

Ursus marijanus
What propaganda: my grandfather was born in Lvov a Pole ended up in Auschwitz where the most brutal guards were Ukrainian after war went back only to be discover his whole family had been purified by Ukro-Nazis. They not just marching in the streets they are the ones shelling and sniping civilians in Donbass last 8 years
The radicalized people I know usually have such stories of trauma or oppression. Having the experience seems to have an enabling effect on accepting radical and usually deluded views. It could be described as a mental health pandemic, and the only treatment is to keep pushing back at the propagandists.


Well-Known Member
The radicalized people I know usually have such stories of trauma or oppression. Having the experience seems to have an enabling effect on accepting radical and usually deluded views. It could be described as a mental health pandemic, and the only treatment is to keep pushing back at the propagandists.
Deluded were the idiots in Ukraine that believed USA would use them for anything else than toilet paper


Well-Known Member
Ukraine claims Russia has lost 2,800 troops, 80 tanks, 516 armored vehicles, 10 airplanes, and 7 helicopters in its invasion of Ukraine: deputy defense minister, numbers as of 3pm Ukraine time.
Urban warfare will cause massive causalities and negate much of Russia's military power. I think the battles inside the cities will be intense and rubble makes better fighting positions. Urban warfare is a meat grinder.


Well-Known Member
At least Finland has a massive and modern army Sweden has nothing its a matter of walking in and taking over.
Sweden has a very a capable military and the last time Russia tried to invade Finland it didn't go so well. Both countries export advanced arms and Norway would finance Sweden to the tune of a trillion bucks. Both countries will join NATO and there's nothing Vlad can do about it, to attack either would mean war with the NATO, membership or not.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Imagine you are a big strong guy and you see a small child being attacked viciously by a bully and you are the only guy that can probably stop him.
DO you just walk by because you don't have some agreement signed with them?

Under apartheid you banned everything of ours, political; or not, even our sportsmen couldn't compete internationally... It still looks like Russia is getting delicate treatment, how about sanctions against those countries that do support them and trade with them?
i wish it was that simple...you have to be concerned about the welfare of your own citizens first...because your not just "the big guy"..you're a nation of individuals, that collectively make you a "big guy"...
every time America has intervened anywhere on the planet, the oppressed people there thank us, and then the rest of the world wastes no time telling us that we're savages, that we're playing at nation building, that we're war criminals...
If America or NATO step in to help Ukraine, then all 30 member states are basically declaring war on russia...which opens the door for a nuclear exchange down the road, and probably not too far down the road...
i personally would be ecstatic if a good sniper took putin out, and as many of his top aides as possible, but he doesn't present many opportunities for that...and if we did, then it would basically legitimize political assassination worldwide.
i think that wouldn't be that bad an idea, let the people with the problems fight it out, quit killing young people with their lives ahead of them yet...but people tell me you can't legitimize murder, it causes too much upheaval...like putin isn't causing upheaval...those Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island were heroes, they went out like Men, standing up to a superior enemy because you can't let bullies get away with being bullies

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Bidens going to look weaker if he doesn't put boots on the ground (well more boots). He tried daring Putin with sanctions and Putin said hold my beer.
If Biden doesn't put boots on the ground then he looks extremely weak to China. Face is everything.

Going to be an interesting year.
China isn't led by fools. they may be evil, but not stupid or foolish...they are winning a financial war, that costs them nothing, no lost lives....why would they interfere in a conflict that removes people they would have to eventually either consume and assimilate, or wipe out?


Well-Known Member
Deluded were the idiots in Ukraine that believed USA would use them for anything else than toilet paper
It has proved very useful to sanction Russia into the stone age and to limit their effect on the internet. It has also united NATO and Europe and will increase Biden's popularity and sow division in the republican party. It will slaughter Russian troops, scope out their military capability and weapons systems and expose their cyber weapons if they choose to use them. Biden wants retribution for what Putin has already done to them and they will get it by destroying Russia economically over the next decade with cold war 2. It hasn't even begun yet, life will get much worse for the average Russian moving forward.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Have you researched the Ukraine leader? Lovley fella.

Lots of things in play not just the American flag wavy nationalism.
do you not understand that America has NO military treaty with Ukraine? just treaties that cover trade and legal matters.
we're under NO obligation to do a fucking thing. as a part of Nato, we vote on Nato matters, and go with the majority decision...if the majority of Nato decides to attack putin, then we will, if they decide to sit it out, then we sit...
that's how civilized people do things, so the rest of the world quits telling them they're so fucking evil, quit nation building, quit causing collateral damage, quit HELPING TILL WE DECIDE YOU SHOULD HELP....we're just trying to give you what you want luke, an America that isn't out causing more "atrocities"...now quit trying to have it both ways, you fucking hypocrite


Well-Known Member
do you not understand that America has NO military treaty with Ukraine? just treaties that cover trade and legal matters.
we're under NO obligation to do a fucking thing. as a part of Nato, we vote on Nato matters, and go with the majority decision...if the majority of Nato decides to attack putin, then we will, if they decide to sit it out, then we sit...
that's how civilized people do things, so the rest of the world quits telling them they're so fucking evil, quit nation building, quit causing collateral damage, quit HELPING TILL WE DECIDE YOU SHOULD HELP....we're just trying to give you what you want luke, an America that isn't out causing more "atrocities"...now quit trying to have it both ways, you fucking hypocrite
I have Luke on ignore, he’s not very smart.

Is the guy who constantly whines about Americans dropping bombs on people upset because Americans aren’t dropping bombs on people?


Well-Known Member
Funny it was Zelensky just last week threatening to get nukes
The guy was a Jewish comedian and a good one too, they usually have a low tolerance for bullshit and are generally decent human beings.

Every democratic country under attack drafts fighting aged males and forbids them to leave the country. The UK did it and the Americans did it when they had the draft, even if you were not a citizen but studying there you could be drafted there.