
China backs unsubstantiated Russian claims of US biolabs in Ukraine
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has made unverified claims that Russia has discovered U.S. biolabs in the nation to “develop ethnically targeted biological weapons,” the Associated Press reported.

“This Russian military operation has uncovered the secret of the U.S. labs in Ukraine, and this is not something that can be dealt with in a perfunctory manner,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Thursday.

“It is not something they can muddle through by saying that China’s statement and Russia’s finding are disinformation, and are absurd and ridiculous,” he added.

Headlines by Chinese-backed media have read “Russia reveals evidence of U.S.-funded bio-program in Ukraine,” “China urges U.S. to disclose more details about biolabs in Ukraine” and “US tries to refute ‘rumors’ about its biolabs in Ukraine, but can we believe it?” according to the AP.

The U.S. has been quick to condemn Russian accusations of biolabs in Ukraine and says Russia could be using the allegation as an excuse to launch its own biological attack.

Although Russia has committed to an international agreement not to use chemical or biological weapons, the country is already accused of multiple war crimes against Ukraine and its citizens.

The country has spread multiple lies to justify its war in Ukraine from the Ukrainian government is full of neo-Nazis to Russia is liberating the Ukrainian people.

China knows the truth on this issue as well. Pure propaganda.
Russia is threatening to ABANDON an American astronaut in space aboard the International Space Station as retribution against Western sanctions against Russia.
that's actually not much of a threat, we could easily rescue him if need be, but it's just another example of putin being a spoiled baby with dangerous toys...a baby that needs a spanking.
Poeple complained when they found out the Chinese were being paid to do studies for you, now when you moved to new facilities in Europe, it is more of the same...

Studying pathogens not the same as weaponizing them... I was watching this piece the other night... a large chunk of the covid organism is a copyrighted chain that doesn't occur in nature by accident.

From what I recall the sequence was copyrighted by Moderna after the big rush to understand what came out of China. I did not view the whole video, better things to do with my time. As far as the section that does not occur in nature, they found out that it does in fact occur in nature and that samples have been sitting in labs but until covid-19 hit they did not know what they had.

"Recently, new sarbecoviruses have been sequenced from bats sampled in Cambodia, Thailand and Japan (Hul et al., 2021, Wacharapluesadee et al., 2021; Murakami et al., 2020). Here, we reveal more of the natural evolution of sarbecoviruses by analyzing the spike protein sequences of these viruses. We also discuss some implications of these new sequences for understanding the proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2."

Spike protein sequences of Cambodian, Thai and Japanese bat sarbecoviruses provide insights into the natural evolution of the Receptor Binding Domain and S1/S2 cleavage site - Virological

If I am refering to a wrong part of the sequence and this paper does not apply, please give a written example of what the guy is talking about.
China knows the truth on this issue as well. Pure propaganda.
putin knows, and his cronies....Xi knows, and his cronies...the rest of russia and china only have state disseminated news to inform them...they DO NOT know...Xi can do what he wants, for now anyway, and his people will support him if he doesn't do anything completely insane....would going to war to defend russia be insane? i think so at the moment, but we NEED to disable putins propaganda machine, asap.
i'm thinking this is getting closer and closer to boots in russia...
not sure what Xi would do then
that's actually not much of a threat, we could easily rescue him if need be, but it's just another example of putin being a spoiled baby with dangerous toys...a baby that needs a spanking.

All the navigational thrusters on the ISS are russian made so they could crash the station if they chose to. We now have Space X Dragon so they can't strand them anymore.
putin knows, and his cronies....Xi knows, and his cronies...the rest of russia and china only have state disseminated news to inform them...they DO NOT know...Xi can do what he wants, for now anyway, and his people will support him if he doesn't do anything completely insane....would going to war to defend russia be insane? i think so at the moment, but we NEED to disable putins propaganda machine, asap.
i'm thinking this is getting closer and closer to boots in russia...
not sure what Xi would do then
Kaliningrad, just annex it with Poland and Lithuania, it’s a sitting duck imo then see what Vlad does. Or wait until Kyiv is obliterated and do it then
All the navigational thrusters on the ISS are russian made so they could crash the station if they chose to. We now have Space X Dragon so they can't strand them anymore.
if they intentionally crashed the space station with an American astronaut on board, that would be a deliberate act of violence against a NATO member...i could be wrong, but i think putin is trying pretty hard not to get NATO any more involved than it already is
if they intentionally crashed the space station with an American astronaut on board, that would be a deliberate act of violence against a NATO member...i could be wrong, but i think putin is trying pretty hard not to get NATO any more involved than it already is
"It was an accident."
putin knows, and his cronies....Xi knows, and his cronies...the rest of russia and china only have state disseminated news to inform them...they DO NOT know...Xi can do what he wants, for now anyway, and his people will support him if he doesn't do anything completely insane....would going to war to defend russia be insane? i think so at the moment, but we NEED to disable putins propaganda machine, asap.
i'm thinking this is getting closer and closer to boots in russia...
not sure what Xi would do then

