i'm wondering exactly how many OPERATIONAL nuclear weapons putin has? how many can be put on launch alert at one time? in short, how many would we have to knock down to keep from being struck?
would he even attack the U.S. without direct provocation? he has a lot of shit to worry about right across his own borders.
is there no way to knock out his ability to launch missiles at the EU and other targets? are these zircon missiles i'm hearing about intercontinental? are they even real? did they actually develop the missiles like they told putin they would, or did they steal 90% of the funding to buy a new yacht? this is why i don't go to the casino, i hate gambling...
and just exactly how much of a bulwark against nuclear exchange is NATO? putin is either unhinged, or keeping a huge secret...or perhaps both. why does he care about NATO outside of a conventional war? if he feels pressured he will push that button, count on it, and won't give a fuck what NATO has to say about that, or anything else