAIL!!!!
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!
I gotta bottle of Dom waiting and when the jail cell's door slams shut on Trumps fat ass, pop goes the cork!!!
Yea, pop goes the weasel, into the slammer
Very nice indeed :)

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Indictments. He's saying the right things, so I'll wait patiently.
I think the principals know how slippery the big fish are, especially the one in the image.

Indictment only makes sense once they’ve sewn up the evidence chain. An indictment without a subsequent conviction would be a disaster. We are still bitterly fighting the war over slavery. 156 years later.

oops, image
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I think the principals know how slippery the big fish are, especially the one in the image.

Indictment only makes sense once they’ve seen up the evidence chain. An indictment without a subsequent conviction would be a disaster. We are still bitterly fighting the war over slavery. 156 years later.
I wonder how much longer slavery would have been allowed to continue had the southern states simply accepted Lincoln’s victory and not seceded.
This is what Garland is gonna do to Trump

Garland's little friend in this case is the Constitution & the US Penal Code & the suckers behind the doors are McConnell/Mitchell & Cruz :) :) :)
When the Pub's get wiped out this November I'm gonna crank my 500 watt McIntosh amp & point my speakers at my Republican neighbor & knock over his Trump signs on his front lawn with my bass response :)

Freedom of Speech is a Wonderful thing :)
I wonder how much longer slavery would have been allowed to continue had the southern states simply accepted Lincoln’s victory and not seceded.
I’m reading a book on the Civil War currently. The framers decided to soft-play the slavery issue because the slaves were used primarily for farming tobacco, and the best land for that was becoming exhausted. Everyone, north or south, believed slavery would soon end because of insufficient benefit. What changed the southern economy was short-staple cotton. Before Eli Whitney came up with the cotton gin, which massively increased the rate at which one could process raw bolls, people had to manually remove the seeds, very laborious. The gin sealed the fate of the Black slave population, as suddenly cotton became the economic engine of the Southern states.

What was impressive was the amount of intellectual contortion the slaveowner class went through in order not to merely justify slavery, but hold it up as morally superior to the free-soil states.

What was equally impressive is how much Lincoln’s first year in office was lambasted in the press. Guy had it worse than Biden. But he, and we, pulled or will pull through.
Dude seems charmed.
I too fear you are correct here.
This makes me seethe with anger nonetheless whenever that ass clown says anything.


i imagine a demon 30 stories high that thousands upon thousands are stuck to writhing in pain from the fire and trump will be near the top stuck to him for eternity..
I wonder how much longer slavery would have been allowed to continue had the southern states simply accepted Lincoln’s victory and not seceded.

that was the whole reason for his asassination..surely the south will be on board but they weren't. they had that opportunity and rejected it. + the south was war weary.