Web and SM are a double-edged sword..we might have Reichstag without technology..that can happen no more; no one is waiting for morning newspaper or Walter Cronkite at 6:30PM evening News.
that's actually not much of a threat, we could easily rescue him if need be, but it's just another example of putin being a spoiled baby with dangerous toys...a baby that needs a spanking.
Space X can get to the ISS with a dragon and Musk can do it fast if required, if it wasn't for space X America would be fucked. The big defense companies operates like the Russian Ministry of Defense and their launch alliance rocket would take a long time to get there, if it ever did.
putin knows, and his cronies....Xi knows, and his cronies...the rest of russia and china only have state disseminated news to inform them...they DO NOT know...Xi can do what he wants, for now anyway, and his people will support him if he doesn't do anything completely insane....would going to war to defend russia be insane? i think so at the moment, but we NEED to disable putins propaganda machine, asap.
i'm thinking this is getting closer and closer to boots in russia...
not sure what Xi would do then
Xi needs to be more careful, the internet is much more open in China than Russia and China much more sensitive to foreign pressure because of trade. I think growing up in the cold war, Vlad might have assumed he could just hunker down behind a new iron curtain if things went sideways with the west. More likely he figured he could play these fools and pussies in the west and like Hitler, got away with a lot of shit because folks wanted to keep the peace, until over confidence caused him to finally go too far. It was like the bear stepped into a bear trap and it sprang shut before he realized what happened. Now he's thrashing around tied to the chain and realizes he's fucked and there is no way out as he bleeds to death.
Kaliningrad, just annex it with Poland and Lithuania, it’s a sitting duck imo then see what Vlad does. Or wait until Kyiv is obliterated and do it then
I've seen a NATO retired general mention it, they get western TV, I wonder what a UN supervised referendum would say? What do the polls say? What do the people there want? Might be interesting to know.
if they intentionally crashed the space station with an American astronaut on board, that would be a deliberate act of violence against a NATO member...i could be wrong, but i think putin is trying pretty hard not to get NATO any more involved than it already is
Yeah, that would go over well, where would it land? If Vlad thinks he's got trouble now! They know how weak he is conventionally now, and even if he had an elite hidden force, it would not matter. The republics and stans would explode in unrest as the CIA got to work in earnest. Nobody would nuke them over it, they would have to start that shit, but every Russian officer in the know and near nukes, knows we will finish it and finish it finally for them. It would also be a monumental PR disaster, India and China would probably join in sanctions.
From what I recall the sequence was copyrighted by Moderna after the big rush to understand what came out of China. I did not view the whole video, better things to do with my time. As far as the section that does not occur in nature, they found out that it does in fact occur in nature and that samples have been sitting in labs but until covid-19 hit they did not know what they had.

"Recently, new sarbecoviruses have been sequenced from bats sampled in Cambodia, Thailand and Japan (Hul et al., 2021, Wacharapluesadee et al., 2021; Murakami et al., 2020). Here, we reveal more of the natural evolution of sarbecoviruses by analyzing the spike protein sequences of these viruses. We also discuss some implications of these new sequences for understanding the proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2."

Spike protein sequences of Cambodian, Thai and Japanese bat sarbecoviruses provide insights into the natural evolution of the Receptor Binding Domain and S1/S2 cleavage site - Virological

If I am refering to a wrong part of the sequence and this paper does not apply, please give a written example of what the guy is talking about.
Yeah, I didn't watch the vid. Too much froth in the "information" posted on youtube for me to take seriously that a video posted there uncovers some insidious conspiracy nobody else knows about.

From a trusted news site, sure. Music videos, fine. Top secret conspiracy revealed? I'll wait until I can read about it on WaPo, FT and NYT.
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