Right. Either way I’m successfully mindfucked by Putin cause I’ll be as suprised if Putin turns this into a win somehow as when he retreats with his tail between his legs. Great to see videos of Ukranians destroying Russian tanks and aircrafts, but not sure how that balances out destroyed cities and conquered nuclear reactors, or how I can know it’s not just wishfulthinking, or how much of it is propaganda from the west in an attempt to demotivate Russians and motivate the west to increase support. Ukraine says they killed 12k Russian invaders, US officials estimate 6000, Russia claims it‘s 2000. Place your bets… I’m all in on 6k.
Reminds me of the afghans when they fought the Russians. The CIA provided most military support (money and weapons) to the tribes who killed most Russian soldiers and vehicles. When the tribes figured that out they just started making up victories, in hindsight claiming to have destroyed a total of vehicles far exceeding the amount that was even there. I’m not saying that‘s going on in Ukraine, I’m just high and rambling.
The reason people love music so much is because it satisfies our brain’s desire to make predictions based on patterns. A song that sounds like crap at first grows on you because you learn the pattern and learn to predict the next note/word/sound. It produces dopamine as a reward, makes people feel good about themselves. I’m rooting for Ukraine as much as the many with crystals balls but I haven’t heard this song before. The next key could be completely out of tune.