
I guarantee the Chinese knew what he was planning at least since the invasion of Crimea. It has been predicted for some time.

Putin said it would be a cakewalk like Crimea was. Why would the Chinese not get behind him? They want the same game plan for Taiwan. Or at least that was the plan two weeks ago.

“There, an alternate reality is playing out for China's 1.4 billion people, one in which the invasion is nothing more than a "special military operation," according to its national broadcaster CCTV; the United States may be funding a biological weapons program in Ukraine, and Russian President Vladimir Putin is a victim standing up for a beleaguered Russia.

To tell that story, major state-run news media outlets -- which dominate China's highly censored media space -- have been largely echoing Russian state media stories or information from Russian officials.”

Does anyone still trust China to be of any help or feel like appeasing them? That part about “US may be funding bio weapons program in Ukraine” will become “US had bio weapons in Ukraine” in the heads of many chinese. I’d be pissed. Just saying, maybe burn down the embassy. J/k, maybe just some red paint.

The fact China is not opposing Russia in the same way the west is means they fully support him. There’s no gray area, without their indifference Russia couldn’t have done this. Zelensky asking China to mediate while he holds the west responsible for dead ukranians... What a mess. Fuck China.
I was looking at google earth and was looking at and around Kharkiv the contested city in the north east that they are shelling. If you look the satellite images, there is no way the Russians can get the suburbs and I think it might even be open to the south. refugees can get out and arms and supplies can flow in, keeping it open for this will be a major focus. If weapons can flow in even the suburbs would be a death trap and could swallow up whole divisions no problem. In the south the Russians will get it from both directions, from Kharkiv and from the growing forces trying to relieve it from the south. Control of highways and junctions is critical, but there are many back roads too. If tractor trailers with hundreds of tons of weapons and supplies get into the place it will be bad for the Russians. Kharkiv is a mere 20Km from the Belarus border and if the Russians can't take the place after 2 weeks of war, they won't have a chance in a week. Have a look at the place on google earth and zoom in to 200 meters or so and you will see that to take the place would require Vlad's entire army in Ukraine, if the citizens were armed and the Ukrainian army was inside the place.
I sure hope you're right; it's going to be a bloodbath on another scale
They either have a grand strategy and waiting for the right moment or they have nothing.
Right. Either way I’m successfully mindfucked by Putin cause I’ll be as suprised if Putin turns this into a win somehow as when he retreats with his tail between his legs. Great to see videos of Ukranians destroying Russian tanks and aircrafts, but not sure how that balances out destroyed cities and conquered nuclear reactors, or how I can know it’s not just wishfulthinking, or how much of it is propaganda from the west in an attempt to demotivate Russians and motivate the west to increase support. Ukraine says they killed 12k Russian invaders, US officials estimate 6000, Russia claims it‘s 2000. Place your bets… I’m all in on 6k.

Reminds me of the afghans when they fought the Russians. The CIA provided most military support (money and weapons) to the tribes who killed most Russian soldiers and vehicles. When the tribes figured that out they just started making up victories, in hindsight claiming to have destroyed a total of vehicles far exceeding the amount that was even there. I’m not saying that‘s going on in Ukraine, I’m just high and rambling.

The reason people love music so much is because it satisfies our brain’s desire to make predictions based on patterns. A song that sounds like crap at first grows on you because you learn the pattern and learn to predict the next note/word/sound. It produces dopamine as a reward, makes people feel good about themselves. I’m rooting for Ukraine as much as the many with crystals balls but I haven’t heard this song before. The next key could be completely out of tune.
Right. Either way I’m successfully mindfucked by Putin cause I’ll be as suprised if Putin turns this into a win somehow as when he retreats with his tail between his legs. Great to see videos of Ukranians destroying Russian tanks and aircrafts, but not sure how that balances out destroyed cities and conquered nuclear reactors, or how I can know it’s not just wishfulthinking, or how much of it is propaganda from the west in an attempt to demotivate Russians and motivate the west to increase support. Ukraine says they killed 12k Russian invaders, US officials estimate 6000, Russia claims it‘s 2000. Place your bets… I’m all in on 6k.

Reminds me of the afghans when they fought the Russians. The CIA provided most military support (money and weapons) to the tribes who killed most Russian soldiers and vehicles. When the tribes figured that out they just started making up victories, in hindsight claiming to have destroyed a total of vehicles far exceeding the amount that was even there. I’m not saying that‘s going on in Ukraine, I’m just high and rambling.

The reason people love music so much is because it satisfies our brain’s desire to make predictions based on patterns. A song that sounds like crap at first grows on you because you learn the pattern and learn to predict the next note/word/sound. It produces dopamine as a reward, makes people feel good about themselves. I’m rooting for Ukraine as much as the many with crystals balls but I haven’t heard this song before. The next key could be completely out of tune.
The first victim of war is the truth.
while i generally try to be supportive of democratic motions, out of general principles, i don't see what this is supposed to accomplish? nonrecognition of the shark biting your ass won't make it stop. nonrecognition of putin won't make him go away, it won't make the russian soldiers in Ukraine go away...find something productive to do with your time, like trying to get American oil companies to lower their prices a little. get them to take up some of those vacant leases and start pumping. get them to pay at least a little of those record profits forward to the people who bought them those yachts, mansions, and country club memberships, fucking American oligarchs
He’s full of shit. More empty longterm promises to Ukranians.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda, whose country had advocated approving Ukraine’s membership bid on an expedited basis, tried to portray the outcome as a major breakthrough. “A historic night at Versailles,” he tweeted. “After five hours of heated discussions, EU leaders said yes to Ukrainian eurointegration.

That general “yes,” however, was never in much doubt. The specifics were fudged through bureaucratic language.

People can continue to double down on this all they want, it’s simply not going to happen in the unforseeable future. And even then, when it’s about to happen, we’ll still block it. Guaranteed.
