State of the Union

Nope, it's his turn to ride the electricity generating bike.
Ballsitch, I had high hopes for you. Johnny doesn’t know anything but Hadj is getting close to cracking. The whole “Dr. Zin scheme” is falling apart. Rachel is DEAD dude. You better get your story straight.
Odd I guess you don't know the maximum amount a citizen can contribute to a political campaign is $6000. Or that Zuckerberg involved more than 400 million dollars in trying to get that idiot Biden elected. The Wisconson elections commission is in deep crap right now and "three courts" hah get a grip. Name the courts and stop with the anonymous sources crap your propaganda networks use to make fools out of the populace.
Funny how you missed the part about the US sending Russia 63 million dollars a day for the oil we buy from them. The 105$ a barrel truly benefits Putin. Explain exactly the damage to "Native American Lands"for us? And by the way I paid $3.45 a gallon this morning for gas, how am I profiting from that?
Oh gawd. Thanks for the comedy gold.

The contradiction, for example: "you missed the part about US sending Russia 60M/day for the oil." Biden BAAD. In the next sentence, you complain about how high oil commodity prices have climbed, then double down with a complaint about gas prices.

You cancelled your own argument out, dumb shit.

Not only did you argue yourself to a stand still, you demonstrated once more your poor learning skills. Oil prices are high right now because a war is threatening to cut the world off from future Russian energy supplies. All the oil currently in shipping will go where it was contracted to go and nobody is seriously discussing reducing the amount of oil Russia can ship. This is more like stock market jitters, which I'm sure you'd blame Biden on when they occur. Are you going to come back later and correct yourself when prices go back down? The thought of that is funny too.

So, again, thanks for the comedy gold. Do please work on your learning skills. Your nephews will thank you for doing so. Be honest, when people get together for a good time, you are the skunk at the picnic, aren't you?