What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Thankfully...but did you see the extended forecast for Thursday??

At least we have a warmup coming. I just ran pout to my garage and it is brutally cold and windy, again.

That last windstorm a few days ago took down a big tree at my elderly neighbors house, and it came right through his family room roof. Poor guy has had a lot of sbad luck, but most of it is his own doing...Like his trees should have been trimmed or removed years ago. I think he's in his early 90's and probably just doesn't give a shit any more. Not sure how he keeps going...His wife has dementia and is in a nursing home so he's all alone too. I visit on occasion but he is a miserable old f***, and I don't blame him.
Righteous dude ! This crazy f'ing world certainly could use more sensitive, kind, giving people. It's just such a" dog-eat-dog " world out there. It will be very soothing when I'm on my deathbed, reminiscing about my life, memories of helping and comforting people in need ( not what I did for myself) . Greed and apathy abound !
You're a great dude Manfrdo !

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I worked on clones too....Sorting. I have about 40 beautiful clones in soil, some in 1g bags and most in solo cups, all saved from my current testers, but sadly I only want / need a dozen or so...and it's too early to save them for outdoors I think.

My strain line is changing.... @BobBitchens seeds are blowing away my current lineup, sooooo, other than 2 Katsu strains I like, everything else is done!
I also have a frosty Blueberry hashplant from Annie that is going to make the cut too... The Chernobyl looks amazing...even the fan leaves are caked in trichomes.

Next I need to put one or 2 in my super soil and see if they can handle the heat!
Do you have any pictures of your plants that you can share? Or some finished flower shots? Thanks.

.The Outdoorsman.

Well-Known Member
I worked on clones too....Sorting. I have about 40 beautiful clones in soil, some in 1g bags and most in solo cups, all saved from my current testers, but sadly I only want / need a dozen or so...and it's too early to save them for outdoors I think.

My strain line is changing.... @BobBitchens seeds are blowing away my current lineup, sooooo, other than 2 Katsu strains I like, everything else is done!
I also have a frosty Blueberry hashplant from Annie that is going to make the cut too... The Chernobyl looks amazing...even the fan leaves are caked in trichomes.

Next I need to put one or 2 in my super soil and see if they can handle the heat!
You easterners complaing about the weather.. Here if you walk to the mailbox you might die. Chernobyl was decent, smaller bud formations but def frosty as hell. Never did run a bbhp but have hp. Also ran cherobyl 10 years ago from seed not sure what cut you have. There was a cut that i think was called the golden ticket. But fakers are fakers

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Wow, those are really dark. I like that dark foliage against the abundance of frost. Very beautiful . So how is the high? Couch lock or coffee high energy head band feeling?
Here's a few pics of the Chernobyl's, from @BobBitchen. These are 2 different plants, small testers that are about 6 weeks from flip date

View attachment 5089131

View attachment 5089132

View attachment 5089133

and here's one of the Blueberry hashplants from Annie

View attachment 5089134

They all smell incredible!!

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
It’s time to make a new batch of organic soil for spring.
This tub is from a batch that was made around Christmas.
The big holes are important for airflow, and so are the 6 little ones in the tote.
It heats up at first and some water condenses under the lid.
I’m tempted go drill some drain holes and plant right into the tote (no till). :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
It’s time to make a new batch of organic soil for spring.
This tub is from a batch that was made around Christmas.
View attachment 5089694
The big holes are important for airflow, and so are the 6 little ones in the tote.
It heats up at first and some water condenses under the lid.
I’m tempted go drill some drain holes and plant right into the tote (no till). :eyesmoke:
I have 2 garbage cans of it brewing next to my furnace in the basement....I looked the other day and they have the little fuzzies growing on top. I need it pretty soon....like now, just I'm too lazy to transplant!!

The airholes are probably a great idea!


Well-Known Member
Very nice, and very Spring like!!
She said
Very nice, and very Spring like!!
Thanks Manfredo......my wife really got a kick out of seeing her work on RIU . She wanted me to thank you a lot for the complimentary reply ......it put a big grin on her face ! She has a great studio on 2nd floor......huge windows ( great lighting for her work) overlooking the lake. It's a big open area/cathedral ceiling that takes up half of 2nd floor. It's a whirlwind of paint brushes, ink, drawing pencils , sketch pads,thread,
wool, and clay which always rotate around a large stash of weed in the center of room........blah-blah-blah.....I think I'm ripped. Thanks again , I gotta see if I can stand up.